Do Fish Sleep?

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In this video:

Sleep has a simple definition that includes closed eyelids and a particular brainwave pattern in the neocortex; as a result, it’s relatively easy for researchers to determine when a person, another mammal or a bird is asleep.


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What I actually found more interesting than fish sleeping is how birds do it. I heard on scishow tangents (a podcast) that some birds don't land for 10 months or even more as the research only lasted 10 months. And they told how some birds actually go limp in big parts of there bodies including the face and neck but their wings were still stiff and they were able to glide. So they would fly really high and then just glide for a long time while actually sleeping. Some birds go fully to sleep while others only have one of the brain sides go to sleep and then circling in a specific manner as they only have one working eye and fly in a group. Just thought it would be a fascinating topic for you to explore.


When I was a kid I thought they just slept on the seabed, and that's why it's called that.


What we really wanna know is if fishes Get thirsty


I've got a great pyrenees (livestock guardian breed for those unfamiliar) and he can be out cold and snoring, but will watch and follow you with one eye open. It's freaky. But it makes him a very effective guard dog.


Wow some fish sleep 800 minutes! That is a little more than 13 hours. Wish I could get that much sleep


I've observed my own fish, yo-yo loaches, glowlight tetra and cardinal tetra, all tend to sleep between 10-5. The tetra tend to drop to the bottom while the loach will lay inside their cave. If I get home late and turn on the light to feed them they will take a while to wake up. Both the cardinals and glowlights fade colour while they sleep.


Love this channel! Always learning things I never even knew I wanted to! Thanks.


My beta fish naps on his tank's plant's leaves -- its usually only a few minutes at a time then he's back up checking stuff out.


Hell yeah they do. But I didn't know that until I had a tank of them and came home from work late at night to find them all colorless--I thought they had nearly died because their air pump was plugged into an outlet that would sometimes go out if you shut the front door too hard. So I thought that had happened when I first left for work and they'd been without air that whole time. Since then, I learned that not only were they just asleep, but that they can go for days without added O2 in their water (I raise and sell fish online, and ship them in sealed bags all over the country, had one bag get lost in the mail for FIFTEEN days in record-high July temperatures, and some of the fish came back STILL ALIVE).


I can say yes before even watching the video since I used to own Betta fish and they clearly slept. They loved sleeping in their fake little plants.


Dude, what's in that coffee mug? Dijon mustard?


Literally one of the best channels on youtube, so informative


I am here 2:12 in the video I don’t know if you’re going to mention it but mackerel do sleep in some way. the thing with mackerel is that it always need to be in activities to get air because it don’t have a air/swim bladder to keep itself up so instead it does so bye swimming, so it can’t sleep normally however it turn off half of it’s brain leaving just the ability to swim to rest


Fishes are lucky for not snoring...otherwise, they'll be eaten by other predators while sleeping.


One of my betta fish is sleeping on a leaf in her tank while I watch this.


i've had many fish over the years, from goldfish to guppies to piranhas. i did have a large tinfoil barb jump out of the tank over night and take a permanent "carpet nap". maybe it didn't like the food :-P


This is what I like about this channel, answering the worlds most important questions.


Huh I didn’t know blind cave tetra could be hybridized! It’s so cute when my neon tetra’s sleep at night. They turn off their neon and tuck themselves into little nooks in the decor. My banjo catfish sleep all day under the sand though hehe


So what you're saying is, while I can sleep with the fishes, I can only do that if it's not a cave fish?


I'd like to offer a bonus fact of my own. When a person becomes sleep deprived for a long time - especially when they're just intentionally staying awake for a long period of time, to break a record or as part of an experiment - when they finally do sleep, they will generally sleep for about 14 hours and then be fine. Usually when you hear about someone sleeping longer than that there's some sort of illness involved (someone was once kept awake for a week due to fever, then slept for 3 days while recovering).
