I Played 100% of Grounded

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I played 100% of Grounded and I love burrs.

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Grounded is proof that you don't need the most original idea. You just need to mix in a couple things and then 1000% Commit to the Bit.


Just, the idea of a kid (or even better, a pack of kids) getting shrunk and replaying the last 10 thousand years of human development in a sandbox is so funny to me


Thanks for finishing this Game. I once saw Markiplier played with his friends for a few episodes but they didnt actually finished it. fast forward years later your gameplay gave me flashbacks of that time.


“And I guess I was feeling good after the victory over the orb weaver because I decided to take on the wolf spider”
Me: oh no
lol we all fell into that trap though good gameplay!


Watch Seanie Dew play 100% Slime Rancher
Watch Floydson play 100% Slime Rancher
Watch Seanie Dew play 100% Grounded
Watch Floydson play 100% of Grounded

Can't wait to watch the same game, but different experiences. I love it


I swear you and Seanie Dew are secretly correlating your videos because a week ago he also did a 100% playthrough of Grounded and chose the exact same character.


Did i just watch a 100% playthrough of grounded 7 days ago? Yes
Will i watch another one? Also Yes


I love how one 100%’er did a almost entirely melee play through and died a bunch to the enemies while saying more than once “ranged weapons suck they do to little damage and at almost entirely useless”
While this goose on the loose easily deals with the same enemies and mains ranged, it’s funny the dichotomies made by there opinions


"I AM A TINY DINGUS" is probably the best way to start a video. I have never laughed at the first second of a video before.


The aphid-powered zip-lines are pretty dang adorable.


My favorite channel I’ve found this year. So chill and a real goose when on the loose.


Anyone else who thinks it would be hilarious to see Floydson play The Forest?


I’m so excited for this video! Thank you. I’m a new fan, but I have been having a chronic fatigue flare up for a week now and have hardly been able to get out of bed. Watching your excellent videos has been a real pleasure while I’m laying here frustrated that I can’t be baking Christmas cookies.


I’m about an hour and a half in and since he hasn’t mentioned it YET, I feel like it’s only fair for me to give a heads-up.

All the stuff that gives you movement speed buffs, (aphid slippers and explorer perk) shut off when you get into a fight, which means either taking damage, or dealing damage. I assume this was game balance to prevent players from acting like Mongols thinking they can just kite the scarier bugs by being faster than them, lol. As soon as that arrow hits that wolf-spider and he starts coming at you, you’re NOT going to be out-running them because your bonus move speed is gone now, boyo.

This doesn’t mean you lose those buffs if hostile bugs NOTICE you, and thank GOD for that, so you can definitely outrun their aggro range if you’re not interested in fighting.


floydson you were one of my top channels on youtube gaming wrapped and i just wanted to leave a comment saying how much i love your 100% videos, it is clear you put so much work into them and they are such enjoyable watches, keep up the good work and thank you!!


I honestly miss this game. The first time I played it was on the day of the launch on Game Pass. The game had way less content than now. I played it a lot, even though it was frustrating to walk from place to place. Building a base was a really slow process, probably because I wanted a complete house, roof, and everything.

I don't remember how far I got into the game. I only remember getting the level 2 axe and the mint mace. I think the game didn't even have an ending at that time.

That was a long time ago, now I currently have an average PC instead of an Xbox One. After seeing the video, I honestly want to experience the game again, but, I don't think my average PC can handle the graphics.

I loved this video, thank you.


My favorite YouTuber playing my favorite game, and 3 hours long at that! Keep up the great work dude


i 100% grounded back in January! :D that Infected broodmother is a pain, isnt she? her weapon parts are by far the best in the game though


Let’s Go, another 100% Floydson video, you’re one of my favorite YouTubers ever :)


You madlad, you did it. I have been waiting for a grounded run for so long.
