How to use Unity 3d to make Level Complete

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A complete set of kawaii styled UI elements, Icons, Buttons, Panels and more and more that will cover all GUI needs for your game projects with a unique kawaii look.
This package is ready to use for Unity's built in UI System. Just drag and drop prefabs into your canvas to design your own screens. The pack includes animated buttons popup and loot box elements to give your game a juicy look
UI Kit Pro - Kawaii Edition is a customizable, mobile-friendly game UI pack using 9-sliced sprites.
All UI Elements in this package are created as vector files. Illustrator & Pdf sources are included in the Source Files Folder. Layered Psd version is not included, if you need that please reach us.
Hexagon level design elements are ready to be used. It was created by using Unity's tile map so you can create your own level maps easily with our special hexagon visuals for both point top & flat top
19 Unique Big Icons & 64 Small Icons
3 Different Styles, Round, Hexagon and Rectangle 9-Sliced Buttons with 12 Different Color Options. Greyscale version is also included to give you a freedom to change your color via overlay color selection in Unity
10 Currency Icons
Money, Coin, 4 different Gem Shape with 4 color options each, Energy, Star, Heart & Skull
All currency icons have 4 different styles such as Extruded, Colored Outlined, Dark Outlined and Flat
Headers and Titles
Flags and Ribbons in 12 different colors and 6 different colored canopy options
4 Animated treasure Chest
Elite, Gold, Silver and Bronze
Increasing Shop Packs for currencies
Money, Gold and 4 different shaped Gems
Hexagon Tilemap Elements
Point Top & Flat Top versions of Hexagon tilemaps are ready to use with 7 different hexagon elements. Forest, Sea, Desert, Ice, Rock, Volcano and Space are included both icon and common use visual options.
Profile UI Elements
Currency Labels with plus icon, Profile frame with big and small filling bars, On/Off Toggle, Slider, Checkbox, Stage dots, Loading indicator and Login textboxes
4 Progress Bars
Divider, Block, Solid and Icon filling bars and 4 different badge options
Visual Medal Generator
9 Top, 4 Botttom Ribbons, 5 Different Medal Shapes with Gold, Silver & Bronze Options, 2 Wings, 3 Ranking Styles (Crown, Star & Number)
3 Panels
Gradient with seperated header, Rounded Framed & Rounded Framed with Header
6 color options and greyscale version are available
Animated Level Complete Headers
3 Stars Level Complete and 1 Skull Level Failed headers are animated with particle effects
2 Different Tab Styles with Script
Just Drag & Drop Tabs prefab into your canvas and arrange it with your game elements
Lucky Wheel mini game asset will be the best fit with UI Kit Pro to engage your players and make some money with your game.