Do NOT Buy Nintendo Switch Sports Before Watching This Video!

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In today's video, I reveal issues that Nintendo Switch Sports is riddled with, including being unfinished, lacking any charm and sustainable content, and suspicious play test requirements from Nintendo.
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I'm getting this game. I don't care what anyone says.


i’m personally absolutely obsessed w the game 😭 i’ve been playing it all day and i love the character customisation


I did the online play test and thoroughly enjoyed it. The controls were great, and I think my favourite was survival bowling. Sure its no Wuhu Island, but I kinda like the new style. With the failure that was the Wii U and Wii Sports Club, I don't blame Nintendo for wanting to go in a different direction. Not to mention, there's a bunch of new players now. The older kids who played Wii Sports might have young kids now who won't be as familiar with Miis and Wuhu Island. And keep in mind, Miis were an exclusive thing to the Wii and DS family, and the Switch is neither. The Switch has its own family of systems with the OLED. Maybe Nintendo decided its time to move on and is trying something new


I pre ordered this game and I am fairly excited. There were things Nintendo did wrong like not bringing back wuhu island, or having Miis the main characters( I know they’re playable) I’m just glad they brought back Wii sports at all, and I hope for new updates and added sports. I would love basketball and baseball to be added


Some of these criticisms make no sense and this just screams someone that’s letting nostalgia cloud his view.


I took part in the Online Play Test and played every session they had available. I didn't experience any issues with the games or controls themselves, everything seemed fairly polished. I think I was only disconnected once? Please keep in mind that this playtest was global and not region specific. So what seems like a weird time for us in the US is normal for EU and JP players. I can only comment on what I played as the Play Test seems to have not included any of the new sports. idk if that was the case for everyone but for me only the sports from last entries (Bowling, Tennis & Sword Play) were selected. Overall through it was fairly enjoyable, each session that 1 hour just flew by. I think you're being too harsh on something just because the art style is different.


I'm buying it, we hear these complaints with literally everything that nintendo releases, then even after all of the fuss you either never hear about it again or people love it.


You know what I hate? They've shown they can release games for a price that is actually worth the content. Big Brain Academy Brain vs Brain was 30 dollars, and I think Nintendo Switch Sports should have also been 30 digitally. The replay value of Nintendo Switch Sports is going to be in how much you're willing to replay the sports again and again, and so it's not likely you'll be getting many hours out of the game unless you do replay them again and again, whether it's online or offline.


im still getting this game because i dont care about other peoples opinions, i played the play test and im happy with the game its a hit or miss to some ppl.


i got the game it's so friggin fun i've been getting a good chunk of time on bowling, love how they redid the spinning mechanic (a hook as they called it) but it's really fun to compete with others in too, and i mean if you want fun then you should get the game it's worth the money and it's just really fun overall


Ok so I can respect your opinion, but you should let other people make their own opinions and not base it around your own.


the people that enjoyed this game never playied wii sport resort, this game is just a money-grab


I don't really care if the sports mates are the main focus! I'm getting the game


Games with Content Added:
-Smash Ultimate

Unfinished Games that were Released too Early:
-Animal Crossing: New Horizons
-Switch Sports

Why do I bring up AC:NH? Mainly because I'm still pretty pissed by how it started, but also as an example how it can end good. Of course this does not mean Switch Sports will be good, but it's a possibility. Of course I do certainly see where you're coming from, I personally think it's eh so far.


Just an FYI I got a chance to play this. A LOT of this was wrong. Soccer had the full game at Launch. The games have a nice balance of simplicity in learning and complex things to master. The game is $40 not $50. And the leg strap is not necessary at all. The icing on the cake is the two player online and if you make a guest mii for a friend it will save. All and all this game is definitely worth the money. Is it nostalgic like wii sports no. Could they have added more yes. At the end of the day though this game is definitely worth the price


Sportsmates don’t even look that bad IMO


I feel like I’m the only one who really likes the sports mates. And Wii sports games online tend to cost 40-60 dollars nowadays.


I don’t give a fuck what everyone says, this game is going to kick ass!


Nintendo it would have been so easy, an enlarged Wuhu island with new locations for new sports. Miis as the main theme. More than just 14 sports (sorry I mean 6 of course). And an online mode where you could travel with your friends in wuhu island.


I dont really understand why you said that soccer wouldnt be playable at launch, only the shootout mode

It will be, its just the legstrap wont be compatible with the main game until an update

Feel like you could’ve talked about more valid things like how the shootout mode in soccer is only playable with the leg strap which messes up people who got the game digitally, rather than baseless claims riddled with nostalgia

For example, yes the game has 6 sports, half of resort, but a lot of resort’s sports are very forgettable and i’d be willing to bet not many people would care if they were back. Canoeing, wakeboarding, cycling, power cruising and frisbee are not sports that people are really advocating to come back at all, and while table tennis is one of my personal favorites, it is way too similar to tennis for me to enjoy them both in the same game. They’re even more similar than badminton and tennis (which you definitely overexaggerated, btw)

So that leaves baseball, boxing, basketball, archery and…i guess air sports? The latter wouldn’t work with spocco square, so i’ll exclude that. Basketball and baseball are disappointing to see gone, I won’t lie. Boxing is unfortunately replaced by chambara and archery probably isn’t the top choice for many people either.

You might say “the choice would’ve been nice” for the extra sports, but you’re already complaining about badminton and tennis being “the exact same.”

and if you want a game on wuhu island with more sports, there’s already a game for that. I think you just need to get used to change lol
