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Mark 9:44 and 9:46
Reason: Both verses 44 and 46 are duplicates of verse 48, which remains in the text. Verses 44 and 46 are both lacking in א, B, C, L, W, ƒ1, and some manuscripts of the ancient versions, but appear in somewhat later sources such as A, D, K, θ, some Italic manuscripts and the Vulgate


That Bible explains why this is in the back of the book. Based on master texts and the earliest manuscripts it is evident that some verses of the Christian Greek Scriptures found in older translations, such as the King James Version, were actually additions made by later copyists and were never part of the inspired Scriptures and these verses were later removed in modern translations and was corrected i have so far only seen this in the King james tho.


they took out 44 and 46..because there basically identical verses as verse 48..about the having three verses mentioning worms is just not needed..


A whole book is missing from the Bible is missing deemed inappropriate. How do you tell a story, people on their own authority take out the word of God??! Did God tell these people "Look man, I made a mistake and on my authority you need to take this, that, and the other out. Thanks!" I don't think so.


Older versions of the Bible have the verses. sometimes they don’t write it because it was already written in the bible. Also even if it was missing that doesn’t make the bible un true
