Learning How To Let Go And Gain Control

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A big challenge is learning how to let go, it hinders us from getting more work done. Hi, Its Chris rew here, and I am really looking forward to helping you become the leader you want to be
Today, I wanted to have a quick chat about Letting Go. This is a huge topic in the coaching suite and one that we encounter time and time again. Alternatively know how to let go of control issues and be able to explain and delegate work will get more things done and you’ll be more productive.
I am sure you recall a time when you have had this conversation in your head… you have this topic, this project or task in front of you.. You know exactly how to do it and what a good job looks like… it will take you an hour to brief someone on how to do it - that feels like a waste of my time - and then they will not do as good a job as me, i mean, its not their fault - how could they - they don't have the experience i have, and they are not aware of all the ramifications of getting this wrong will have… so I ought to delegate it… but its quicker and easier if i just do it myself now…
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Today, I wanted to have a quick chat about Letting Go. This is a huge topic in the coaching suite and one that we encounter time and time again. Alternatively know how to let go of control issues and be able to explain and delegate work will get more things done and you’ll be more productive.
I am sure you recall a time when you have had this conversation in your head… you have this topic, this project or task in front of you.. You know exactly how to do it and what a good job looks like… it will take you an hour to brief someone on how to do it - that feels like a waste of my time - and then they will not do as good a job as me, i mean, its not their fault - how could they - they don't have the experience i have, and they are not aware of all the ramifications of getting this wrong will have… so I ought to delegate it… but its quicker and easier if i just do it myself now…
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Learning to Let Go
The Unstoppable Power of Letting Go | Jill Sherer Murray | TEDxWilmingtonWomen
How To Let Go | Buddhism In English
you have to let yourself go
TAOISM | The Power of Letting Go
How to let go of someone: the trick to releasing someone from your heart
Learn To Let Go
NEFFEX - Learning to Let Go [Copyright-Free] No.231
Understanding your pain body learning how to let go of old energetic imprints by Kristna...
Letting Go is EASY with this 4-Step Technique (Life-Changing)
Letting Go Technique Explained in 5 Easy Steps (MUST TRY) | David Hawkins
How to get what you want by Letting Go (life-changing)
How to detach from people and situations
The Greatest Technique for Letting Go | Do This When You Can't Do Anything
Why Letting Them Go Is Your Best Decision Ever
Just Let Go - Alan Watts
Realise when it’s time to let go
learning to let go.
Let Go Of What You Can't Control | Steven Furtick
Learn to Let Go
How To Move On, Let Go & Leave Your Past in The Past (Powerful Speech)
NEFFEX - Learning to Let Go (Lyrics)
The Powerful Release of Letting Go! Guided Meditation
LET GO, MOVE ON, and HEAL After a Toxic Relationship