How Often Should You Swim? | Get Faster, Lose Weight

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We get asked all the time, “how often should I be swimming?”

So, in this episode of Whiteboard Wednesday, we’re explaining how your weekly swimming schedule makes an impact on your performance in the water!

0:00 Intro
1:10 Determining How Often to Swim
3:32 What is Your Fitness History?
4:15 Consider Other Training
4:55 How to Structure Your Workouts
7:59 Sample Workouts

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MySwimPro is the #1 fitness app for swimmers in the world! MySwimPro is a personal coach that helps swimmers in more than 180 countries improve their performance and health by delivering personalized training plans, workouts, technique videos, and analytics. The MySwimPro app is available on iPhone, Android, Apple Watch, and Garmin smartwatches.

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I swim every day. 20 laps of the BUTTERFLY!! Feels great every nite when i go to bed. I swim because it helps me sleep better.


I'm 62 years old, and also a former mediocre swimmer competitor. However, during my adult life, I almost never stopped swimming. I would recommend to make a video talking about geriatric swimming, something like cardiovascular workouts, vessels clean up and so on. I would say that my life story of the swimmer was a predominant factor to survive two cancer treatment.


I swim 4x to 5x times a week. 20 laps of combined Breaststroke and Freestyle. Makes me able to concentrate at work, sleep better at night and I started to loose weight as a result. I have been doing this for 2 months after being absent for one and a half years due to Covid restrictions. Hopefully I can maintain this level of discipline and consistency ahead and in fact being able to also include Butterfly stroke in the future.


I’m swimming 45 minutes 3 times a week, I swim because of a minor back injury... I’ve been swimming for a year now and I feel more strength and safety in me daily moves.. thanks a lot for this video!!!


I swim ONCE a year. I may double that next year!


I'm a 56 year old woman and I swim an hour 4 times a week in a 30m pool at about 63 to 73 lengths. I've not lost weight but I have toned up these last 11 weeks. I love the feel of swimming. It feels like flying... and the buzz after is delightful 🥰


I was a decent swimmer in high school, which was 20 years ago. I’m trying to get back into swimming now. Lately, I’ve been swimming every other day for an hour. I’m able to do about 2200 yards in that hour. I am so out of shape! I have to rest for about 30-40 seconds between each 100, and that’s with lots of heavy breathing. I like lots of variety in my workouts. I usually do a warm-up, a kick set, a pull set, a technique set, and a build/sprint set of short distances, and finally a cool down. I’d like to get up to about 90 minutes and 3000 yards each practice. I just hope I stick with it this time. I recently moved and found an amazing indoor pool that’s cheap to use. That’s enough motivation for me!

UPDATE: Well, it's 8 months later, and I'm doing great! I have lost 32 pounds since I started swimming! I'm no longer winded after every lap. I consistently do about 3000 yards in 1 hour sessions. I can now do sets like 5x100 free on 1:30. I haven't been able to do intervals that fast since high school! I'm so thankful that I found an affordable Olympic size swimming pool that I can use whenever I want.


after blowing my knee in bball. swimming saved my life. its my new workout cardio. i love it. freestyle


I swim in a 25m pool 6 times a week: 5 x 30 mins and 1 × 15 mins. Have been knocking out 50 laps in the 30 minute sessions. My resting heart rate is back to under 60bpm because of this. Hasn't been that way in 10 years 😃


The feel of the water... that’s so true !


Had my first swim in my journey today. This channel has really encouraged me to lose weight. I did 1.1km which I feel is a decent start in my journey. Thanks for the encouragement!


As a stroke and cardiac arrest survivor, both of which have affected my stamina level, I swim 30 mins 4 days a week. My controlled blood pressure is maintained and my limb mobility enhanced.


I'm 13 and a competitive swimmer and we train 6 times a week for 2 hours, it can be hard but I feel great when it pays off


I swim laps for an hour a day, five days per week and do water aerobics for 30 minutes a day, three days per week. I’m swimming to get as fit as physically possible 😊❤️ and because I love it!


I was a competative swimmer for 15 years, and I used to had 7 2-hour sessions per week and 3 gyms. Now, I don't do that much, but I do gym twice per week, and I swim 4 days a week for an hour and a half. To be honest, a step further is basically me going back to competative swimming. But as he said, you have a connection with water, and I simply can't forego this. No matter what other exercise I do, swimming is always my main workout. Now, I don't want speed and flowiness for competitions, but I want it because it feels good in water, when you go through water. I actually re-started gym very recently. I lost a lot of arm strenght. Trying to get it back.


I swim about 6 days a week, one hour to two hours per day, doing a mix of techniques. Feeling amazing.


I swim 4 to 6 times a week. I always feel great every night after I swim. I have more endurance, less aches and pains. When you have that connection with the water is the best swim. I also walk my dogs, jazzercise and strength training.


The quality of your free content is so excellent!!!


Watching this and nodding, yeah I can totally do this.. I’m going 5 days a week 1st thing in the morning and honestly speaking I’m a non-swimmer who can’t even swim 25m.. I’m just focusing on not drowning currently lol! That and getting my face under the water.. I’ll keep this in mind for when I’m a lot more confident in the water! Thanks for sharing!


I'm currently swimming 4 times per week in a 20m pool, 120 lengths (so 2.4 km) in 55-56 minutes each time, doing series of freestyle - backstroke - breaststroke in that order (so 40 lengths of each style per session, alternating style after every length). I don't know how fast that is (for a 34 year old), but it has helped me lose some 11 kg over the course of 3 months, without changing my dietary habits that much other than introducing fruit - mostly watermelon - to replace some of the salty snacks I used to eat.
