The Dyatlov Pass Incident 😨

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Given the fact this happened in the USSR in the 50s the actual cause was likely covered up by the govt. Obviously it was not just hypothermia that killed them.


I hate when hypothermia twists my neck and fractures my skull, Not to mention when it steals my eyeballs 😢


As a Yeti I can confirm that we are, in fact, radioactive.


'Sir they've been ripped to pieces'
'God, seems like a case of flu'

Edit: thanks for likes, i have never had this much thank you again!!🥰


no eyes, no tongue, twisted neck
yeah probably hypothermia


Zack never fails to let his scary thoughts win


Dyatlov Pass incident was in 1959, my deepest condolences and respect for them


Lowky hate when hypothermia just steals my tongue.


Person: has missing tissue, broken ribs, no eyes, and is covered in blood.

Investigators: *hypothermia*


You know it’s bad if it has a description of the incident at the bottom 😨 😨😨


Missing tongue👅, organs, twisted neck, no clothes, running barefoot from tent⛺️, Definitely symptoms of hypothermia and are completely natural 😢😢


sounds like a good-ol case of being attacked by scp-096


For the people thinking this is some weird cover up, all the findings do indeed corelate with hypothermia. The missing tongues and eyes are likely from scavenging animals after they died. Ever wonder why dead fish always have missing eyes? It's cause that's what birds pecks out first.


Here are some questions with answers that make the most sense to me:

Why were some in their underwear?
Paradoxical undressing is a phenomenon in people with hyperthermia AND hypothermia (although rare, has reported to happen) where they remove their clothes before they die because they have a sudden feeling of being hot.

Why were 2 missing their eyes?
Why is 1 of their tongue missing?
Birds eat the eyes and tongue of dead things if their beak can't pierce through tough carcasses (the snow made the dead bodies basically rock solid). There's people saying that the eyes and tongue would be frozen too, and ik, but they're _softer_ than the rest of the body. I searched up how intact the bodies were, and it did sound like there was something trying to eat bits of what they could take (mainly around the face and lips). I also looked at the animals that live in that area where they died, and yes, there are scavengers that live there. Both birds and insects, there's even articles comparing how they puncture the food they eat, and it's exactly what the bodies look like.

Why would they leave their tents barefoot?
Could be the same reason why they had a fractured skull, twisted neck, and massive internal bleedings; they were obviously trying to avoid some type of danger, maybe an animal attack or an avalanche, and they had to get out as fast as they could. Whatever the reason, they were in such a rush that they didn't have time to grab their boots.

Why was the tent cut from the inside?
I did some research, and people don't actually know if it was cut from the inside or not since experts kept arguing about it. Someone online pointed out that there were vertical cuts in places they wouldn't have been able to reach from the inside but since the pictures people took of the scene aren't good (and some people are saying the tent went missing so we can't even double check anymore) it's difficult to say what's true. There were some scientists who suggested there could have been a type of avalanche (from the photos, it looked like a slab avalanche), and so maybe they were trying to get out of the tent by cutting it open.

*New one people asked in the replies: Why were their clothes radioactive?
Actually, it was only 1 of them, and there's an explanation I found. The guy who was found with radiation on them actually worked at a nuclear facility. Idk the exact place he worked at, but in the same area they died, there was a Kyshtym Disaster, and apparently, he worked in the area that was contaminated for a couple of months which could have contaminated his clothes. (This is actually where one of the conspiracy theories of the USSR comes in, but I ain't getting into that, so do your own research).

*TL;DR:* My theory is that there was most likely a slab avalanche (cut the tent to escape. Also it's why they're ribs are broken, necks are twisted, & have internal bleeding), if they didn't die from the avalanche they were still left injured and tried walking (left barefoot since there was no time to grab anything, and why there's footprints), some died of hypothermia (paradoxical undressing), and animals took advantage to eat whatever flesh wasn't rock solid (the missing parts of their body).

Edit: The video doesn't bring up a lot of other details that were left out, but there's a lot of things that could be explained if y'all researched about it.

*Reminder:* This was what made the most sense to ME and why I called it my THEORY of what happened. I based it on what most of the people were trying to piece together. I just did this for fun cause I was interested and needed to pass some time, lmao.
P.S. I'm bored of this now, so I'm turning off notifications. -Prob gonna delete the comment later.- People are saying not to delete it, so I'll just leave my comment up all abandoned, lol


It was proven by a team of researchers that it was an avalanche while they were sleeping in their tents.


Theory:Something like an avalanche caught up to them, which is why they tried to run, but couldn't. Explains why his tongue was cut off, because he bit it off due to the force of being pushed by the avalanche. The only thing im questiong is how where there footprints still, and how were there bodies on top of the snow, and not under.


Eyes were missing and neck was All this reminds me of *Vecna* 😭
Even the scarier fact is that the Russian camp was in Alaska in season 4 ☠️
Context: *Stranger* *things*
*Vecna* is a dark world monster who kills his victims breaking their bones and make their eyes bleed and finally a permanent disfigurement leading to death: )


I’ve read and investigated a lot about this particular case… One of the hikers felt ill at the start of the hike and he decided to go back, he was the only survivor… And also the last picture taken by one of the hikers, you can find it online, it has only 3 green dots like some sort of UFO. There was an investigation running at that point and one of the victims had major skull damage and two others had severe chest trauma with equaled impact force to a car crash, one of them had missing tongue and some of the other hikers had missing eyebrows and yet the investigation concluded - quote “compelling natural force”. From there on the mountain pass is named after the leader Igor Dyatlov - The Dyatlov Pass. May their souls rest in peace!
P.S. Not going to talk about how high were the levels of radiation on their bodies and on their clothes which some of them were found miles away from their bodies.


I love how it’s getting close to Halloween. He upload scary things. Thank you so much.


The Yeti has been real quiet since this dropped.