OFF GRID living is a LIE....(deep dive)

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Off Grid videos should be transparent, so people who want to live off-grid can have clear examples and accurate expectations. Also for a lot of people off grid living is a way to get a foothold in life and have an affordable home, not just a way to "unplug" from the grid.

If you haven't seen my previous video click here
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Thank you so much for making these videos!!!

I have noticed certain channels with very fancy items( trucks, houses, etc) and i have felt in a sense hopeless in ever going off grid as i don’t have that kind of money.

After watching this video, i have more hope on how to really get an off grid property and start building a better life. Thank you for sharing your experience and how it worked for you and for being transparent!


I'm a city dweller (Berlin, Germany) and even I smell BS when people with high tech equipment and fancy cars try to tell me on YouTube that they're living the real off grid life. I rather watch people like you and your wife, because I know you are REAL and I hope you keep it that way.


I really can't see how anyone would see this guy as "knocking" anybody. He's truly humble.


Dave, keep in mind, you can't please all the people, all the time. Some people think camping is throwing their sleeping bag on the ground and watching the stars at night. Others believe camping is going to the Holiday Inn and opening the windows.

I don't watch your channel and say, "Wow! Now that's the way to do it." I watch your channel - and others - to get ideas and gain insight into how I want to do something. Just keep doing what you're doing, buddy, and you'll have me as a faithful follower for the duration....


Dave, your off grid is a lie” video is probably one of the most important ones for the “off grid” / homestead/ tiny homes community. My partner and I live in a tiny home and we like to watch this type of content for ideas for improvement or troubleshooting. While we enjoy a lot of the videos, it can be quite discouraging seeing all these people who you know started with quite a lot - like you said, they sold their hundreds of thousands of dollar house to go “off grid”, or they have a work from home corporate job. Which is great for them and no shade, but I’m glad you could show us from a typical working persons’ perspective of how you and Brooke made your life together.


Almost a million subs and you take the time to explain yourself in a calm and appropriate manner. Bravo sir.


I'm glad you made this video. Husband and I are disabled vets who want to go off grid and go back to the basics. We've always lived in the city or rurally. We have a mortgage and are really trying to be free from bills and live free. This video helped me. I was so discouraged when I saw folk with all the off grid supplies and like they had millions of dollars. I can't afford their type of off grid. I like yours and (my self reliance). Y'all really encourage Michigan


You don’t have to explain yourself Dave! Your long term subscribers know what you and Brooke are doing. You’ve always made it very clear! You didn’t stutter! Off grid living means just what you said it is- no mainstream utility hookups, etc. You’re living debt free and depend on yourselves. Nothing wrong with that.


My grandparents were "off-grid" over in Ogemaw Co, MI until 1950 (Not by choice). There was a lot about their farm that I experienced as a kid in the 1960s that I really didn't understand until I was older and then understood what living without electricity meant. Keep it coming as I found your discussion a breath of fresh air on the subject.


I stumbled on your channel a few days ago. I really enjoy seeing you work towards your dream. I am nearly 70 and define off grid as being away from the dog eat dog world. You really see this when you retire, and the world whirls on around you. I have zero debt, I have sufficient retirement income for basic needs, I am free to do what I want with my days, and I no longer have to kiss any butt or put up with any you know what. I do however live in a small house with a small garden and a small cat in a "small" city-where I can walk to most things I need. When I went off-grid I stopped watching TV and going to movies, stopped constantly eating out, stopped buying the newest, latest, best things. My 3 year old phone (thanks to 5G) is mostly on "do not disturb" or just turned off. I no longer want to be first-I am happy with being next. I think most channels miss the one most important aspect of living off grid-The living part. At some point your cabin and land improvements will be done. Then what? Lets see more fishing, hiking, camping, and maybe yes (the horror) hunting in the videos.

Автор definitely can't please everyone. People will always complain, poke fun, etc. Your videos, and Brooke's videos are awesome, so entertaining and I look forward to watching them. One of my favorites is the video you did where you paint your car black for $20. Don't apologize for the things you say. It's obvious that you're not snobbish, etc. You do not give off an air of arrogance. Your intent is pure and honest. Please do not change!


You and Brooke are some of the most authentic people I watch on YouTube. The ones of us who have been with you from the long haul know where you are coming from. Keep doing you!


I'm sure I'm not the only subscriber to your & Brooke's content that truly appreciates just how genuine and down to Earth you both are. Could be the biggest motivator to the negativity you're getting is simply jealousy of your joy ... "sweat equity" is paying you dividends that some folks wish could be put on a credit card. We've been designed to get satisfaction out of being creative and productive. Thanks a million for the inspiration, Dave! See you down the road, Brother ... God Bless :)


The thing that I always appreciated was the equipment list Brooke would have in her videos and the way you would talk about how you would use scrap materials in your building projects. That's how I realized that I wouldn't need to go to a hardware store for everything because if I trashed something, I wasn't out much in cost. I was learning and saving. Transparency like you said. I'm sorry so many people didn't understand that. Please keep doing what you're both doing, it's so helpful. 🙌🏽


Dave, in comparison to your channel most everyone out there claiming to live the 'off grid' lifestyle is a poser. Your integrity, honesty and transparency shines through in everything you and Brook do. You inspire us to believe that their are alternatives to a hamster wheel existence to make our lives more meaningful.


I’m from Michigan and my husband and I are debt free now. We are saving for a remote piece of property. I stumbled upon you both and appreciate how transparent you are about how easy it can be if you dig in the dirt and make it happen. I have left some other channels that seem to constantly have sponsors and big budgets. Sustainable living doesn’t include several pleasure ride horses. We get what you are saying. Thanks for all your efforts!


Hi !
If I wanted to make a major life change, the decision can't be made without serious, in depth research . As a note taker with an "engineer" mindset, if there isn't a clear, reasonable, do-able process to get me from where I am, to where I want to be, the project is dead in the water . Watching Brooke tackle a task is "real life" ! She films the good, the bad and the ugly...there is no fluff . If I'm willing to go through the same task, knowing the reality it demands, the success rate is more sure ! Thank you both for caring about the quality of our chosen paths
and your willingness to make a vital video for our benefit !!!
Be safe, well and YOU !


I'm going to make a bold statement here. This has become my favorite YouTube channel. YT is by a long shot, my favorite social media. I follow countless accounts. Sports, fishing, boating, motivation, men's health, etc. This channel is educational in a way that today's world needs to see. Sweat equity, gotta love that. Keep up the excellent work. Best wishes from the swamps of Louisiana! ⚜️🐊


I’ve been following you and Brooke for over a year and one thing I’ve learned about either one of you, you are, neither judgemental, arrogant, or know it all people. You share your love of raw land, your ability to build these beautiful cabins that could be used as an off grid property and then you give all kinds of advice on how to be successful. Keep doing what you’re doing, kudos to both of you and your channels!!


I watched this in my basement while my electric furnace kept me warm, thinking, 'I could walk out my front door, walk 150 yards into bush, and film and a non-transparent, "off grid, tiny home build" in the bush' and no-one would know that the bush was financed by mono-crop agriculture, and the build by a sideline crown corporation job. Love the channel, the dream is really to build a 'shack' to have morning coffee in with the MRS. and enjoy nature as a retreat.
