Quantum Jumping Technique For SHIFTING to a Parallel Reality (NO GOING BACK)
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This video will show you a Quantum Jumping Technique For SHIFTING to a Parallel Reality (NO GOING BACK). Transcript below....
Video, I'm going to show you a quantum jumping technique for shifting to a parallel reality. Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now in this video I'm going to be sharing with you have that have a quantum jumping technique that can totally transform your life and that's because it has to do with understanding your identity, the way you see yourself and how to literally shift that to a new version of you. So this video is gonna. Be a little bit different. I've done videos on this before. I'm going to bring in this new concept of something that I've been using in my own life and something that makes this something more believable for you because sometimes people will say, well, I really liked the idea of shifting through parallel realities, but it's harder for me to believe that I'm here, but then can shift all the way to this reality and remember that with this process in general, we don't have to learn how to shift through parallel realities because it's a natural byproduct for the way reality works.
As I go like this, right now, it looks like one fluid movement. However, even though it looks fluid, that's because we have memory. We're able to tag them all together at the same time. There are separate individual frames. Just like if you had a frame of a film projector, you have to film projector. That shining light through is what we were doing. You would then see the light on the screen. You know that there's individual frames that are going that looks so similar, but that there are different now. In the same time, we're naturally shifting. We don't have to learn how to shift. The question is can we create a greater degree of change between quote unquote, where we are to where we want to be? Now, what parallel reality shifting allows us to do and what is called quantum jumping allows us to do is to create a greater degree of change from the current version of us and the story we tell ourself to the new version of us, which already exists and it gives us more permission to do so.
That's the other thing I like about that of quantum jumping or reality shifting is when we look at it, we can see that the version of us that is already doing what we love, the version of us that is in the most high vibration state that we'd want to be in, that version of us already exists. We don't have to create it from scratch. All we have to do is tap into the vibrational resonance of that version of us. When we tap into that vibrational resonance, that's when everything begins to change. Now, I use this back in 2017 and I use it a little bit indirectly. I was at the time working a full time job at barneys New York. I told the story many times, but working fulltime, barneys New York, I knew I wanted to be a fulltime utuber. What I did is I imagined myself in a year doing exactly what I wanted to be doing and what I did is I communicated with that version of me.
I just imagined in a year from now me doing exactly what I would love to be doing. What would that version of me and what that version of me said, the image, the, the information I got was to make a video a day. That version of me literally told me, if you make a video a day for the next year, your life will be totally transformed and it's true. It happened February 2017. I started making daily videos. After about three weeks I had a video that pops up after a video pops. Then what happened is it continued to grow and I went from 3:30 to 500 subscribers to about 20 to 30,000 subscribers and from then it's been grown by about 20 to 30,000 subscribers a month ever since. And in August 2017 I got rid of my job, put in my two weeks and since then I've been full time d
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This video is about Quantum Jumping Technique For SHIFTING to a Parallel Reality