5 Most Difficult Violin Pieces

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S N A P C H A T: Brettybang | Eddy.Chen
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Yesterday's video: Eddy flexing on us with his perfect pitch
Today's video: Brett flexing on us with his perfect pizz


Alternative Title: Eddy verbally sacrificing Brett every 2 mins


When it said "should've studied medicine", imagine.

TwoSetScalpel: 5 Most Difficult Medical Proceedures

Brett: *failing each example causing several blood loss on the patient*


Alternate title: “Eddy telling Brett to play these hard pieces in milestones so he can’t play his Sibelius.”


Common irrational fears:
Needles, spiders, heights...

Brett's irrational fear:
Eddy: Alright guys if we hit x mil subs, Brett's gonna play--


5. 1:27 Bach - Chaconne (Hilary Hahn)
4. 3:26 Ernst(Schubert) - Der Erlkönig (Hilary Hahn)
3. 6:16 Ysaÿe - Sonata no. 6 (Augustin Hadelich)
2. 8:38 Ernst - Last Rose of Summer (Maxim Vengerov(my fav rendition))
1. 10:52 Paganini - God Save the King (Franck Peter Zimmermann)

edit: got confused of the numbering I think it's because I watched this at 4 am. Lol


The thing with Hilary playing Erkönig is, she doesn't just play the notes, she brings out the full story. You can hear the Erlking's seduction, the child's cry, the father's worry, the rush of the horse, it's all there, the whole beautiful tragedy of it.


As a non violinist, but a TwoSet fan, I find any violin piece they show me difficult.


alternative title: 5 of ling ling’s warm up pieces


I think the best era of TwoSet was 2019-2022. They are experienced but also they seem more sincere at those years idk why


Eddy: “I can’t believe I just did that.” Well, me neither


-god save the king-
god save brett from all those challenges eddy promised for him


I love how eddy is so ready to throw brett under the bus whenever he plays and did something just right 🤣🤣


1:26 Bach Chaccone
3:25 Ernst - Erlkönig
6:19 Ysaye - Sonata No. 6
8:39 Ernst - Last Rose of Summer
10:50 Paganini - God Save the King


*parallel universe*
TwoSetDoctors: should've been a violinist


Alternative title: Ling Ling’s favorite warm-ups


"It means we're losing our vision. We're seeing double notes by accident."
- Brett


Ok, so I can see why bar 244 (3:16) in Chaconne is difficult. So for non violinists, the placement of the fingerings is a huge thing when doing different chords, especially for a fretless fingerboard. But before I get into the fingerings, the angle of the left wrist slants from left to right starting at the beginning of the fingerboard like: fingerboard> |\ <wrist.

So now, the first 3 notes is an E, C# and Bb. 1st finger is on E on the D string, 2nd finger is on C# on the A string, and the 4th finger is on Bb on the E string. The placement of the fingerings follows the angle of the wrist like \\ so it's comfortable.

Second set of 3 notes is F, D and A. 2nd finger is on F on the D string, and now the 3rd finger is both on the D on the A string and A on the E string. Since D and A is a 5th interval, and violin strings are tuned in 5ths, you can just put one finger on both strings and it works.

Now this is where it gets difficult. Now there's G, E and G. 3rd finger is on G on the D string, 4th finger is on E on the A string, and 2nd finger is on G on the E string. So now the placement of the fingerings is a bit awkward because it's no longer lining up with the angle of the left wrist.

But the 4th set of 3 notes is G#, D and F. 4th finger is on G# on the D string, 3rd finger is on D on the A string, and 1st finger is on F on the E string. What's different about these notes? the finger placement is going the opposite direction of the angle of the wrist. so it's like this: fingerings> /\ <wrist. In order to do that, you're going to have to stretch your pinky and ring finger far to hit the notes on the lower strings.

So that's the fingerings, but now you have to worry about TRANSITIONS! So now starting on E, C#, Bb 1-2-4 (fingerings 1 is index, 2 is middle, 3 is ring and 4 is pinky) you have to transition from that to F, D, A 2-3-3 so your 2nd finger on the C# has to move to the left on the D string and shift down a bit to hit that F and place the 3rd finger on D and A while the index and pinky leaves the fingerboard. THEN from F, D, A 2-3-3 to G, E, G 3-4-2, move your ring from the A string to the D string, place your pinky on the A string, and move your second finger all the way to the E string. That transition is hard. THEN from G, E, G 3-4-2 to G#, D, F 4-3-1, move your pinky to the left on the D string and shift down the pinky a bit to hit that G#, move your index to the right on the A string, and let go of the 2nd finger and place your 1st finger on the E string.

Now do all that and make it sound clean and


Eddy : **jokes about making promises.**
The fandom : write that down. wriTE THAT DOWN.


Eddy's just telling us that Brett's going to do Ysaye's 6th to distract us from the fact that he promised us Sibelius....
