Making Sense of the Ravi Zacharias Scandal

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After a team of investigators hired by Ravi Zacharias International Ministries recently announced that they had uncovered significant evidence of sexual misconduct by Ravi Zacharias, many of Ravi's fans are confused, angry, and devastated by the allegations. But there's an important lesson to be learned here, one the church can no longer continue to ignore. Ravi's final message to the world may be his most important. David Wood discusses the issue.

David Wood:

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Kay SOCO Films - Speaker's Corner Speaker/Apologetic/Polemic

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Al Fadi - CIRA International
Hatun Tash - DCCI Ministries
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I listen to this every month to remind myself that no one is without flaw or controversy. And it encourages me to change and improve myself as well.


This was by far the best response to the Ravi scandal I've seen


You don’t “end up” in the “wrong massage parlour” after a really long day. That framing is absolutely preposterous. You would 100% seek it out ahead of time.


I disagree with almost everything, if not absolutely everything, David Wood says.

But, this particular video was amazing. David's perceptive insight into Christian Leadership Idolatry reminds everyone that we are indeed, still human. Also, his ability to humble himself and speak honestly about his diagnosis, and the consequences of his actions in the past, makes me want to sit down and buy him a beer.

Bravo, David!


David Wood said that as one keeps crossing lines into further sin, then one ends up as a 'Christian' who ... just stop there - that person ceased being a Christian long ago by allowing his conscience to cross the first line and keep going along the same path of wilful sin.

To become a Christian one has to travel (figuratively) in the opposite direction, away from sin - only then can a person take the step of baptism and becoming approved for the Christian ministry.

You cannot go backwards - genuine Christians do not lead double lives.


Well done. Common sense and NO wishy washy bull crud.


I think the church needs more psychopaths.😂


David, thank you for sharing more about yourself. This was the best part of this video.


This is a comment coming a long time after this video was posted. One of the problems leading up to the sin of Mr Zacharias was that he ignored 1 Cor 7:5 about married partners not separating themselves from each other except for prayer (or a Kingdom reason) and to cone together again quickly so that the evil one would not be able to tempt the partners. In our day, we think it's wonderful fir me to traipse all over the world "ministering", while neglecting their wives and families. We applaud them for this, then are confused as to why they committed sexual sin. Of course they were tempted and fell. They should never have been put in that separation situation, or be allowed to put themselves into it. All Christian leaders should be careful about this.


DW note to self
2:47 6:18 7:57 9:27 11:22.. 14:50 16:13
17:59 19:49 22:09.. 25:25 28:14 29:42

30:52.. 33:24 35:39 36:14


Agrée 100% with what you say
No compromising whatsoever
1 Timothy 1: 19 Paul exposes sin.
Like you say about the couple who were accused, victims being thrown under the bus,
in John 11:50 saying « it’s better for one man to die than the whole nation ».
And like Ravi saying « It’s better for this couple be exposed than my ministry »😮
Also when Ephesians 6:10 says to put on the full armor of God,
I’ve once heard someone say, who protects our backs?
And the person answered us Christians. So yes we need to expose sin for our protection & mise on guard❤
People who will attack you are religious


God does not use hypocrites or people who live double lives to represent him - that so-called 'ministry' is dead - it has no value whatsoever, since God's blessing is not there and the holy spirit only acts upon those 'doing' God's will and are spiritually and morally clean.

You cannot fool God - you can only fool people.


I don’t want to defend Ravi. But the report lacks details. It just has statements but no details. When did he go to spa, how often what time. He should be a busy person and how did he get personal time where he could escape every one and indulge in these type of activities.


I wonder that you never met Zacharias....was'n he at Nabeel's Funeral as you, too?


This is an excellent video full of valuable insights. But there are a couple of things which I believe David gets slightly wrong:

1. Though we shouldn’t defend our leaders no matter what, especially in the face of an avalanche of evidence, neither should we be quick to side with their accusers in order to appear fair and balanced in the eyes of the world. Perhaps we should be very reluctant to take a definitive position at all. Ravi’s wife and son still vigorously maintain his total innocence. Members of the RZIM board, including members of Ravi’s family, have acted in odd ways, vying with one another for power. There have been questions about the methods used during the “independent” investigation. Plus, Ravi had made serious enemies in the Muslim world and elsewhere. At the very least, there was motivation for him to be “set up.” I’m not easily drawn to conspiracies, but shouldn’t we be giving an ever-so-slight benefit of the doubt to someone whose character doesn’t appear to match the accusations? I don’t know, even if it’s only a 5% chance. He was never convicted in a court of law and did not have the opportunity to confront his accusers.

2. Perhaps we should really look into how we choose our leaders. Should rhetorical skills always win out over personal morality and spiritual devotion? Should one’s singing ability and musicianship trump a virtuous character or theological acumen as the prime prerequisite for being chosen to lead worship? Why should a charismatic personality or a perceived “joe-cool-ness”be such sought after qualities?


Ravi Zakarias sounded fishy to me when he was very obsessed on talking about pornography in his speeches most of the time. He is an indian migrant and myself being one who migrated to USA - I can tell you most Indians are hypocrites.


I don't see proof he was a predator, but I see he was carousing adulterer. There was no proof of rape involved.


I like your video, and I apreciate the fact that you have invested tons of all kinds of resources.
However, the term "victims" may be a little baised. In order to put it simple, let me just draw your attention to the fct that: 1) Bsheba may have known that the place where she shawered was visible from David's Terrace. 2) We don't know how many times David had seen her showering before the day he decided he'd have her brought to him. 3)We on't know if maybe, just maybe, She had schemed to seduce David for a lon, long, time. Finally, -not because I don't have more to say- Daid was a super popilas, hansome character whom many, many women woul've killed for.
I may go so far as to argue that it may have beenBesheba who gave David the brillant idea of Having Sacharais killed.


Your best friend nail kourichi made some trips with ravi to the far east
