All About Quantum Jumping and HOW To Do It | Higher Self, Purpose, and Awakening

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In this excerpt from my podcast with Amrit Sandhu, I discuss the process of quantum jumping boiled down to actionable principles that facilitate long-lasting transformation. I also elaborate on my deepest intention for humanity at this time and my own journey of connecting with my higher self to continuously evolve.

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To watch the full episode, head over to Amrit's podcast "Inspired Evolution," available here on YouTube and all major streaming platforms.

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Gabi Kovalenko is a transformational thought leader who teaches a pro-consciousness approach to personal development and mindful living. Gabi integrates principles of noetic science and positive psychology into her philosophy to shed light on the nexus of science and spirituality which reveals the power of consciousness and potentiality within all of life. Her approach revitalizes spiritual concepts by offering a refreshing take on the self-evident truth of universal order that connects people of all ages to their innate wisdom and purpose.

Trained as a holistic healthcare practitioner, she is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in natural medicine and possesses a Bachelor's in Business Administration. Gabi's passion lies in inspiring a fresh awareness of life by disarming limiting beliefs with self-awareness and igniting a paradigm shift towards joy, abundance, love, passion, and freedom to help an individual construct the inner world of their choosing and, in doing so, contribute to the formation of a better one for us all.

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Рекомендации по теме

I don't care if I sound stupid, this girl looks so beautiful it's unreal, her mind is just as beautiful. Just like an angel in physical body.


I woke up w/ a desire to dance. & it hasn't stopped in weeks. I've never been a dancer, but now I can't stop. The dancing is not coming from me, but from a higher source. It feels so real everyday, & the more I let it happen, the stronger it becomes. The Gods are telling me to dance, & it's the strangest, most beautiful thing.


It appears you have aligned with your Inner Purpose; your wisdom, choice of words, and ability to communicate these truths are remarkable. Thank you, Namaste. 💚🙏


You carry such a beautiful vibration. Thank you for showing up. ❤✨️


Thank you Gabi. I’ve just watched you on Andre Duqum’s channel and I am absolutely blown away by you! Everything that you said there completely resonated with me and has been so much of my own perception of this reality and my own journey. I am so glad I found you. You are the sign of new times and you are just incredible. That conversation was THE BEST conversation I’ve ever listened to. Thank you so much, this is to honour you and express my gratitude for your presence 🙏🏻


I feel you are a Galactic being that chose to come to earth to help humanity. Thankyou.


I always enjoy your shares, I appreciate you!💜


Perfect timing for this video! Simple and strait to the point, Gabi! I want to encourage people, that this Quantum Jumping, is so easy. It needs the real will / intention to be there, and then, as you say, there's always a change, because the Source, makes things MOVE ! So your direct explanation, Gabi, makes it CLEAR, that all these manifestation methods, for what? Once you're tuned, all the changes comes, and there's even more joy in it. 💜


Currently watching you on "KnowThyself" and I am being blown away by you. So I just wanted to reach out and say hey. You are verifying the journey that I have been on now for the last 15yrs. Yes the universe lead me to you, not surprised, if you plant corn you don't get carrots. Hope you reach others as well today . Just wanted you to know today you have helped me, and have put a smile on my face. All the best. ✌


You mentioned the word, terrified. Lately, upon feeling this I became very angry. This anger is propelling me to shut the door on this terrified feeling. I feel myself repeating and repeating this definite No! To my brain and body, it felt terrifying. But I realize that is brain and body and this definite No is what is going to shut that door to the past. And then synchronicity lead me to Quantum Jumping and thus to your channel. It is time to let go and receive. Thank you for bringing up our feminine side for doing this. Blessings, B.


Very grateful for you. Thank you for being.🐤

It's uncanny how closely your messages match my own internal guidance.


Nice ! To educate the person is to educate the society . 💖


A Choice of Stings by Jack Scholze

The elderberry bush with purple inflorescences of berries
adorns the remnants of the long farmhouse foundation
lost folded between generations of caring soil.
There was a straw haired girl who haunted the place
along bird paths tracing airy tracks to dandelions
consorting with the honeybee who once stung her bare foot
and died near the toe in which it plunged its mortal dagger.

She cared more for the creature than its nettled sting,
a trait she carries to this day, so mind and watch
since simple care alone can bring peace to earth,
beyond all common reckoning.

She hardly glimpsed herself galloping amongst galaxies then
yet her trail attached dimensions sometimes by the hour
in the sun's warmth perplexed and by sumptuous symmetry
bound in play chasing a single moth down a grassy path

to where a perched dragonfly had stopped to visit,
shimmering its diaphanous quartet of wings.
What is the fundamental thing for me oh dazzling bug?

What connects the stinger and the stung?
Could we trade places for a day, then tell me
who would want to stay and who return?


Thank you Gabi. You are such a blessing. Not only as a great communicator, but as a shining example of a wise human being helping the world move forwards 🙏🏻

I, too want to be taught by my Higher Self especially because I’ve previously blamed my higher self for choosing a difficult path this time around.


This is absolutely a divinely timed message! Thank you Gabi for your service and channeling! It was articulated very well and well received with an open heart!💝


Thanks for the wisdom, such a lovely, feminine, spiritual, woman.


Love the intention points; always learning or open minded to allow higher listening skills


I can't help but being grateful for the moment YouTube showed me one of your videos 🙏


Thank you Gabi 💗. I hardly read much, but somehow l intuitively understand things l can’t explain. I must have a wonderful Higher self, my beautiful club of light beings beyond my comprehension who have been guiding me with breadcrumbs all my life.


Gabi, I just discovered you on the Know Thyself podcast and you just blow my mind! I could literally see you channeling the moment you spoke. There is so much integrated depth to your words its incredible you have not spent the last 20yrs in a monastery. I am trying to walk the path and you are an inspirational guide!
