How Often Should You Swim, Bike and Run | Triathlon Training

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Knowing where to start when balancing training for three separate sports can be daunting. How often should you swim, bike & run, and when? 🤔 There's a lot to take into consideration when you want to tailor your training to suit you, so Heather & Mark are here to help with some example training weeks & a few tips and tricks along the way! 👀

0:00 - Intro
0:45 - Starting with the minimum
1:55 - The swim
2:34 - Example minimum schedule
3:31 - Double days
3:55 - Brick sessions
4:31 - Identifying what needs work
5:10 - Using swimming to recover
5:37 - Second example schedule
6:38 - Personalising your sessions

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Can't Let You Disco - Harvio
Hemisphere - Ooyy
Overrated - Matt Large
rooibos - bomull
Top of the Top - Matt Large

#gtn #triathlon #swimbikerun #swim #bike #run #training #week #plan #schedule #structuring

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How do you structure your training plans? Let us know below 👇


I’m a “weekend warrior” triathlete, having competed in sprint and Olympic distance races for 27 years and counting. I generally train 6 days a week, 2 disciplines per week, as recommended in the video, but not always. Some seasons, some months, some weeks I can be more focused than others. And while I may not always be at my fittest for every race, the key element for me is to enjoy each race no matter how I perform. For me, Triathlon is so much more than my race results. It’s the prep work, the people, the culture, the overall experience. I recommend that everyone try a tri, provided they feel safe, especially in open water, no matter how much they have trained.


My “structure” involves pulling up my training calendar and my family calendar side by side. My wife works night shift and I work two jobs (full-time second shift, and a part time job early in the morning 4:45-7:45). On the days following my wife’s shift I know I have to stay home and either Zwift, lift, or Zwift and Lift (my version of a brick workout in Wisconsin in the winter 😆). On the other days I can get to the pool as she’ll be home with the kids. So it’s a lot of forward planning and sometimes being flexible if my “structure” doesn’t go as planned. I also actually really enjoy the art of planning my training into a tight window. Speaking of a tight window, it’s time for a swim ✌🏼.


Gave myself 25 weeks before my first Olympic tri to build in 4 travel weeks! I'm using those as my blocks to build length or intensity and reevaluate. I schedule it on my calendar like a work event so I show up for myself before planning with friends and family. I'm glad I'm still finding time for the important things!!


This is my 34th year of triathlon. My earlier life was training approx 8 hours, working full time, University by correspondence, plus a family with 2 young kids. It can be done but it gets down to time management. As Uni stopped, training and race distance increased. Nowadays, it is a lot easier.


My Sprint Tri workout schedule:

U - 1.5 mile Run, 1 hr Bike (spin class), 1.5 mile Run
M - 8 mile run
T - Rest and Recovery
W - Run (Intervals)
R - 5 mile recovery Run /split/ 1.5 mile Swim (tempo)
F - Rest and Recovery
S - .5 mile Run, Strength and Conditioning, 45 minute Bike (stationary) /split/ 1.5 mile Swim (intervals)

Currently have a 1:18/100m swim pace, average 22 mph on the bike and have a 8 min/mile run pace. I compete in the 60-64 age group (I'm 60).


I experimented a bit over the years with the "rest day". Whilst rest is as important as the training itself, I found that active recovery benefitted me more in my weekly training. So effectively I train 7days a week, that active recovery day may include a drills/technique swim or a 45min easy spin (never a run though).


No performance expectations here. And only local sprints and Olympic. But I do one thing per day. Swim * 2, bike * 2, run *2, big lift *1. You can actually have quite a lot of fun with that. And have time for other hobbies!


What is your goal? Do you just want to enjoy the sport and complete the race? Or do you want to compete in a more competitive fashion? In my experience you can do with a lot less training than 6 days a week for a OLY distance if your aim is to just complete the race. I do 4-5 trainingsessions pr week for an oly distance, and i’m doing just fine. At 46 years old, 3 kids and a work/life balance to consider, 6 days would not work for me


What is not mentioned in this video is the core/stability training. This is something I didn't liked until I got 1 injury after the other one. Now I do one core/stability training per week and my overall posture is way better then before which has a great influence on my running technique. What I do is when I feel the need to skip a session (bike, swim or run) I just skip it and instead I go to the gym and work out for 1h. So I use my gym workout as somesort of backup. I find it double effective because I don't need to do a training I don't want to but I still keep training but in other condition


I do 20km a day cycling which is my daily commute (Mon-Fri). I will stop off halfway on the way home at the pool on Tuesdays. I do a track running session on Wednesday evenings. I like to do Parkrun on Saturdays and, when it gets a bit lighter/warmer, will do a longer cycle beforehand to get a brick session complete before 10am on a Saturday (the family will only just be getting out of bed at that point!). Sunday I will swim again. I have started to take the train on occasional days to/from work if I feel my body needs the rest or I get the train in and run home if I'm struggling to find time to run otherwise. It takes a bit of organisation, but doesn't dominate my week. I also find my motivation is quite high and any drop is usually just an indication to rest. I did nothing on a weekend in mid-Jan and felt much better thereafter.


Monday - run
Tuesday - swim/ride
Weds - swim
Thurs - ride/run
Fri - Beer
Sat - longer swim/long slow run
Sun - big ride.

Add in using commute to work on bike on random days. Very hilly.

All that and I'm still terrible at these damn triathlon things.

Maybe I need more beer days.


Monday: Easy morning swim (2K) + Hard evening run (5K)
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: Easy morning swim (2K) + Hard evening bike (30mins)
Thursday: Tempo run (currently 7.5K, building to 10K)
Friday: Hard morning swim (1.5K) + Tempo evening bike (60mins)
Saturday: Easy run (currently 7.5K, building to 20K)
Sunday: Easy bike (90mins)


I'm new to triathlon and doing my first triathlon this year (Straight in at Ironman distance). I have limited time through the week and stick to gym work and take my recovery day on a Wednesday normally. I have only doing 1 session a week for each discipline over the weekends so far (will up this as I go and get fitter) but been getting on ok. I done a pool/gym sprint triathlon comfortably at the weekend to see how I get on transitioning through the disciplines. Starting to believe I can do this, still got over 7 months till event. Love the videos, been helping me loads.


Ahh, T3 pool in Teneriffa. I love that swimming facility. Especially the little swimmsuit dryer in the changing room.


Think for every newbie the S&C part should be part of the routine, I see far too many athletes who start out triathlon get hooked, increase distance but neglect S&C and get badly injured


This is always a great topic and love to see how others train... I do more hybrid training where 4 days a week I do crossfit and Olympic lifting and 2 sessions of each tri sport per week. 1 for speed and 1 for endurance, Fridays are my Rest days...


I agree with the too little swimming comment. I quickly lose the feel of the water. I cycle to/from work, do 1 brick session (30min cycle 30min run) and 1 longer run (20k) and 1 longer cycle (1.5 hours) per week. I joined a swim club, swim all strokes 3 times a week and freestyle 2 additional times a week - all swims an hour long. I do half an hour of yoga on waking every day and always stretch after exercise. I work more than full time and that’s all I can fit in without training becoming a chore and starting to hate it. I used to cycle 3 to 4 hours on the weekend and started to hate it so cut it down.


Coming from a swimming background, im preparing for my first sprint distance triathlon thats coming up in march. Thanks for all ur videos i found them rlly helpful and informative


I am training for my first triathlon in September (Olympic), and currently I am swimming three times a week, because swimming is by far my weakest sport. I am still a ways off from being able to swim 1.5km without a break. It's quite wintry here, so I am only biking short distances to get to the pool. Have been running two times a week, but going to push that up to three until spring comes, then I will cut back on the swimming and running to get more biking in.
