why do we play adc? is it to suffer?

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like we're not even playing THE SAME GAME MAN

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adc mains are literally playing a different game than everyone else.


Playing ADC feels exactly like walking into a new area in a rpg underleveled


we step up to take the responsibility of an adc because we only trust ourselves to get the job done


*Makes shieldbow for adcs
*Nerfs Shieldbow
*Buffs the non adcs to compensate for it like a fucking clown
*Doesnt even buff a single adc

yep this is the game state


The advantage of being is being ranged and consistently dealing damage. Except being ranged dosent mean shit anymore when everyone and their mom can get in your face.


Riot is okay with every other role / class doing damage no matter if you are tanky or not, but as soon as adc does more damage than usual riot is quick to respond with the nerfs when there are worse problems in the game


That 1 game where you go 20/3/7 as ADC makes the other 25 or so 2/14/8 games all worth it 🥴🥴


after 8 years of playing league and 6 years of maining adc i can say that i dont enjoy league anymore, there is way to much dmg in the game its just unplayable and not fun at all


It just feels like every other role in the game can go 0-10 and still kill someone who is 10-0. for adc its either skyrocket ahead or be behind the whole game


I feel like you can only have fun as adc if you find a broken build or combo.
The lethality Cait was so much fun in the beginning when I could actually one or 2 shot anyone in mid to late game. But they ofc had to nerf her again...


"We get punished for getting into range of an ADC!"
"Bruh I get punished for stepping on to the rift"


ADC is the definition of **The most consistent damage dealer** and this is the biggest handicapped role now.
Let me explain, every other role might not be able to deal consistent damage overtime(because of skill cooldowns etc.) like ADC but their full rotation can at least deal 70%-100% of an ADC's sad ass health bar. Thats how much damage we are having in the game now.
And even though we ADCs will eventually kill another NON-ADC champion in like 5-10 autos (assuming they stood-still for us to auto/spell), it only takes them 1-2 secs to deal most of our ADC health bars (because our health bars are just sadge)

btw, Ever get hit by ludens echo 10 stacks dark seal comet Yuumi Qs as an ADC? EKSDEE


Feels like ADCs are playing a horror game when everyone else is playing piñata.


Mained adc for 8 years and havent played for 25 days. Life is already starting to feel better.


The main problem is that adc needs gold to get 2 items asap; before that you are useless, a cannon minion deals more dmg.
In proplay its the most important role for teamfights and thats why a good adc will get funnelled all possible resources.

For normal ppl in SoloQ we are fked, by the time we get the 2 item spike and we have kill pressure the game is already over, mid Yas is already 0/10 or enemy Zed is super fed. Even if you get out of your lane fed you will ALWAYS need another winning lane to be able to get into a +30min game so you are now able to kill that Darius top ultra fed.
In conclusion, you need to be good as Guma or Viper to get out of low elo as an adc, its either stomp your lane or lose match. Game starts "being fun" in +D where ppl are not that braindead and knows barely how to teamfight.

It is sad, if Riot buffs all adc in general they fk up competitive games but soloQ is unplayable, the solution is not easy.


88 damage per auto attack vs the Pyke that kills you in one combo, AD lyfe right there. It would probably take about half a minute to kill the Pyke. With Yuumi healing it's probably impossible to kill Pyke until Yuumi runs out of mana. Please stop using C with AD, even support carries harder than AD.


And Pyke is one of the most fragile assassins too, dafuq


this is poetic

please keep uploading these, they make my day every time


sometimes i'm just intentionally dying because that's more fun than staying between the turrets and "playing" safe


im 100% convinced that everyone truly knows adc is one of the worst roles right next to top lane, but they will keep hating on the role so they can never have the impact they deserve while the role they stay on stays strong throughout the season
