What to Do When It Feels Like Everyone Hates You

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One of the hardest things people can go through, especially sensitive and kind people, is when people treat us in ways we would never treat others. It's all too easy for cruelty towards ourselves to turn us bitter and angry. It's all too easy for cruelty to turn us cruel and create a never ending cycle of cruelty.

But, there is a way to break this cycle of cruelty. There is a way to turn hatred into love and to see cruelty in a way that does not create suffering. It doesn't mean being blindly optimistic or ignorant to the suffering of others or ourselves. It simply means to bring wisdom and awareness to our situation. Here are the three simple steps to do just that.

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Most people don't like me, no matter how friendly & kind I am to them. Some people don't like me in the 1st instance without even knowing me. Others pretend to like me. At work today I was told by one of my colleagues I'm making them look bad just because I was getting on with my work. They all keep staring at me when I notice their gaze they quickly look away. Im getting fed up with it, I have left many jobs because of being hated so much. I trust no one.


All i know for a fact is it’s easy to assume people hate you if deep down you hate yourself


This is so true. My husband died last year and it is astonishing to me how the people I thought loved me never contact me. I am trying so hard to transform my feelings of rejection and anger as well as loneliness. I miss my husband so much. To lose the person you were closest to is the most painful experience. I am trying to not let this experience change or destroy me for my childrens sake.


I strive to be my authentic self on a daily basis ..and on a daily basis it seems I am rejected by society by doing so


I need to get out of here. This world has become socially evil. Thank you for this video.


Having haters is actually a good sign!! IF THE WORLD HATES YOU, HOLD YOUR HEAD HIGH AND BE HATED LIKE A CHAMP!! Having haters means many feel intimated and insecure and jeolous by ones presence. I think everyone at work hates me or I thought so but it could also be my social anxiety which evolved into a persecution complex which is an illusion. If people hate you because you wronged them that's totally understandable but if they hate you for no reason it's because they are envious. It's Psychology 101 and Psychoanalysis. They are self projection their baggage unto us That's their problem, not yours. Life will put Pure Souls on your Path and those people we must honor and respect because God has put them in our Lives. I used to be bothered because many people didn't like me and I felt like a victim. But I discovered that the victim mentality and mindset is no good and it makes one feel helpless and insecure. After Realizing this and giving up 'the victim mentality ' mindset I feel empowered. The victim mentality is a false identity and our True Identity Is Life Itself or God if your religious. I go to work not to be liked or to be a people pleaser or to join their cliques or their tribes or their groups or politics and I won't conform. I'm not there to be a people pleaser. I GO TO WORK TO WORK HARD AND TO MAKE MONEY AND TO BUILD UPON MY DREAMS AND GOALS AMD Again, if the world hates you, hold your head high and be hated like a


I've always been hated.
I'm so used to it that when someone is nice, I wonder how long it will last.
Thank you for this inspirational video. Really excellent.


My wife was the closest person to me. She died last year, and now I'm stuck on this hell rock of a planet. I'm not that close to alot of my family. This woman I know who is widow. Who I was getting close to, is now showing her true colors, and it's not in a good way. I'm really tired and waiting to join my wife when the time comes. I might end up by myself until that day comes!


I appreciate people like Todd who are helping us heal and become better.


I’m hated so much even after so many years have gone by . Haven’t hurt a fly intentionally as far as I know. I’m hated by everyone is what I searched for and I’m trying to connect with someone in th comment section. My life was over decades back. If there were any who lived me I’ve pushed them away and cannot be found and those who can be found just snub me away . This life has been unfair and I’ve abused my body through bad substances to an extent my body won’t cope . My lil brother is gonna get married and I have to be at my best behaviour and keep smiling which I cannot hold for a long time .

The underlying anxiety can’t be faked. I don’t socialise, haven’t seen the inside of a club or a party in ages . I have wasted a good 12-15 years after that freak car crash I had, I don’t know whats next . I wish I was normal . Just at peace .


I'm 50 this year lived a very quiet life, had deep heartaches and hurt and rejection which I'm still carrying with me.people just seem to want to hurt me, feel like they hate me.


Everyone who had commented here and hurting from the trauma of relationship pain...it was meant to give you a story to tell, to help others realize they are not alone! Its building you into a better person. Just use it as motivation to find your innate self and learn to love yourself. I promise you won't be disappointed. Its the most amazing thing I've ever done. Thank you Todd for sharing with us and I'd love to build this community with you. God has given me the instructions. Just waiting on my people. ❤🙏🏼💯❤


I am struggling. I’m going through the peri menopause and it feels like puberty again! I lack any self confidence, I’m constantly thinking how ugly I look ( was never this vain before) I’m always overthinking what I’m saying to friends and family then ruminating for hours after. As usual your video has helped me go deeper and try to understand why. Your videos and calm teachings always bring me some peace and help me to reflect. Sending much love from Scotland ❤


I've had enough pain, I almost ended my life. But god had other plans. That's why im so thankful. By watching this video, it helped me understand how love is really important❤


I had someone pretend to like me for a year and than she told me that she was using me and that the whole time she hated me. It messed me up so much. I still think that everyone hates me because idk if I can trust people. What if they are like her? What if I’m annoying? Is there something wrong with me? I also hate myself too.


Except that everyone actually does hate me, and my survival depends on me staying alone as much as possible.

There are people that would feel vindicated if they were the only person on Earth. I am one of those.


Every word he says makes my skin chill because I was always somebody who never had structure and I’m now becoming more organized in my mind first and then in my everyday life! Thank you! My understanding grows with your clear words!


Im happy that i search this.
Right now i feel everyone hate me because of my phisical . And everything i do it doesnt change, thank you sir for clearing my mind.


No matter how nice and friendly I am to people everyone just hates me. I try my best to love others with all my heart but it hurts knowing no one loves me the way a love them. I’m just so tired….


for me i do not care if everyone hates me, the more they hate me the more it fuels me when i train the more focused i become
