Cross Stitch Tutorial: How I Grid My Fabric

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Demonstration for how I grid my cross stitch projects.

Video on removing gridding:

Where to buy Sulky Sliver Monofilament thread for gridding:

Follow me on Instagram for progress pictures

You can buy me a tea, as I don’t drink coffee :) (if you like, no obligation whatsoever)

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Demonstration for how I grid my cross stitch projects.

Video on removing gridding:

Where to buy Sulky Sliver Monofilament thread for gridding:

Follow me on Instagram for progress pictures

You can buy me a tea, as I don’t drink coffee :) (if you like, no obligation whatsoever)

Thanks for watching!


This is AMAZINGLY helpful. I grid pretty much the same way but used regular sewing thread and then grumped my way stitching through it. It never occurred to me to use metallic thread. BRILLIANT!!!


This a great video! I also grid but I discovered that I could find my place by gridding only the horizontal lines 10 stitches apart. I also switched to 4lb. Red fishing line because I found it easier to pull out than Sulky Sliver. I have seen a few too many posts on IG regarding struggles to wash out grid lines from pre-gridded fabric. I cover the piece when I am not stitching and wash my hands before stitching.


Just started gridding. First time doing it. What I did was do the centre line in each direction in a 4lb fishing line. And then the verticle lines in one colour thread, and the horizontal in a different colour to help me know which way is up.


Do you think it is possible to set this up if you know your margins for border/dinishing.. if you could count off from top left instead of having to find center and then start counting and gridding?


hello Gemma, thank you very much for sharing.
That's great. It's tedious at first, but it will be very helpful and you don't have to buy an easy count.
This Sulky Silver is also available from Gütermann in Germany. It was a pleasure. Your project will be huge. Wow, I really respect that. I'm currently looking at all of your other helpful tips one after the other. Really great.
I have left a subscription and hope you continue to enjoy your projects.🥰


Awesome tutorial Gemma...thank you so much for making this video. It will be very helpful when and if I try to grid with sulki sliver...right now I've gridded my Cardinals by putting a dot at each 10x10 corner. I was worried about the lines maybe not washing out or coming back. As it is now, you can't even see my dots under my stitching. But I am stitching on 18ct 2x1...maybe if I was stitching on higher ct with 1 thread, you might be able to see my dots 🤔
What i like about your way of gridding is you mentioned that you can still see your sulki grid after you've stitched and it helps with counting. When I've stitched my corner dots, I do sometimes have to be very careful when counting because I can't see my 10x10 anymore. Hope that makes sense.


Thank you for this tutorial. I’m a little confused why the midpoint of your fabric isn’t the midpoint of your design?


Hi Gemma! What project will you be starting with this piece? And do you prefer this method over pre gridded fabric?


What are you sticking the pins into? What project are you doing? What count is that fabric?


Do you intend to frame your pieces? They’re all so huge I would have to take out a second mortgage for the cost! 😂


Wait what are you counting? The threads in the fabric? I'm confused


The real question is how long did this take to do? 🤣. I'm a heathen and refuse to spend the time doing this
