The Effects Of Artificial Food Dyes | Dr. Rebecca Bevans | TEDxCarsonCity

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Dr. Rebecca Bevans is a professor and a researcher. She uses her PhD in cognitive neuroscience and her Master’s in child development to teach undergraduate and graduate psychology courses. Her passion for psychology is only rivaled by her passion for her family. When her son’s behavior became disruptive and problematic she used her knowledge and education to find the cause. Today she will be talking about her family’s difficult and emotional journey to finding answers and living dye free.

Rebecca Bevans received her Ph.D. in Cognitive Neuroscience and a Master’s degree in Human Development from the University of Nevada, Reno. She is an expert in how physiological states can affect psychological perception. She teaches several undergraduate psychology courses at Western Nevada College including Child Psychology, Adolescent Psychology, Research Methods, Abnormal Psychology, and Introduction to Psychology. She also teaches graduate courses for Southern New Hampshire University. She is the President of Brain Matterz, a Nevada non-profit with the focus on brain disorder research and education. Her greatest position is being a wife and mother.

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I am crying through this. There is a group that is intentionally trying to hurt us, makes us sick, and ultimately kill us. My son is going through this and I am going through the process of lifestyle changes to help him and my own self. Him and I are extra sensitive to it and my daughter isn’t. Certain genetics cause the extra sensitivity …but it isn’t good for ANY OF US. We need to wake up, unite, stand up and stop this!! It starts with us individually. We hold the responsibility to fight back and stop consuming and buying this stuff. Prays for everyone and may God help us.


The hardest part of being dye free is the social, every where we go people offer kids candy. My mother in-law verbally attacked me for telling great grandma no when she wanted to give my kid candy. Church they have candy for the kids, doctors have candy, stores, teachers use it as incentives to get good behaviors. Even school lunches have dye in them. And the second hardest thing is the cost. If financially you can’t afford the more expensive dye free alternatives then your out of luck.
I have three children diagnosed with ADHD, autism type behaviors, my oldest has ODD middle child has IED. The youngest hasn’t been fully diagnosed due to his age. We have tried to be dye free and I minimize our exposure but it isn’t as easy as just reading the labels. We need to have our FDA actually do the job of protecting us. The research is there proving the many negative health impacts of artificial food dyes.


Children aren't the only ones sensitive to food dyes...I feel much better mentally and physically when I leave them out of my diet


Crazy only 300, 000 thousand views and it’s been up for 7 YEARS more need to see this


This is extremely underated information. It should have WAY MORE views. Ive thumbed up it 3 times already and the Thumb Up still isnt sticking, if that tells you anything.


You really got to the root cause of the problem . I stumbled into this video and I'm lucky to have seen this . Everyone needs to see this


I thought I was crazy for years. My son had a very similar experience in preschool. His teacher wanted to get him on ADHD meds. I didn’t usually bye artificial dye foods but he would get them at school. His behavior when he ate them was like he was a totally different kid. He’d detox on the weekend then be all the behaviors you mentioned (minus the suicide) during the week. I finally realized what he was eating at school was the only difference in his diet. We took dyes out, brought his own snacks to prek and after a week of detox he was a night and day different child. Still to this day if he gets dyes you’d think he had adhd.
Thank you for sharing this. I’m so happy your sweet boy is thriving now. This was so validating to watch.


My sister sent this to me two weeks ago.

Thank you, I have a daughter and I only knew about Red dye. We have now removed all dyes and she is a "new" child. She is still the spunky, crazy, spontaneous child everyone loves. However, I am no longer saying "for the love of God, stop" she is listing, focused and no longer being mean. I can not thank you enough.


Everything you said hit so hard because I have an eight-year-old who is going through the exact same thing and this is the exact reason why I have been researching the Internet all morning God bless you 🙏🏽


I cried so many times watching this video! I've been having so many out-of-the-blue issues with my daughter who turns 5 soon. She's been SO anxious, aggressive, mean, defiant, impulsive, etc etc. This video prompted me to check all of her favorite snacks and, sure enough, almost ALL of them had multiple different artificial dyes, especially that yellow 5 and 6. Even her OTC medicine! I tossed ALL of it and am going to go out tomorrow and check labels while I shop for better foods. I really, really, really hope it helps.


This was so informative!!! All parents need to watch this!! The end made me tear up when her son came out. It makes it so much more real. Let’s protect our kids at all costs!!🙏


I think this is so relevant. So many kids are having severe mental, emotional, and behavior issues that adults don't know what to do about.


My kids don't seem to react with behavior issues to dye, but they do react in other ways. We removed dyes and eczema is completely gone in 3 kids. They get some dye again, and back comes the scratching. A Yellow 5 &/or 6 binge also caused an asthma attack in a child that previously had never had an asthma attack. Since removing dyes - eczema is gone, runny noses that we thought were 'seasonal allergies' - gone, and more. Thanks for sharing.


Within the first 30 seconds of hearing her speak I was sobbing. I am dealing with these exact things with my 7 year old. And I homeschool so it's very difficult. So grateful to have found this video! Thank you thank you


OMG this makes so much sense. I’m literally tearing up watching this. My five year old boy has been so erratic lately. I have been looking for anything to help. I’m so grateful I haven’t seen his doctor yet bc they def would have given him medicine.


How is it that this video that was made six years ago, only has 8, 500 likes? This video needs to be shown everywhere to educate the families in the importance of not feeding their families food dyes, fillers or any ingredients that can’t be pronounced.


Thank you for this. It really is NOT hard to accomplish. Our children are worth it. Our long term health is worth it. This is a great step.


I can’t believe this has less than 300K views… every parent needs to see this. Diagnoses are so flippantly tossed around, & medication not far behind, before evaluating what we are ALREADY putting into our bodies on a DAILY basis.


I've shared this with my daughter and hopefully we can try this with my 10 yo grandson. The meltdowns are cataclysmic and then he'll talk to himself about how horrible he is. It's so heartbreaking. Even after seeing a neuro-psychologist, the food dyes were never mentioned and thankfully my daughter refused to put him on those horrible meds.
Thank you so much for sharing this!


Once you know which brands don’t have the dyes, you don’t have to check the labels every single time for every single item in your shopping cart. It gets easier.
