100 Days Worth of Food for $100: LASTS 25 YEARS!

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#foodstorage #prepping #survival
$100 estimate is in Canadian dollars
Rice = 40 Dollars
3 Bags of Oats= 20$
Chickpeas= 20$
Beans= 20$

*Correction I meant to write "pour" not poor (although thats a good pun) and honey has antibiotic properties, not anti-septic!

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1. In the US, you can get a 25 pound bag of rice for $11, 25 pound bag of flour for $7, etc. Rice should be viewed as a food extender that when added to something like a can of tomato soup will dramatically increase the caloric value of the food and allow many to be filled with it.
2. I have worked time and again with Mylar bags. I have tried them in all kinds of different thicknesses, sizes, manufactures, suppliers, and so forth. I have tried sealing them in multiple ways as well and I have found that they have an unacceptably high failure rate. Typically, Mylar bags are sent through the mail folded up (especially the larger sizes) and the corners of the folds ends up creating microscopic holes that leak air. My success rate with Mylar bags has been between 5% and 40% depending on all sorts of variables. In my hands, these bags are just too expensive with too great a failure rate (with failures often times taking a year or so to manifest itself) to be used.
3. Vacuum food sealers offer a great and economical method for storing food. Vacuum food bags are heavy duty and have a failure rate in my hands of less than 5% when care is taken. (Do not use the pleated vacuum bags because they are a nightmare to get to work well with an unacceptably high failure rate. It seems the pleating creates mall channels that are hard to seal properly which leads to failure.) Also, you can get add ons that allow you to vacuum seal foods in jars.
4. A great many foods do not need to be stored under a vacuum or in an inert atmosphere to remain viable for extended periods. The real issue that destroys foods are moisture and heat. If you can store your food at or below room temperature while keeping the moisture levels relatively low, then things like rice, pasta, beans, and so forth, can be stored without problem for decades.
6. The greatest threat to food storage is vermin. A mouse or rat can go through a Mylar bag in an instant and they will given any opportunity. I store most of my food such as sugar, pasta, flour, rice, beans, and such, in plastic trash cans with a locking lid. (You can enhance or ensure the seal using duct tape.) These keep the mice and such out and when stored in their original packages in a cool dry environment, the food is good for decades. A month or so ago we sacrificed some pasta that we put into storage in a plastic trash can 14 years ago. It was in its original packaging with no Mylar bag, no oxygen absorbers, no water getters, or anything else, and no one in the family could taste anything different when we cooked it up and ate it. Additionally, as a research chemist who has taught Toxicology as well as Biochemistry at the university for nearly 20 years, I know that these products are nutritionally fine and have not lost any nutritional value.
7. Learn how to can. When done properly, food will last indefinitely. When we cooked up the pasts form 14 years ago, we also used canned tomato sauce that was canned a bit over 10 years ago and it was excellent.
The bottom line is that one experiment is worth a thousand hypotheses. People need to take the information they can get and then try with trial and error to see what works for them and what does not. Blindly taking advice and using it without some experimentation or long term monitoring is a classic method of failure. Hope this helps.


You're better sealing in multiple smaller bags than one big one. This will insure that the food stays fresh longer and also prevents the chance that if the seal breaks while in storage not all the food goes bad by the time you need it. Remember the old saying, "Don't put all your eggs in one basket". Good luck to everyone, but the next one will be worse so Get Prepared!


Word of advice ; I've been a painter for 20+ years, the place I work for stores paints for lots of years and those Home Depot buckets don't hold very well with dense or heavy products over time ; they break at the bottom and burst open !!! Get instead the empty ones from paint manufacturers stores since those are designed to hold heavy and dense paint and also the lids have heavy duty seals !! Godspeed everyone !!!


Our family is mostly beekeepers, Our farm has over 800 hives over the county, from just 1 hive, you can get more than 100 pounds of honey. We are the keepers of life.


Not only is this good for prepping but here's so real life stuff that happens more than disaster. Losing your job, can't afford to pay bills. My buddy went bankrupt and was completely devastated after he couldn't find work around 2009. He was unemployed for 2 years and scraping by doing other jobs not in his primary profession for far far less money (we're talking just scraping pennies together to keep the lights on). He ended up tapping into his food preps for SHTF to feed himself and his family. They paid literally $0 for food for almost 5 months feeding 5 mouths. Before they were sending about $1, 000 a month on food for everyone. He said it literally saved them from losing the house and his wife's car. He's now since gotten back on his feet, and making great money and has restocked his preps 10 fold. He just needed some time to get back on his feet. And he saved himself thousands of dollars worth of food over almost half a year with food he paid just a couple hundred bucks for years ago when he could afford it. So food prepping is also good for tough times


Man I miss this part of your channel. I know the new types of videos are probably getting way more traffic but these genuinely helped me. The new ones are just hysteric


People are buying this for the end of the world. I'm buying it to survive til the end of the month.


Load up on seasonings while you can, being able to change the flavor profile of foods is a most.


I've had 100% maple syrup go bad and get moldy. It's honey that lasts forever.


I and my father got lost when i was a kid. he packs my food and his food with extra but he never planned on getting lost in the wood. after two days i started eating his extra food and it was pure veggies, me being the picky eater kid but being so hungry they tasted good, trust me you will eat anything when it comes to survival


Nice. Couple pointers I would suggest to your viewers is 1.) use smaller bags. You don’t want to have to open all 30 pounds of chickpeas and 60
Pounds of rice to get a balanced diet and be left with open bags and exposed food for months. Bag in smaller bags. 2.) label everything more than once. No way you or your grandchildren will know what’s in every bag in 20 years. Write it on the bag. 3.) mix bags of foods you need to eat together so if you must eat chickpeas and rice to be balanced then pack equal amounts of both in each bucket. That way should an emergency require you to run you can grab a bucket and go. 4) make your food as mobile as possible. If marauders threaten you after shtf or forest fire or your just moving house. Having smaller pails that all, even children can help carry matters . 5.) save freeze dried food till last and keep in in duffle bags or similar. It weighs the least so very mobile and is nutritious. If you must grab and run leave the rice and take the freeze dried food.


I placed my first order just over a week ago with this business. No problem with service. I bought mylar bags for 5 gallon pails, O2 absorbers and another item.
I bought pails from Home Depot for cheap. Tried two to start. DAMN WAS THAT EASY! I used 16kg or long grain rice and 16kg of sugar.
Always be very gentle with mylar bags. I placed the bag in the pail, then gently rounded it out best I could to the shape of the pail. Once half full I shook the product around to fill out gaps to maximize available space. Then I filled the rest.
I bought the cheapest hair straightener from Wal-Mart. Then washed my hand held vacuum attachment with soapy water. As in the video, I used the straightener to seal all but a portion of the bag to insert the O2 absorber and the vacuum attachment. That sealing process went easier than I thought. I was able to grab the end while still keeping it sealed and hit it with the heat to seal it. I will inspect it in a couple of weeks to make sure that bag is still sealed. Should be as it is in the pail with lid securely shut.
Too bad I can't upload images of the work.
I have three more pails to fill now and am now confident with using this.

Edit. A day after I did that I found NOT to use O2 absorbers for sugar as it turns it in to a solid brick. I took it out today. Sugar is good as I learned that quickly.


From one tiny tomato seed you can grow numerous plants by taking cuttings and rooting more.Multiply and be fruitful😁.


during a full SHTF scenario, heat is high value. Beans soaked overnight (12) hours, cooks 6 minutes ia a pressure cooker. Rice also cooks in 6 minutes.


If you use mylar bags, leave them out of the bucket for a few days to make sure your seal is good. Sometimes you get a small leak and you can fix it before storing it. Also, rats can eat through plastic buckets so protect your buckets. One last thing, check your buckets occasionally, sometimes they can degrade and fracture.


"Hunger makes the best sauce." -Old Saying


Here in 2021... preparing more than usual for the coming food shortage because of crop failure, water shortage, and the government taking over the beef industry. Keep prepping yall!


Kind of ironic the buckets have "Rona" printed on them. Lol


lentils would be another really good item to stock pile, they are a nutritional powerhouse. a cooking fat/oil would be a good to add.


With the soy sauce, do NOT keep it in the plastic jug! Pour it into gallon glass jugs and cap it and store it. The salt content is the preservative and yet it is also corrosive to plastic an absorbs all the nasties out of the plastic into your sauce.
Also, I go to a mennonite store and get rolled oats, 50 lb sack, for $23 usd. That comes to $.44/lb.
