Grounded: The Sad Reality of the Fully Yoked Update

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In this video I discuss the Fully Yoked update for Grounded and how I would have handled it differently.

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While I agree that it is a shame most of the content is locked behind ng+ cycles that only that small 2-4% of players will likely see; I would say that small group of players is who they were targeting with this update. With this being the last update to the game (unless they pull a terraria) you can’t really blame them for focusing on adding content and replayability for the diehard fans of the game as opposed to trying to attract new players to a game that won’t be receiving any more updates. Might be odd from a marketing standpoint, but I like that they threw the long time fans a bone on the way out and still made some nice changes/additions for newer or more casual players.


So many of us would have paid money for a DLC that takes you into the house, but they never went that direction.


Honestly the thing I hate about Grounded is that they treat the balancing like an MP game and every enemy is a sponge even if it doesn’t make sense


I’m at 330 hours and had 100%’d it before the 4 new achievements were added. I’ve put about 30 hours in NG+1 since the update. Will likely do the same and check back later to see if they make the fusion cells WAY less grindy. I did some loose math and there’s no way I’m putting in dozens more hours exclusively just to upgrade weapons to handle stronger bosses. If they lower the cost of maxing gear I’d pick it back up soon for sure.


As someone who is on new game plus 4 i do not reccomend any of yall activate the remix.r unless your 100% sure your THAT GUY.
Which either way you wont matter how hard you try. Basically though this update for javamatic atleast is just a game of random chance.
For the bosses mantis spawns 1 mini mantis and 2 in ng+4 broodmother is just...broodmother, wasp queen is kinda painful.
Mant summons a mini mant that dies eventually. Black widows spawn in the sandbox and at the oak tree. And green shield bugs occasionally spawn where stink bugs spawn. Needless to say this adventure is absolute PAIN. But you can do it if your skilled enough or just completley insane-


i completly agree. most of the update is done for 1% playerbase. i enjoyed grounded, played many hours. this update will not bring me back. it still was worth every penny.


to be fair, i think most of the people that never got big (like me) were trying to 100% when all gold cards were necessary for the better ending. i plan to go back into the game and go into NG+ once i have time to devote to it.


Didnt realize a lot of the new stuff is locked behind new game +. I guess thats a reason to do the final defense challenge and beat the wasp queen. I was just going to start a new save to do the ant queen stuff now it seems to see it all i have to go through it multiple times, which i dont think I will do 4 times lol


Ignore the people who are biased and hate any criticism of the game. Many of us enjoy your honest take on the update.


I started playing Grounded with two of my buddies a couple of weeks before the Pond update, and since then I've obtained every milk molar, explored every nook and cranny of the map, upgraded all of the equipment I care about to rank 9, and built a magnificent base and a complex zipline network across the yard. My friends got tired of playing over a year ago but I love the game enough to keep playing. Grounded really does feel special to me and I have a lot of positive memories tired to it.

So, while New Game+ sounds fun, the idea of grinding for all the things I've already done all over again is more than enough to convince me to just stick with my completed playthrough, and just go back from time to time. Then again, this is the reason I've never enjoyed New Game+ for any game in the past.

Regardless, I appreciate your takes.


The problem i had with the update is that the new armor (strategist), centered around a summoner build, doesn't work well. I frequently find myself getting targeted over my summons even though they have "summon aggro, " which makes no sense to me. The strategist armor should also always be teir 3, no matter what. It's complete BULLSHIT that you would kill stink bugs, make a gas mask, fight the infected ladybug with teir 2 armor/weapons, and recover the poison recipe. You go back to base to make it and go kill the red ant queen, pumped and ready to test the set that you've been wanting to test forever. You poison the queen and analyze the parts, only to find that it is TIER 1, ARMOR THAT REQUIRED A OVEN, but thats fine because as long as you can block well youll be fine, and the ants "allegedly" get the aggro of the bugs. No, not even close, the ants dont get the aggro, the sleek adds thorns so if you accidentally hit the ant, your fucked and the ant queen septer DOES LESS THAN A LAWN MITE. Thats how it feels.


It also needed a little more variety with the new weapons, because all the stats for the new weapons are the same as previous weapons. That being said, the new weapons look REALLY good, just needing variety.


Imagine growing a channel with tons of grounded gameplay and tips and never doing NG+ .


I loved this game, but I loathe base defense...and that is what the end of this game became. After building my base, I didn't feel like building more just to "win the game" from the attacking horde. It felt like this game had much much more potential, and it was just rushed at the end.


Only thing i wanna point out is that the percentages isnt guaranteed to be accurate because if you play a custom game you lose access to achievements, like i got my achievements all from my own personal save but my dad hasnt gotten most of the achievements cause our shared world a custom world... so while probably not by that much, the number of players trying it out is probably bigger


I know this video is 4 months old, but the sad thing is. I will never get the ng+ achievements because I have keep inventory on. I hate dying under water or in the under shed, and I can't get back there and time, so all my gear just gets deleted


one bad thing that happened to me is i went to new game plus before i got the mint mace and once your in new game plus the recipe gets replaced with a chest so i cant get it now


The update is a little buggy though because I was getting raided by wasps and the last wasp was actually invincible, but it was still able to be stunned but not killed


I'm just in ng+1 because I have two milk molars left to get. unfortunately one of them is still unlocated and the other is spawned inside the green garden hose between the house and the trash heap. am currently waiting for help from obsidian on that second one because it is currently unreachable and has happened to other people in their yards as well


I don't mind the update being focused on people who have unlocked it. My biggest issue is how unbelievably grindy New Game+ is. It takes forever to upgrade weapons and it boils down to fighting thousands upon thousands of ants and termites. It's painfully repetitive.
