IT’S TIME! War Within Ranged DPS Tier List (Predictions)

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Time for our war within ranged dps tier list predictions on what specs will dominate in mythic+ and what specs will need some more love. Now please take these predictions with a grain of salt as most of war within ranged dps rankings are based on the available logs on the beta (which are very sketchy)

It’s going to take some time until the war within ranged dps meta will be established but it is always fun to make these types of videos and look back in a couple of months to see how much we got right :)

Check our second channel

00:00 Intro
00:22 Affliction Warlock
04:35 Augmentation Evoker
06:06 Balance Druid
07:58 Arcane Mage
09:03 BM Hunter
10:19 Demo Warlock
11:26 Destruction Warlock
12:22 Fire Mage
14:34 Frost Mage
16:00 MM Hunter
17:29 Devastation Evoker
18:57 Elemental Shaman
20:43 Shadow Priest

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STORM, EARTH, AND FIRE, HEED MY CALL! Ele sham since 2012 and this is the most I've been excited for it.


The Stormbringer Ele Shaman build circling at the moment, is absolutely insane. I can't wait.


Disc just got a significant atonement throughput buff. It's looking like it actually will be good for M+


If you're out in the world and don't do dungeons/raids then here's a list for you: Affliction Warlock (all warlock specs) are great when out in the world; BM Hunter (easy to learn and you can swap out pets for different encounters; Mages (all specs but practice at the training dummies to get your casts down and your buttons in the right place); Elemental Shaman. For melee: Warriors, DK, and Paladins. These classes and specs are pretty easy to run around using. I like Feral Druid but I don't know what's going to happen to it for War Within but I will give it a try.


Mage main here and I can assure you Frost is killing it right now on live and in beta. Once Sunfury Arcane ST gets nerfed, it for sure will, Frost will be our top in raid and M+. I am an arcane diehard so will still be repping but Frost is tempting given that it is insanely powerful, has the best barrier of all mages, and has crazy control.

Fire on the otherhand is horrific. On live I sim 131k less in ST as fire than I do as Arcane or Frost and on beta fire is doing less than tanks in raid. Blizz rebuilt our entire identity around Lit Fuse and Bomb then obliterated both of those to irrelevancy with minor ST compensation. It's a tier below F tier because even F tier still has something to offer a group.


Is the hunter really A tier, in all the tier lists that I see he is C or D tier regardless if it's BM or MM... what do you think?


Damn bro that warlock could've at least warned the tank he butt pulled at 10:43...we all saw that lol


Never played a ranged spec but your videos on fire mage made me switch it to my main!


Sad that druid is still so low on these tier lists. I don’t play it but man I love their tier set this season and I want to grab it but if balance isn’t fun idk what to play.

I guess I’m fine with bm being so low. I’ll play it but I’m used to it being middle of the pack.

Yeah I agree with people that augmentation shouldn’t even be in the game because of how it’s constantly meta and even with so many nerfs it’s still being taken. But since they released it it’s probably the only way I want to play evoker so I don’t actually want them to remove it.


Fire mage started out looking pretty good then they gave living bomb a 75% damage nerf just before everything was about to go live, then nerfed everything else about it. So yeah keep in F (Fail) tier. Honestly it's what's making me hang up my mage, or at least heavily consider it. Yes Arcane and Frost are really good, but they're always really good, and I want to blow shit up! So yeah leaning towards shelving the mage.


Thank you for the banger tier list!
It is pleasant to bang something and especially when it structured so pleasantly :)


Rip fire, lol (i didnt skip ahead btw). I feel like mage players tend to be 1 or maybe 2 specs max. They play fire/frost or arcane/fire or w/e combo. Some even are just one spec andys which is fine. I know someone like that. Fire is good? ok ill play, it sucks? guess ill see you next xpac lol. I feel like if fire sucks right now just give it a month or two tops. blizz cant let it be bad


You think about having a low taper fade for urbhaircut, instead of a military high and tight g
It will change ur life


Please make a video halfway into season 1 where you review this list :D


Aff right off the bat sent my heart on a roller coaster flame. I thought you were gonna hurt my soul (haha get it?) and put us in the trash tier LOL. Excited with the aff changes but I agree it still needs some utility and QoL changes. Many groups will still bring demo/destro I feel, but it's such a nice step in the right direction. Can't wait to see you boys next expansion!


Your advert was wayyy too long and took me away from the video


Sorry but seeing Affliction at A with almost NONE of its utility mentioned, like skipping packs and cheesing mechanics with gates, while putting battle rez as a negative had me stop right as War Thunder was getting shilled.

How did Affliction (hell any of the specs) get completely ignored on what they bring with high survivability, an interrupt, a near instant AoE stun on a one minute stun, HEALTHSTONES, horrify, AoE Exhaust from Vile Taint, and still offer high damage output for both ST and trash (not for Destro).

Are we playing the same game, do you not know how much a warlock can bring to Mythic+, or was far more research needed before hitting publish?


I just came for shadow priest and we are always at the end of every video of any rank for m+ in any wow video on youtube. It feels personal.


Unless I missed you saying but don’t forget that Elemental Shaman also brings windfury party buffs now as well


Question - Off topic - Why aren't we hearing about the new race Earthen? Usually there's more info and hype for a new race coming for both Horde and Alliance.
I looked back at y'alls previous videos and don't see anything about the Earthen.... guess there's no interesting racials or whatever about them?
