Are There Only 36 Alien Societies?

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Senior Astronomer Seth Shostak addresses the findings of a new paper that suggests there are only 36 alien societies in our galaxy.
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2 aliens are talking in outer space, looking down on Earth.
"It seems the inhabitants of planet Earth have created nuclear technology and missiles" says one alien
"are they showing signs of intelligence?" asks the other
"I dont think so. They seem to be aiming at themselves"


Come on, it's 42. Everybody knows that.


Back in 2001 during the National Press Club disclosure event they stated at that time there were 57 species they knew of and cataloged.


"And you are hardly discreet, broadcasting all of your strengths and weaknesses out into the universe for any discreet observer to see. No advanced technological society broadcasts in this way. That is why you will not find radio signals coming from space because no one who values their security ever broadcasts in such a manner."

[The Greater Community, Contact with Intelligent Life in the Universe]


I have read channeled information that placed the number of alien civilizations in the galaxy that could pass as humans on Earth at 400, 000. The number that appear basically human but with some obvious difference such as blue or green skin, extreme height, unusual facial features, scales or claws is much greater. The number of civilizations that do not resemble humans at all are an even greater number, and then there are civilizations that are pure energy and no longer need a body to function. At the point when we value the lives of everyone on this planet, regardless of color or culture and make sure all have medical care, education, enough food to eat and shelter from the elements, then we will be welcomed into the galactic community. While we wage war and watch others starve, we are not yet worthy.


I appreciated their attempt to delve into the question more but I thought there were too many assumptions as well.


Life doesn’t just evolve upward. It can and does sidewards. It takes ‘love’ or a special kind of energy for upward vertical energy.


Seth wears his heart on his sleeve and I love him for it. Genuine as you can get


I would say the assumption is this is the only environment in the universe that can create intelligent life. In a universe like ours we may be water earth air creatures, and there are others of other basis.


There were 2 aliens sitting at a bar. One was green the other was grey. the green alien asked "Hey man, are you gonna take the covid vaccine?"
The grey alien replied "Hell no! They haven't even finished testing it on humans yet."


I love how they used a screen shot of the Citadel from Mass Effect 😁


See the book and documentary "The Privileged Planet". The Sun, Earth, and Moon's placement within the solar system and also the entire galaxy does not seem to be at random but rather carefully calculated. If this is actually true, it would greatly affect our understanding of other similar planets and civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy.


I believe its around 74, if you count the hybrid races.


I feel like an alien. I remember in high school for science our teacher did finger prints. And I freaked him out. He said every single one of my finger prints was different on each finger. Then when I got a little older, I had my first and only incident with the law. (Being a 💩 head and drinking) finger prints again, stuned the police officer by my odd prints. My first pregnancy, got super sick and found out my uterus is different. One day I got really sick, went to the hospital, my kidney is huge, 50cm non functioning, had it removed. Found out my liver is missing a protein. Got an ear infection one day, went to my skull had to have a scan, found out my ear canals are not normal shape, told to stay out of water. Go to the optometrist, get told my eyes are changing, the coloured part doesn't want to stay in a circle, you need special hard contact lenses. Weird as.


Didn't they mean only 36 intelligent civilizations at any given time? That sounds a bit more accurate!


There are thousands of different e.t. species several different dozen species are actually here on Earth as we speak in several countries including the US and working with the US government and with other governments


Man we would all love to live in a star wars universe but 36 is a good number


There was a video on youtube about alien species and dates of arrival on this planet. And the upcoming date was 2020. However i can't find this video now, maybe it was deleted.


The communication medium between alien civilization is not Radio Waves, it's Light Zero is Darkness and One is Light to interpret the messages we need a new Devices to convert flashes of light from distant Galaxies to Binary numbers to further get the information, the computer is not our (human) invention but it's a communication medium between Galaxies and each habitable planet is also a communication device.


There is definitely aliens out there. It's just go to be true when you consider how big the universe is.
