Sable | Review in 3 Minutes

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Will Cruz reviews Sable, developed by Shedworks.



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the whole point of gems like sable is that we get to escape from the assassin's creed 1 million points of interest maps and quest logs


It feels like you missed the point of the game by saying it’s empty and too easy, it’s not supposed to be challenging or fast paced. You experience gliding side by side with sable and absorb the lessons of freedom and open mindedness, the beauty of simplicity, to drop your expectations and let yourself be led to discovery both inside and out with no pressure. Though I suppose it’s not for everyone.


This game is 9/10 for the Moebius Simulator aspect alone. If there were a way to get an Arzach outfit, it would be 10/10


I love the distinct aesthetics of the game. Im somewhat reminded of the french artist Möebius.


Video shows not a single stamina upgrade was obtained and starter bike was used throughout. Very much doubt they actually played it.


The artwork style and aesthetics reminds me of the French artist / cartoonist Jean Giraud (aka Moebius) even down to the expansive desolate terrain. I wonder if his work was an inspiration for the game and the games artists. I love Giraud's artwork and comics so maybe I would like the game but it's not on the PS4.


Favourite game is trying to guess who reviews what before they begin speaking on 3MR. I'm at 9/10 correct guesses so far.


Sable fits in really well with, what I like to call, "beautiful" games. Games made with the idea that the medium truly can be art.
Think of titles like Journey, Return of the Obra Dinn, Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor, Grow Home, A Short Hike, Shelter, Rodina, Undertale, NaissanceE, GTA IV, Shadow of the Colossus, Spec Ops: The Line, Inside, Portal, The Stanley Parable, KotOR 2, Dishonored, Alien: Isolation and others. Games made by people that understand how to use gameplay and art direction to get you experiencing the story, instead of just watching it.
For example, regarding the reviewers mild complaint about the game world feeling empty in Sable. I think that's exactly as intended, this lines up perfectly with the story of the game world being a scarcely populated cluster of deserts and the main character's feelings of going from being able to constantly interact with friends and family to suddenly being alone in an intimidating, indifferent and vast world. Each landmark and NPC interaction becomes more interesting and wanted because of that down time, In a similar way to how each battle in Shadow of the Colossus is so amazing because of the space between them.


I'm on a Series S and the stuttering is more than I can swallow. How is the performance so bad? It looks like a slide show that was animated by an AI.


A lack of stuff in the world I can understand, that's a matter of personal preference, but I think pointing to a lack of conflict as a negative is a bit unfair, like criticising Fall Guys for lacking character development, it may be something you would've preferred, but it's pretty clear that's not what the game is going for. Same with the difficulty, a game about discovery shouldn't impede you from discovering.


Thanks for playing Will 🙏 Sounds like it would be a lot more fun and engaging if it had something more - whether that be added combat or some enhanced difficulty in puzzles and/or platforming. I got the impression the map is maybe supposed to be as empty as it is(?). Like it might drive more engagement or excitement for when a player finally finds that sought-after new location. Hope you're as well as you can be man 🙏🍻 Cheers and thanks for all you make!


I see my initial impressions of the Steam demo were correct. It's a neat graphic shader with the most barebones excuse of a game to go with it


i'm 19h in already, it is probably my favourite game ever, there are some bad bugs but i don't really care, it is such a great world to just explore and chill


Well there are some bugs and fps drops, and the world is mostly empty, BUT I do love this game more than anything I've played in a couple of years. I do chill and jump out of the day to day life routine while playing sable. This game proves two things: video game can be a piece of art, video game can be interesting while having no violence elements in gameplay.


despite the flaws it still feels like my jam I at least want to play it for a bit to see what it has to offer


A lack of difficulty and conflict are exactly what makes Sable so special. Imagine a sandbox. Playing with sand is fun. Why make playing with sand difficult and dangerous?

Outer Wilds, Astroneer, Journey to the Savage Planet, Sable. Games made with pure joy, and are pure joy to play.


What i wanna know is, how this got added to essentials,


No mention of the atrocious performance? Because it’s absolutely terrible to play with the stuttering freezing and useless camera.


Sounds like what I expected. Shame it's not on switch but I'll still pick it up later this year.


One of my fav games this year. It's on gamepass so its a no brainer
