Global temperature likely to rise 1.5 degrees Celsius in next 5 years: WMO

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WMO "'기후변화 마지노선' 1.5도 5년 내 뚫릴 가능성 커"

Yet another climate warning this time from the World Meteorological Organization.
The world will likely warm up by 1-point-5 degrees Celsius within the next five years due to human activity and the El Niño weather pattern later this year.
Lee Seung-jae reports.

According to the World Meteorological Organization on Wednesday, the world is likely to see global temperatures rise by over 1-point-5 degrees Celsius in the next five years.

“There is a 66 percent chance that we would exceed 1.5 degrees during the coming five years and there is 33 percent probability that we would see the whole coming five years exceeding that threshold of 1.5 degrees, which is of course, not very likely to happen."
The WMO has been publishing its estimates on the likelihood of the 1-point-5 degrees threshold being broken in the next 5 years since 2020.
The estimate has increased from 20 percent then to 50 percent in 2022.
According to the organization's chief, the latest assessment doesn't necessarily mean the world would surpass the long-term warming threshold of 1-point-5 degrees Celsius from the pre-industrial era, however, he says the world is still "moving in the wrong direction."
Experts too are saying the warmer temperatures, while worthy of concern, are likely only a temporary shift beyond the limit set out in the 2015 Paris Agreement.

And the primary cause according to scientists is human activity and the associated rise in carbon emissions, however, they also cited the El Niño weather pattern that's set to arrive this year as being a factor.
They remain optimistic though, saying there is still time to ease global warming by limiting carbon emissions.

Still, the WMO predicts a 98-percent chance that one of the next five years will be the hottest on record, and any move to improve the situation must be done now before it's too late.
Lee Seung-jae, Arirang News.

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2023-05-18, 09:00 (KST)
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