Butterfly pea flower lemonade | Color changing lemonade

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Butterfly pea flower lemonade | Color changing lemonade
Sangu poo or Aparajita flower is used in this recipe. You can use fresh flowers or collect over time and dry to use it later too.

10 Butterfly pea flower
(Sangu poo/ Aprajita)
1 Lemon
2 tbsp simple syrup
Ice cubes

⏱Time codes⏱
0:00 - Start
0:06 - Recipe card
0:10 - how Butterfly pea flower looks (Sangu poo/ Aparajita)
0:20 - Dried flower
0:36 - Place in tea pot
0:40 - Add Hot water
0:58 - Time lapse
1:04 - Blue decoction ready
1:12 - make ice cubes
1:30 - Ice cube ready
1:44 - Place ice cubes
1:54 - Simple sugar syrup
2:00 - Add steeped blue water
2:07 - Tip in lemon juice
2:13 - Watch color change!
2:36 - Ready - Mix

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Рекомендации по теме

Looking awesome and I just loved that color changing extraordinary 👌👌💠💠🍋🍋👏👏💕💞💕💞


That teapot looks so cute... awesome recipe... I didn't know sangupoo was edible


Beautiful mam.... Natural color awesome 👌


This is the first one that I understand. I'm going to try this out later


Always Awesome recipes from u thanku can u pls text where u bought that glass it adds more beauty to this drink


⏱Time codes⏱
0:00​ - Start
0:06​ - Recipe card
0:10​ - how Butterfly pea flower looks (Sangu poo/ Aparajita)
0:20​ - Dried flower
0:36​ - Place in tea pot
0:40​ - Add Hot water
0:58​ - Time lapse
1:04​ - Blue decoction ready
1:12​ - make ice cubes
1:30​ - Ice cube ready
1:44​ - Place ice cubes
1:54​ - Simple sugar syrup
2:00​ - Add steeped blue water
2:07​ - Tip in lemon juice
2:13​ - Watch color change!
2:36​ - Ready - Mix


Hi Raks, where do we buy dried blue pea flowers in Singapore? Thanks
