What Is The Memorial? Jehovahs Witnesses

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What is the memorial? Jehovahs Witnesses are pushing it hard, trying to get everybody to come. In this video, I explain what it is, why they do it, and what kind of numbers they can expect in terms of attendance.

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Music: Ether by Silent Partner
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One of my aunts and her daughter are Jehovah’s Witnesses, and they say they don’t celebrate birthdays because it’s “worshipping yourself”. I find that hilarious. Still, they don’t get upset when other people wish them a happy birthday. They don’t accept gifts though.


I got a bible app advertisement on an atheist video

Good job youtube


It’s been so long since they have knocked on my door.I don’t miss it.


I was just watching your old vids a few minutes ago, good time to be on my phone I guess 🤷‍♀️


I find it funny that the memorial and Easter are on April fool's day this year


Great video telltale!

Edit: Also the sound quality is GREAT


I was actually on this celebration last year. I'm a Satanist, mind you, but my friend kind of dragged me there cause her friend dragged her there. All those super fake smiles creeped me out, not to mention the bullshit sermon( I felt really sorry for all the people there and the many children running around.


On the subject of "passing the plate" I have a distinct memory from when I was younger (probably about 7 years old) and at the memorial meeting the "bread" was actually a few Jacob's cream crackers. I had no idea wtf was going on.

Also, gotta say I'm so glad I found your channel. My family were JWs until I was a teenager and so much of what you talk about brings back memories of their batshit insanity.

Case in point, when my mother was pregnant with my brother, she was extremely ill and suffered from polyhydramnious, which is where a massive abundance of amniotic fluid is produced in the womb, basically to the point where she was at risk of bursting like a balloon (yes, literally) if they didn't take action. She had to go for several surgeries, and of course since JWs don't believe in blood transfusions, she was presented with a form to sign, in which the hospital staff would under no circumstances give blood, even if it meant letting her die on the operating table. Now, these operations had a significant risk of bleeding out, and would have killed not just her, but her unborn child.

My mother refused to sign it. And my Dad went apeshit. He said she'd been tainted by the devil, that she was a sinner, that if she died she and the baby would be resurrected in paradise, etc etc. He even threatened divorce. (They did get divorced eventually, though mainly because my Dad was a c**t. I don't even speak to him anymore) To think that this is what the religion did, the possibility that I could be alive today with no mother or siblings, with an arrogant c**t of a father raising me, and then I'd learn that all this happened because of a moronic belief system... Breaking down these insane beliefs is not an act of hatred, but of love. To truly love and help others is to tell them what they don't want to hear for their own good.

Also anyone remember the Purple Triangle VHS tapes? I liked the 2nd one the best because it covered interesting ancient history and stuff about the pyramids, but I was told by my Dad that I "shouldn't have a favourite" because it's all in the name of the truth so I should like them all equally or some bullshit... Man, just talking about JWs takes me back.


"we do not eat the blood and flesh of jesus, like some kind of sick zombie feast"-Telltale 2018. I love it. i love it so much.


I decided to go last year, as an ‘apostate’ observer. Had to have a couple beers to calm down enough to be there.
It was a sanctimonious, farcical, repetitious and boring affair.
Watched my childhood best friend robotically give the talk in a monotone.
I don’t think I can suffer through another one - as comical as it is.
Anybody planning memorial crashes?


Telltale’s so monotone but you can tell he cares so much by what he says and how he words it. It’s amazing.


I went to a memorial once with my ex, it was nauseating. It really was painful to sit there


I’m so glad I do not live in a town with JWs because they would get annoying real quick


I get an invitation to the memorial each year (I'm not a JW). Never went, but I'm tempted now just to take a big bite out of that bread and see what happens x)


During Passover, we do not eat leavened bread, because during exodus the Jews did not have time to let the bread rise. At that, we do not eat any food that takes time to be able to eat (beans, rice, legumes, etc.)


Sweet! Just uploaded right after i got one of their little fliers, part of me just wants to go and see what happens.


Dear Telltale,

i really love watching your Videos and i myself am a baptized Jehovah's Witness. At the time of writing this I live with my mother who thinks this is the one true religion but I do not share her beliefs anymore. I intensely dislike going to the ministry and I feel very bad when someone is actually interested in the religion because of me preaching to him, as they don't know what they're getting into. I started faking some of my ministry reports, so I wouldn't have to go that often from house to house but it feels so wrong to do so and I feel very guilty because of it. It also makes me feel guilty when not praying for a meal even if nobody can see me and sometimes I can't enjoy my food because of it, so I'll have to pray. I began doubting a long time ago but I dismissed these thoughts as apostate. It was only when I began to make friends with worldly people, who I got to know in a youth center about a year ago, that I started to really question my beliefs. I am 16 years old and I want to leave the organization, but I am not sure how. I began talking with some social workers but since they don't have any experience with Jehovah's Witnesses they couldn't help me out very much. After having watched all of your Videos, i now have finally decided to write a comment. Maybe you could give me some advice on how to get over these guilt feelings or on what I should do to leave the organization without ruining my future because my mother would surely refuse to keep me if I get disfellowshipped and become 18 and I would still be in school with 18, so I couldn't live by myself.

Please keep up the excellent work you put in your channel and I'd be very glad if you gave me an answer!


I had a couple of JW's show up before the Memorial and try to hand me an invitation pamphlet. I asked if they were JW's and they admitted they were. I politely declined and wished them well.


Got a bible app add on this video lololol.


I try so hard to pay attention to what you're saying but I always get distracted by the art. Damn.
