Flatness Approach for the Control of PDEs (Lecture 1) by Lionel Rosier

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ORGANIZERS: Shirshendu Chowdhury (IISER Kolkata, India), Debayan Maity (TIFR CAM, India) and Debanjana Mitra (IIT Bombay, India)
DATE : 12 February 2024 to 23 February 2024
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall
Control theory for partial differential equations (PDEs) deals with the use of inputs to influence the behavior of a system governed by PDEs, to achieve a desired goal. This program is focused on recent outstanding developments on controllability and stabilizability of parabolic, hyperbolic and dispersive PDEs. These PDEs appear naturally as mathematical models in numerous applications in physics, engineering, biology, and medicine.
Depending on the type of PDEs, the control aspects of PDEs and the techniques used to study them change significantly. To address this point, there will be a dedicated lecture series (mini courses) on (i) Control of parabolic PDEs, (ii) Control of hyperbolic PDEs, (iii) Control of dispersive PDEs, (iv) Feedback stabilization of PDEs, by experts, who have made exceptional contributions. Most of the talks will have an expository flavor in order to introduce the respective topic to a heterogeneous audience followed by few research talks. Each mini course will introduce new methods, for example, characterization of reachable space, Carleman estimates , Flatness approach, Microlocal analysis, Lie brackets, Power series expansion etc, to attack the related control problems . Moreover, some future research directions will be indicated in each lecture series. This program will be an excellent opportunity for young researchers to learn recent progress, appreciate new perspectives and learn about interesting open problems in these areas from renowned mathematicians..
ICTS is committed to building an environment that is inclusive, non discriminatory and welcoming of diverse individuals. We especially encourage the participation of women and other under-represented groups
ORGANIZERS: Shirshendu Chowdhury (IISER Kolkata, India), Debayan Maity (TIFR CAM, India) and Debanjana Mitra (IIT Bombay, India)
DATE : 12 February 2024 to 23 February 2024
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall
Control theory for partial differential equations (PDEs) deals with the use of inputs to influence the behavior of a system governed by PDEs, to achieve a desired goal. This program is focused on recent outstanding developments on controllability and stabilizability of parabolic, hyperbolic and dispersive PDEs. These PDEs appear naturally as mathematical models in numerous applications in physics, engineering, biology, and medicine.
Depending on the type of PDEs, the control aspects of PDEs and the techniques used to study them change significantly. To address this point, there will be a dedicated lecture series (mini courses) on (i) Control of parabolic PDEs, (ii) Control of hyperbolic PDEs, (iii) Control of dispersive PDEs, (iv) Feedback stabilization of PDEs, by experts, who have made exceptional contributions. Most of the talks will have an expository flavor in order to introduce the respective topic to a heterogeneous audience followed by few research talks. Each mini course will introduce new methods, for example, characterization of reachable space, Carleman estimates , Flatness approach, Microlocal analysis, Lie brackets, Power series expansion etc, to attack the related control problems . Moreover, some future research directions will be indicated in each lecture series. This program will be an excellent opportunity for young researchers to learn recent progress, appreciate new perspectives and learn about interesting open problems in these areas from renowned mathematicians..
ICTS is committed to building an environment that is inclusive, non discriminatory and welcoming of diverse individuals. We especially encourage the participation of women and other under-represented groups