The WORST Parts of Wipe 0.14 | Escape from Tarkov

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I had to pull an all nighter to get this video done so I hope you enjoyed. I'm also getting a new camera so hopefully there will be a noticeable increase in video quality the next time I upload a blue screen video. Anyways, thank you so much for watching, I hope you enjoyed.
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BSG is to the gaming scene like HK is to the gun scene.
HK: How dare you want our guns!
BSG: How dare you enjoy our game!


Imagine having to do quests in Tarkov without the wiki. None of these quests are designed for that.

Like, it should be that Prapor tells you "Hey, so there is this abandoned ttain car on Customs, west of the old gas station. Here, I've marked it on your map".

But so many quests are just "Find where this thing is" and if you didn't have a Wiki, you'd just never ever find it. Hell, I'd imagine 90% of new players wouldn't find the damn pocket watch if nobody told them where to look.


There's a set of spawns I call "5 minute spawns". If you load into one, you're required to sit behind concealment for 5 minutes before you get to play the raid. Good time to get up and get a drink.


12:55 The very fact that "ASS" is written on the wall of this respawn is incredibly amusing to me. XD


The lack of any major quest overhauls was the most disappointing part of this wipe (and every wipe) for me. So many of these tasks feel so extremely dated. Gating players behind rng item spawns, requiring keys that you can't buy until level 15 so they completely gate your progression up to that level, quests still ordered based on when their maps were released and having to play the same map dozens of times in a row to get all of them done. Tasks are a chore and players have been doing the same poorly thought out monotonous bullshit for years now, so to see no changes is extremely disheartening. I feel like the tasks, all of them, need to be completely reworked and sequenced better to fit with the game tarkov has become, not the game tarkov was when shoreline came out.


Can't wait to see this game fully release in 2077


3:41 the pause, the squint in the eyes, the sudden realization, followed by resumed composure. Amazing Lev lmao


"Get back Sh-.... Get shot in the back" Nice save lol


the snow REALLY makes you stand out like crazy. on every map. usually i dont notice people across the little lake next to lumber mill on woods but now you INSTANTLY see other people running there from a mile away and just blast them. it looks cool but it also makes certain areas even more deadly


Forgot about Reserve being unplayable because you either die 0-2 minutes in to spawncamping (80% of spawns are within 3 seconds of running to be within eyesight of eachother) or you die 10 minutes in to the 100 player scavs (you can legit spawn in minute 32).


Requiring 2 zabralos on such an early quest is brainrot design in itself


its real reviews like this that make the itch to play tarkov again go away without having to play tarkov. thanks for the reminder.


the player scavs this wipe are ridiculous Im getting pushed by 5 player scavs on NIGHT RAIDS within 10 minutes of a shoreline match I cannot be the only one seeing this every map has turned into the lighthouse scav crap where they spawn at the loot before you do


They changed "Sew it good" so you have to hand in 6B13 "Flora" armors found in raid instead! ;)


I get on the soap box the same but alone in my room to the wall


the scav time to spawn also is killing the game, when you spawn in on streets you get like 2 minutes to fight off the pmcs and then the player scavs start spawning


So, about the Piranha rounds, they have a massive cone compared to other shells. Even larger than Flechette. It just has huge spread. It's a barrel-stuffer shell, you have to play with it like you would CoD shotguns, by getting as close as possible.


They ban people for trading in the game because they can't deal with the black market. But, classically, honest players suffer because cheaters care about it anyway. I remember the times when you could put two armors, but I also remember the times when a normal scav had a chance to appear and you had to go to the factory map to get these vests there.


The worst part isnt any quest, its the amount of ridicolous cheaters and bsg not caring


Honestly with shotguns I've found magnum buck to be very effective, i chalk it up to the new armor hitboxes
