Jehovah's Witnesses v. The Quiverfull Movement - Ep. 6 - Faith Versus Faith (with Ashley Easter)

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The Quiverfull Movement is a conservative Christian group that encourages large families in which women are raised to be submissive to a strict patriarchal structure. In my conversation with former believer Ashley Easter, I discuss some of the parallels with Jehovah's Witnesses.

Ashley's contact information:

Twitter: @ashleymeaster
Facebook: /ashleymeaster

Sources quoted by Ashley in the show:

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I use to be a JW. My husband and I became witnesses earlier in our marriage. I was never really comfortable in it, however my husband took to it hook, line and sinker. I was always told that I’d have a more difficult time because I had been “worldly” prior to becoming a witness. We spend many years in it and were even baptized. The deeper we got in it (my husband became a ministerial servant) the louder my gut got. There is a reason God (Jehovah, Yahweh, Allah or whatever The One Who Created All’s name really is) gave us a ‘gut feeling’, and after coming across videos like this, I now know without a shadow of doubt, my gut was right. Listen To Your God Given Gut Feeling it will save your life if you let it. That’s the reason it’s there. We’ve been out for many years but every so often, I can tell my husband wants to go back but I won’t. I guess you can title this, ‘Confessions of a 60-year-old’ … lol … have a glorious day and a much better tomorrow, cause I’m planning to do that very thing 😉


Wonderful interview. So many similarities, I'm an ex mormon woman who was taught basically the same things. Men you follow and ask for permission to do things. If you've been to the temple your husband is the one who saves you from the grave, if your not married don't worry some nice man in the afterlife will marry you and you can be one of many of his wives. Your greatest purpose in life is to have babies and as many as you can...this is main stream lds...the fundamentalist are stricter. Thank goodness my husband, three children and I left. So sad other family members are still in it and true believers. Thanks for this video!


Fascinating. I didn’t know anything about this movement. A lot of parallels between them and JWs! Thank you to you both!


I have a Quiverfull friend. He is the 10th of I believe 13 (don't remember the number of siblings he told me) children and he has 7 kids himself that he home schools. He invited me to dinner at his house and tried to convert me join to his church. His children had to share bedrooms and they did not have the money to fix the air conditioning. His dad who lived with him is a pastor said a pro Trump prayer before dinner which I had to pretend to pray along with which was not easy.


man i am at my workshop again tonight working late on the run up to Christmas and again looking forward to another great upload, nice one lloyd


Another educational video. Thank you Lloyd! I still love your ending credits song.


As with many cults, I find this movement repulsive and yet fascinating. Thanks to both of you for an informative video.


Yay for intertextuality! I love that you brought up the song lyrics, Lloyd, but I'm sad that you didn't sing them. As a high school English teacher, I always call out, "Sing it with feeling!" whenever a reader must read song lyrics aloud. Few indulge me. LOL.
Every once in a while, someone will surprise the class with real singing. :-)

Also, I would love to see a "fashion show" in which women from various faiths model the "modest" garments that every patriarchal religion foists upon women, along with body shame and slut-shame, with narration about how this long denim skirt or this high neckline brings the wearer closer to a god as they walk (like nuns with clasped hands and eyes down) the runway.


As a former member of an patriarchal IFB church (not quiverful tho), I’m glad to see people acknowledging its problems with inequality. It’s was a distractive force in my life.


Thanks for this experience! The first time I heard of Quiverfull was a little while ago, I watched a youtube documentary about the Quiverfull movement involving Michael and Debi Pearl who advocate corporal punishment to a scary degree. It was madness. He would be at conventions teaching parents how to discipline their kids by beating a rag doll


So informative. Thank you for spreading the real truth to people of all the nations.


Great interview. I’d never heard of this movement before.
I am shocked that 48/50 states in the US allow child marriages!!


The one thing I was taught growing up in the witness programme was forgiveness, whatever scripture it said you have to forgive your brother seven times seven, another one is pull the rafter out of your own eye?? They don’t practise what they preach .


Thanks again for another informative interview. And keep up the good work


Great interview. While I was watching it, I thought it would be great to see you interview Tara Westover, the author of the best-selling book Educated. But perhaps she could be hard to get.

She was raised in the Mormon faith but her father's extreme fundamentalist, survivalist views were not typical of the views of other mainstream Mormons. She was able to escape and change her world-view when she left for college. It's a great book and I identified with some parts of it as an ex JW.


Makes me laugh how the JWs say we have free will and not robots yet step out of line from the teachings and watch yourself get Disfellowshipped! Sounds like robots to me!


Very interesting!.. Knowledge is power! 👍


Oh yay! Another ep of FVF! I enjoy these. 😊


I didn’t know anything about this religion and the laws here in the United States as to child marriage. Wow! So informative!


Ooooo interesting. My 2 favourite cults dooking it out.
