Dave Ramsey Says THIS Is A Stupid Doctrine | Pastor Reacts

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In this video Dave Ramsey gets visibly angry and goes after Christians who believe this doctrine. What is this doctrine? What does the Bible really say? Let's get into it :)

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"God’s not against you having stuff. God’s against stuff having YOU." - Rev. Dr. Voddie Baucham


Oh my goodness. I cannot believe people sometimes. The reason why Jesus told the man to give up his wealth was because he knew that the man considered his wealth more important than following Jesus. And if we think anything is more important than following Jesus, we are wrong. Have a nice night.


Its never a money issue.
It's a ❤issue..


I have been financially insecure for most of my life and used to stress about money. I believe my salvation from the tribulations of life was just a one payday away. My focus was to make money not for selfish greed but provide for my family and to help others, but my focus was not on God. It took me while to realize I was going about it all wrong, but eventually I stopped worrying about finances and gave my trust in God.

I never been richer.


This is one of the most poisonous doctrine running rampant in Christianity today. Glad you and Dave addressed this


If building wealth keeps one from studying the bible, attending church then it's not worth it.


The problem with Dave's hot take, and even Nate's more careful and nuanced explanation, is that it does not wrestle with the clear admonition about wealth itself. Dave especially, renders that primary point of the passage invisible. We could cut out every mention of wealth, and the passage would not change at all, in Dave's interpretation. And this isn't the only time the New Testament warns of the dangers of wealth, and makes the case that having wealth increases a person's risk profile (something Dave should resonate with) versus being poor. This is no to say that being wealthy is by default to be condemned, or that to be saved one must necessarily abandon all wealth. But we should not be so defensive of our American, capitalist way of life, that we try to shoehorn the doctrine of Jesus into it.

We should be warning the wealthy that wealth is like a very sharp knife: It can do great good with minimal effort. But it can also do great harm, both to ourselves and to others.


Reminds me of when Jesus talks about the Pharisees giving a little out their abundance and the lady who gives all she has. I think Christians can be wealthy but our attitude about it makes the difference. Thank you for your thoughts on this.😊


I really like the distinction you made about how it is not the poor or rich that are feeding the poor or helping the orphans but the righteous. Someone may not be wealthy, but they can still feed the hungry and help the orphans, and the way Dave was talking it was starting to sound like he was condemning poor people saying they could not feed the poor or help the orphan.


Nate, thanks for highlighting the difference between “the kingdom of heaven, ” and our ultimate destination. I needed that.


Matthew 6:21
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.


I think it's worth noting that there is risk of idolatry in seeking wealth rather than seeking to serve. It's one thing to say that you will create wealth for your family or to have resources available but we don't really know what the people this young lady is paraphrasing actually said. They may simply have warned her against pursuing wealth as an end in itself, which seems consistent with the analogy of the camel and the eye of a needle. Being wealthy is not a bad thing but there's something to be said about how one does this or where their focus is at.


Rich Christians in the NT:

Nicodemus, Philemon, Lydia, Cornelius, Apollos (he was able to travel, apparently on his own), the Proconsul who Paul met, Joseph of Arimathea, countless other unnamed men because Paul called the church out for giving them preferred seats!

There were tons of wealthy Christians then, and now. The church grew because of their abundance, which God allowed to accumulate to facilitate that growth.


Matthew 6:19-21
Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also


True but Jesus didn't teach for us to chase after riches to give the poor from our extra, and it absolutely is harder for a rich man to go to heaven because they will spend all their time and effort on building their fortune, hence neglecting Jesus


You can be broke and still be selfless and can help others. You can have a servants heart without wealth. The point is that we are supposed to be willing to give up all we have to follow Him. We are to love God and to love others. I am a disabled single parent so we are beyond broke. However, there are other ways (other than financial) that I can give to the church and to others.


I love this channel! Glad to see it growing and reaching people. I saw a man at the gym with a Wise Disciple t Shirt and we struck up a conversation. Keep it up!!! It's your calling!


Its not about how much money you have, its about how well you use it to help others


Nicodemus and Joseph of Aremithea were very wealthy. The amount they gave for the burial of Jesus Christ would be over $160, 000.00 in today's money. Just the Frankincense and Myrrh was very expensive.


You do NOT have to be rich in order to give, feed, and visit. The poor woman and her son were about to starve but gave what they thought were their last.
But STILL working for and believing for wealth!