You Won't Believe What They Mean!! What the Mysterious Pinecone and Handbag Symbols Really Mean

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Music: Epidemic Sound and Artlist
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The watchers were supposed to nurture the fruit of the garden ( the tree of life ). Instead they pillaged from it. Notice the depiction of the tree which shows the pine cone ( pineal gland ) on its branches? The same fruit ( pine cone ) held in the hand of the birdman. And if your a gatherer, a bag would be the best place to put your pickings. The hand of the birdman looks like the lateral ventricles of the brain holding the pineal gland. If you look at the lateral ventricles from the top down/Birdseye view it looks like a set of wings. That’s if you look at the depiction of the brain from a side view/profile perspective. The reason for the bird meme is that it’s the representation of the last chakra aka the crown chakra to be initiated before enlightenment/full consciousness. Or the breakthrough into the spirit world is where the secret knowledge gets passed to and through. Imagine if that were removed from the brain. No more dmt, the lifeline is snatched up and your stuck. There’s been an attack on this particular area of the brain/consciousness ie. the soul for a very long time. Calcification now, pillaged then. I believe that is the true reason for the “ surgical “ holes found in skulls from ancient Egyptian. This what I have come up with and it’s an opinion.


Pinocchio is one of the most read books in the world. The name means pine tree eye. “And always let your conscience be your guide.” A story about intuition, consciousness and alchemy.


In my culture (Maori) here in Aotearoa New Zealand those are the three bags of knowledge . They are in many of our stories, fascinating, and very interesting.


TO PUT IT IN STONE TOOK A LOT OF EFFORT AND WORK! What we see IS the way they intended US to see!


The bag contains monoatomic gold. When compressed that powder is called The Philosopher's Stone. It is for alchemical transformation of humans into their highest physical form. It makes your physical body vibrate like your astral body. It seals you off and makes your body a superconductor. Your (I love spell check and autoincorrections {You not Your}) then have access to the angelic powers we share with them. ORMEs or ORMUS gold must be of the high energy type to exhibit it's interdimensional quality. If it's the high energy type, it can vanish in varying amounts when it shows that it is interdimensional. It can be gone completely but it always come back as energy dissipates. It normally still has enough energy to do it again before it's all finished with it's disappearing act. If I'm not mistaken about the preceding sentence. Yes the sentence preceding this one is a double negative sentence. It means the same thing after the negative words cancel each other. ORMUS gold looks nothing like regular gold. It's a white powder. They call it monatomic but they are leaving out the o in the middle of the word. All minerals have monoatomic forms. That gold completely repairs your DNA and extends life to hundreds of years. Your body heals completely but missing limbs or eyes do not come back. Ultra high technology is ancient and we have always had the ability to 3D print new body parts in place where they are missing. That technology has existed since God finished creation. It's only for the élites. We're not allowed to use it because we are considered peons. They use our own stem cells to do that printing. Damaged eyes can however repair themselves when you are taking ORMUS gold. They can be way more damaged than they could possibly be and recover from, without the gold. People's teeth start to repair themselves. Completely missing teeth grow back. It reverses genetic manipulation.


where has knowledge gotten us when wisdom, grace and morals have been shoved under the rug...replaced by self-serving greed.


It is very encouraging to see such enthusiasm for the truth behind ancient knowledge in a younger generation. Well done. 👍🏻


I also noticed that if you watch native American dancers they also have a bag with the beautiful clothes they wear.


The pine cone was a symbol of ever lasting life. Ever green pine trees never changed to brown or rust like other types of trees


I think the handbag was an actual handbag that contained their tech. Some show annanaki with what looks like watches on their wrist. I believe that was some type of tech as well.


Does anyone else notice how it looks similar to the hand grenade. Apparently grenades were made in this design so that it would shatter in a particular way to release the fragments in high speeds. Perhaps the pinecone shape was for the distribution of high speed energy beams emanating out from it.


You may just be the kindest, most accepting and respectful man in our society……. You do not talk down to us but accept us at our level . I hope you go as far as you desire and achieve your dreams come true


The "pine cone" could also be a reference to the third eye. The pineal gland which is a pea-sized gland shape like a pine cone. It's located near the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. It's considered in many cultures as an organ for supreme universal connection.


No respectable alien would leave home without his handbag!👜


I’ve been studying the hidden meaning of symbols since my early you so much for clarifying the meaning of those handbags!!! I have researched endlessly about this and asked around groups or people who are interested in these things as well and it’s remained a mystery to me for a few decades but that symbol is so prevalent I knew it had to be something very significant! So glad I ran into your video somehow. Great work! Love how you break everything down and connect the dots—-extremely interesting!


The video is excellent, Matthew does great work. At the end of the video he mentions an important fact, they did not want us to be greater than them. All ancient stories are one of two distinctly different races of beings, 3 different timelines, filtered through multiple viewpoints, in multiple dimensions, suppressed and manipulated through time. Our cosmogony is further confused and mysterious due to the deception in astrophysics for at least 100yrs. All universes are on an electric circuit, well documented in science and further proven by JW telescope.Makes a BIG difference. We are 10 dimensional beings that have been fettered by the Annunaki. The Annunaki did not create us, man was a pre existent intelligent species on earth in the Lemurian age. They conquered the planet during the Great cosmic war of the chaos in the lower Aeons, an illegal incursion that originated out of Serpantanis or Ophiucus the 13th Aeon. The place where light and matter first mixed. The 3rd triple light power of the 13th, wanted to rule over all matter, refused purification and emanated the Annunaki into the Chaos creating a defective model from above. Their spirit was created from fire and smokeless flame in the defective matters of the chaos and they knew not their origins. They mixed themselves with divine matter and our bloodline. Their spirit being a counterfeit version of what was above. They attacked the water planet of the 24th elder but couldn't conquer her and cried to their father The 3triple light power, that in his own arrogance descended into the chaos putting the solar system into great chaos. The Shamash tablet shown in this video is very clear as Utu/Shamash, their name for Arch Angel Michael gave the cedar rod and bowl to Enoch giving mankind control of its own destiny for a cycle. A second incursion occured in Babylon and the war continues, you are in it, it is battle for your soul. The Annunaki blueprint was a fractal from above, they battled amongst themselves over right and wrong and when Christ, Michael and Gabriel intervened, they where all judged, starts in Psalm 82. Some are working on purification, some are not. You can get the story when you cross compare The Enuma Elish, Shamash tablet and The Emniduranki scroll with Psalm 82+, Enoch1and "The Pistis Sophia" . The Pistis Sophia is the post resurrection" Mysteries of Light" discourse of Christ sent to this generation, hidden and encrypted for our generation to comprehend. It says what it is and it is what it says. This world is not what you think and we are not of this world. Be not decieved, seek and you will find, knock on the door, faith without works is blind and dead. Time is limited before the purification cycle begins, when the power is cut to the circuit, the planets loose their order the sky rolls up and the Greater Yah and Melchizedek purge the Earth of inequity and destroy the astreoid belt, pushing the remains of the terrible ones into Jupiters Electro Magnetic field. Thank You Matthew for providing such a detailed well researched video.


I've always been interested in what the "handbag" is and why it is shown in so many different cultures on multiple Continents who supposedly had no interaction/knowledge of one another.
Especially since the old T stones found in Turkey that is said to be 10 to 12 thousand years old that show these same bags.
We are missing something big or it is being hidden from us all.


it's nice to see people actually use their mind. while i disagree with you on many points, its such a shame that people are unwilling to accept the fact that our true past has been systematically deleted and hidden for some rationale by people who believe they are better than others.
here's to your presentation and your thoughts.


I have wondered how many “resets”there have been and why civilizations cannot get past the apocalypse, annihilation, total catastrophic collapse…


The hand bags may have had a cache of makeup. 😂
