Plasticity Vs Moi3D | Which One is Better

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Plasticity and MoI 3D are both Popular CAD Modeling software, but which one is better for your needs. This is what we will talk about in this video.
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Loved Moi for a long time. Still think its export is the best. But updates are years apart and it lacks a proper base for learning the software. Plasticity has made huge strides in a very short time and seems more in tune to artists. The Blender bridge for Plasticity is awesome and the community is very helpful.


I love Plasticity and MOI. But for me Plasticity is more user-friendly and its interface is very attractive. I know MOI is also powerful, but they must spend a little time to make their interface modern and shiny.


There's also Shapr3D which also runs on the iPad, really hoping Plasticity gets to a tablet


if you show other artist's work, you should mention it. (like Edon's stuff for example)


The patch function in Plasticity is so powerful.. making smooth 3d sculptures in this is so easy compared to cumbersome traditional CAD products. Don't underestimate it's ability to create accurate models for 3D printers. Inputting dimensions on the fly makes product creation so fast and stress free. Of course, then there's the price. Now it becomes a no brainer.


Not sure why everyone thinks Plasticity is some kind of new software paradigm. NURBs based direct modeling in CAD has been around for decades. Maybe it's new to polygon people - but it's just another fancy skin on top of the same CAD kernals we've been using for years.


I'm not sure where you feel that plasticity is a cheaper option. New plasticity pricing per year is now the cost of full version of Moi3D.


Rhino's Grasshopper it's putting the bread on my table.


5:50 Parasolids a close workflow to polygonal modeling? That's a bit of a stretch. A very stretch.


Plasticity if you're new to CAD and from entertainment design perspective. It's cheaper than Fusion and has newer and more robust community. Moi is beefier for old school power user but you're looking at installing custom scripts and forum diving to figure the program out. However, tutorials from more established programs like Fusion, Allias, Rhino will cover fundamental knowledge the best instead of hype and shortcuts.


Thank you ! Very helpful ! Do you know if Plasticity is going to be on Ipad ?

I ve used both MOI 3D is a solid modeler with a nice lofting and blend command....thats all!!! It has NO SURFACING capabilities, (even from the developer's own admissions) because it lacks G1, G2, G3 continuity options.
Plasticity is in a class of its own because it has that and more. Its based on the Parasolid kernel which means a lot more features from NX are incoming.


Now Plasticity has not only loft, but also patching, and soon will have xnurbs surfacing
I don't know about points editing in thbe future Plaascitiy versions, but I agree that for the time being adjusting surfaces is very limited. You will have to rebuild often, if some chasnges are necessary, though you can move planes thanks to Parasolid kernel. I never worked in Moi3d, but I guess it's simiilar to Rhino. It would be nice if Plasticity would have an ability to break surfaces into usual sheets (it can, it's just you can't adjust vertices of them at the same time) with points and adjust like in Rhino or Moi3d. I think they are working on it
Also Plasticity is fast to learn. I learned it in 1.5 months on occasion, whereas it wook me much longer to learn Rhino, ansd still Rhino is much slower at modeling (at least im ny limited experience). But I think Rhino si more flexible in some adjustments, as it's been around for way longer, and is a robust software, / But Plasticity is Parasolid, and is newer and faster with some operations, like fillets


Moi for me. Nothing compares to the speed of sketching and cutting in that program, especially with custom shortcuts anyone can make. It does come with a manual that covers all functions. I don't care about the updates being years apart. I'm a fulltime concept artist and this is my go to for hard surface sketching. Plasticity is just prettier and has nice non-destructive parametric capabilities, but it's not better, it's just different for different needs.


Yep, been playing with MOI for years. Plasticity is getting all the love and press, but it's neither revolutionary, nor special. These typed of programs have been around forever.


i tried moi. my surfaces kept breaking and it was a friggin nightmare trying to fix things and was super restrictive in what it allowed. the interface was decrepit as well. old and tired. their is no comparison to plasticity other than they are both parametric. plast is forgiving and robust and with a modern interface and seems so far nick is an update madman.


New software in this era has really no value . If the new software does not offer a breakthru tech dont invest value time in learning it . Develop blender skills further. I use Moi3d its not only powerful for 3d model it has line /shape tools that easily better than vector software in the market .


FYI MoI is pronounced "mo-eye".


i dont think moi3d is a high price and i dont think moi3d is more expensive than plasticity, which is inferior to moi3d anyways. its a subscription based service, so you pay forever. unlike moi3d which is a one-time-fee.
