Why Do We Lose Control of Our Emotions?

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There was an unfortunate case of a 20-year-old who called the police multiple times in severe mental distress. Eventually, the officer on duty who took her calls lost patience, telling her: “Kill yourself quietly already.” Weeks later, she committed suicide. The officer who took her calls claimed that he felt deeply ashamed, and became immediately removed from his position. Each of us seemingly has a certain limit before we totally lose it and no longer are in control of our actions. Why are we made that way?

We are made with a certain limit beyond which we lose control in order for us to be able to eventually change our nature from the desire to receive to the desire to bestow.

When we relate to others out of an attitude of bestowal, where we purely wish to benefit them without any self-interest intertwined, then we understand them and their pains. Then, instead of losing our patience with them, we discover opportunities to help, support, praise, and elevate them.

We should thus focus on increasing our sensitivity to each other, which is achieved first and foremost by listening to explanations of how interconnected and interdependent we are. By increasing our inclination to positively connect throughout human society, then we attract upon ourselves the positive force of connection that dwells in nature, and by doing so, we eventually start feeling that we live in a single system.

Such is the shift from the corporeal animate level of existence that we currently live on, to an awakening into a whole new human level of existence, where we feel ourselves as parts of a single whole. In such a state, we would feel close to each other, and we would have no sensation of others stressing us out or pushing us out of balance. Instead, we would seek opportunities to help, support and encourage others.

We would then view people who approach us with requests for help as doing us favors. It would no longer be difficult for us to connect with others, to feel and serve them. The more people would call us and nag us, then the more we would feel that such people help us rise from the animate level of existence to the human level—where we are in a mode of constant giving without a shred of selfish interest intertwined—and we would thus realize the purpose of our lives through this egoistic-to-altruistic transformation of our attitudes and relations.

This course is a journey into understanding life and how all its pieces come together. It aims to give you genuine, scientific answers to all the questions you've ever had about life, and most importantly, what you can do about it. Also, it aims to give you tools to upgrade the way you think about and perceive reality, essential knowledge about your nature and how to restore its purpose, and help you attain self-realization.

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As a person was just spent five years living in his car after my roommate died suddenly on Thanksgiving Day in 2016 I now live in a camper somebody gave me in a parking lot of the VA hospital in Seattle don't have a job anymore no family no friends no money but a chance to get to know more about my reality and what it really is what it means to me what should be important what I've got to not worry about trusting my creator and less worrying about controlling everything because obviously I haven't done a great job actually I do but then I self-destruct it because I realize I'm not happy on top I'm not happy on the bottom material life is something you need but not all and I've never known how to balance. - life.
So come to believe that as bad as this situation sounds to everybody who's not in it and most of us who are... For me perhaps it's a blessing to get things straightened out before it's all over maybe I have a day of the life I've been looking for since I've become an adult maybe I'll have a year maybe I'll have an hour but I won't have it at all unless I learn what it is I need to know .... So I'm using the microphone to say this rather than type it because I'll get so caught up in the punctuation (my apologies for the lack thereof ) I need to try to say this from the heart maybe I'll understand it better myself I hope somebody understands why what you have said here in this video has been important to me. I think perhaps someone might.
I've learned to appreciate being alone but sometimes it's nice to not be - 🤔😔
With honor and respect, A.V.W


Not all emotions are bad. Some are good and don't need to be "subdued"


Both are in distress the calling and the receiver in this case the girl and the police, so what happened when everyone is in distress and in their limits?
