Does the Bible condone slavery? |

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Does the Bible endorse slavery? Does God condone slavery? What does the Bible teach about slavery, and what can we learn about slavery in the Bible? In this video, Pastor Nelson with Bible Munch answers the question, “Does the Bible condone slavery?”.

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Philippians 4:6 - Learn How to be Anxious for Nothing.

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By: Gleason L. Archer Jr.

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1:34 "The slaves were to be treated well" apart from the bit that says you can beat them as long as they don't die after 2 days 🙃


This doesn't address the most pressing question - why didn't Jesus, God in the flesh, simply say, "Slavery is wrong?" It would have changed the course of history for millions of people.


Deuteronomy 23:15 “If slaves should escape from their masters and take refuge with you, you must not hand them over to their masters. 16 Let them live among you in any town they choose, and do not oppress them.


Exodus 21:20 "If a man beats his male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies as a direct result, he must be punished,
21:21 but he is not to be punished if the slave gets up after a day or two, since the slave is his property.


The fact that it endorses slavery caused so much misery for millions of people.


So the short answer is yes, the bible condones slavery on multiple occasions


Dancing around the fact that the bible openly condones & approves of slavery is insane.


So Yes? Absolutely 100%, yes! The Bible encourages the ownership of another human being as property. I want to remind everyone about this fact for those who watched this and missed the answer. I implore you for being honest. A panel of Bible Scholars will be discussing this on march 11th on Deep Drinks


Even with the nice and mellow music in the background, this guy doesn't answer anything about why god permitted slavery in the first place. No matter how nicely is explained, it's just wrong


I find it absolutely amazing that at around 2.15 he lightly glosses over the order for GENOCIDE, and then proceeds to talk about those survivors being bought into slavery. Apologists are so blinkered they're almost blind...


You shall not own another person as property" is missing from the Ten Commandments of a slave-owning culture. “A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.” (1 Timothy 2:11–12) Slaves, in reverent fear of God, submit yourselves to your masters, not only to those who are good and considerate but also to those who are harsh” (1 Peter 2:18). “All who are under the yoke of slavery should consider their masters worthy of full respect” (1 Timothy 6:1).


Why not outlaw slavery the same way god outlaws eating shell fish


The confederates said slavery was god-given right


To say God doesn’t meddle in political or social arrangements is confusing to me. God frequently bypassed laws of the elder son, or picked a king over another person ( David). Can you clarify for me?


Even within the 10 Commandments Slavery is endorsed and supported. At no point does the Bible condemn slavery. So I think the answer is pretty clear.


Context is everything! The people that make those accusations against Christianity are not taking scripture in context and are generally enemies of our faith. Most of these "contradictions" come from either muslims or atheists.




Maybe God should have spent less time requesting goats/sheep/olive oil/flower be burnt at an alter worshiping him and more time condemning the ownership of fellow human beings. Seems an omnipotent being would have got that much right.


While I agree the Bible regulated slavery, I disagree that the Bible does not condone lifelong chattel slavery. You didn't come out and say that I guess, but that seems to be your argument. If you agree the Bible condones lifelong chattel slavery you should just come out and say that. Other than the passage in Leviticus and the referral to the Canaanites, all the other references from the OT referred only to Hebrews. And you're right. But you read the passage yourself that they could not be made slaves. And called them indentured servants. And I agree. So how are these rules for non-slave, only Hebrew indentured servants relevant to a video on slavery in the Bible? They are not. You even argued yourself that they are not.

The entire argument you are meant to address in this video is effectively contained in the verses from Leviticus 25 that you put on on screen. These are the lifelong chattel slaves in the Bible that this video is meant to address. But we just got a few seconds on that? Every other single verse you read from the OT only applied to Hebrew indentured servants. How is this an honest discussion of this? I just hear this so much that it bothers me. I dove into this years ago so I myself would have the answer. And what I learned is that it's actually a really good question. One I still struggle with. And one I've never heard a good answer to because every person I listen to does this same thing you did here. Talk about the rules for Hebrews only. When that is not the issue at all!!!! The issue is the foreigners. And simply waving your hands and saying "Canaanites" is not an answer.

One of the aspects that is NEVER mentioned in these videos are the children. Children born to the actual lifelong chattel slaves in the Bible (the foreigners, not the Hebrews) automatically also become lifelong chattel slaves in the Bible. What did these children do to deserve slavery? Or their children after them? How is this good and moral?

And why does the Bible never tell us slavery is wrong? It never says it's wrong, immoral, a sin or against the will of God. Ever. It only tells us how to do chattel slavery correctly. And this is something I have never been able to wrap my head around. This is a real issue for me after I looked into it for myself. The Bible says God doesn't want Hebrews to be slaves after Egypt, but he seems fine with foreigners being enslaved by Israelites. Why? My question is no longer "Does the Bible Condone Slavery", the answer to that is yes. By definition it does. My question is "Why does the Bible condone slavery", and that is I video I have never found.

And that is eternally frustrating to me.


No matter what you say you can't sugarcoat slavery
