Are there really 36 alien civilizations in the galaxy? An Interview with Prof. Chris Conselice 👽 ?

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I'm not saying there are 36 alien species, but there are definitely 36 alien species.


At 4521 in your conversation it finally dawned on me that if we’re talking about civilizations then yes we must remember how many civilizations on our one planet have been detected..


i do agree with the statement that if a civilization has lived long enough to master the laws of the universe to traverse between stars, they most likely have long gone past of malevolence. That being said, violence could be a side product of some greater agenda


Love this channel! Thank you for doing that, I hope it gets the audience it deserves!


The Kepler mission is great. I think we could count the number of planets detected by the Kepler telescope and use the percentage of habitable planets as an estimate for the number civilizations in our galaxy. The current estimate of the age of the sun I have doubts about since the mainstream model can't even explain coronal heating of the sun.


So wrap the lowball number up from the Drake equation, and plug-in the variable that we see from our experience of several known civilizations on our one planetInto that equation and see what you get


As an astrobiologist, I'm definitely skeptical of the very specific numbers (even with the error estimation). Also, we just don't know enough yet to support some of those assumptions. Still, it was an interesting paper. I'm glad they took metallicity into account. That's one thing we really don't talk about enough. It might be that there are a limited number of worlds where life can start and evolve through time due to a lack of heavier elements for catalytic reactions to occur or for biomolecules to form.


A small question about the first part, how do you investigate galactic mergers? Considering we have only several decades of decently precise and deep observations.

Do we just compare galaxies with properties we determined to be similar?
How do we create a valid chronology out of that?


If we are going to be looking for ETs in our Galaxy we cannot just look in 3D, I mean, our Universe is made up of many dimensions and we live in one of them, 3D. An example would be if we look for stars and we only use infrared telescopes, or only ultraviolet telescopes, or we only use our own limited visible spectrum thinking that is all there is.
When scientists only account for 5 percent of the visible Universe made of regular matter and they say the rest or 95 percent of the Universe is made of dark energy and dark matter, it is because that 95% actually are the rest of the other dimensions that have not been taken into account to get the whole picture. Just my point of view on it.


should the amount of lifegiving planets depend on a lifegiving planet lasts giving of life to passing stars planet systems - maybe we are in the ideal spot and our galactic arms is steaming with life or will be when the more complex life emergers


your dr/phd jokes got your 20th like lol


Isn't this about civ as we know it?


David Kipping of Columbia & the Cool Worlds YT channel did a Bayesian statistical analysis, based on our one known example, to estimate how many instances of microbial life & intelligent life there are in the Milky Way. He came up with a similar number to Dr Conselice for civilizations (civilisations).
I think this is the paper:


Aren't all arguments ad hominem by default? What can happen is happening here now forever, and the Cosmos is a backdrop for the particular integration/tuning, this Temporal Multiverse, relative positioning dimensionality, resonance imaging function cause-effect.., Hologram.

Professor Penrose has the context of Actuality in CCC, subject to the eternally shape shifting balanced constants of probability in the present circumstances of continuous creation connection Principle.
