Alopecia | Hair Loss Update

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Hello, folks! You've been asking me to make a video chatting about this, so here we go! Links to things mentioned are down below. xx





Hello, my name's Jen. I'm an award-winning poet and short story writer. My debut short story collection 'The Beginning of the World in the Middle of the Night' is published by Two Roads, and my children's books, 'Franklin's Flying Bookshop’ and ‘Franklin and Luna Go To The Moon’ are published by Thames and Hudson. I'm also the author of the Sunday Times bestselling 'Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops' series, 'The Bookshop Book' and 'The Hungry Ghost Festival.'


Where to find me:

NB This video does not contain any sponsored content.
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Thought it was time for some chatty, honest thoughts. Hope they help x


I truly admire how you speak about this so openly. I think you're truly an inspiration for people with disabilities. And I'm like baffled how positive you are about this. I don't know if I would be able to deal with hair loss and so much respect for the way you're dealing with it. You seem like such a strong person and mad respect for dealing with all of this.


Yes I agree you are a special person. I’m a fan.


Your honesty is mindblowingly beautiful to witness. This video made me happy, in the sense that i am so glad gorgeous individuals like you make videos


"I'm going to go on permanent vacation and because what I have always wanted to be - scar tissue!"
I highly enjoyed how you phrased that.


Vibrant Jen. ❤️ I am way more than twice your age and have the other kind (non-scarring) of alopecia. That said, none of mine has ever grown back in over the past eight years. It has been so helpful to hear and see you discuss hair loss from the stance of something other than a desperate how-to-fix-it. You are truly bright and beautiful. With admiration xo Karen


I love this video. I relate. I have PCOS and one of them symptoms for me is quite a lot of facial hair and its a mess to keep up with. And when I am home Im fine, my husband isnt bothered by it, but I cant just get up and leave the house. It takes a lot of prep because I am so self conscious of it due to the reaction and unacceptance in society.


Let me just say that I've got so much respect and admiration for the way you're coping with your illness. To speak so open and honest about it is incredibly courageous.


I completely sympathise for the stigma of society. I feel like it's just something we're conditioned to feel even when we think we're fine in ourselves with our appearance. There are plenty more important things, but we can't help but feel sensitive about things like how people will perceive us, even our good friends and family and total strangers.
You always come across very eloquently when you discuss such topics Jen and I love that you're talking about it because not only is it something I'm sure that helps you to figure things out a bit more, it also gives the rest of us a chance to know more about things we wouldn't otherwise think of, and I appreciate that.
Hope everything on the book tour goes completely fabulously! Youre, as always, a star for working so hard all the time ⭐ Hope to see you soon! Xx


You are amazing and beautiful and strong! Thank you for sharing this with us. You look fabulous no matter how you wear your hair.


You are amazing! In a time when we are bombarded with so much messages about all the work and products we MUST have to achieve perfection, it is so wonderful to have someone talking with such clarity and eloquence about illness and imperfection, and showing - not telling- how our own worth is not tied with what we own and how we look and what we are missing, rather to how much we are contributing. Thank you, Jen! and all the best wishes regarding your health ❤️


My hair is all gone because of cancer treatment. It’s not easy and I’m really sorry you’re going through this. You’re very beautiful with or without hair.

I wear bandanas and sometimes a hat on top of that. Now I feel terribly cold in my neck. I have a wig, but it’s awful. The bandanas are nice and I use gorgeous earrings, bright lipstick. I feel pretty.


Story time lol. So, I thought for the longest time that I had come to terms with my sexuality, until a few months ago. I was at my uni campus talking to a friend and laughing, when I look to my side and see a colleague starring at me, that look of "wow you are gay and it's really showing, how embarrassing, man up". He probably didn't even notice what he was doing, but it brought up all my insecurities back, that uneasiness that made me sit straight up and not move my hands growing up, so that no one would question my identity. I felt really disappointed at myself for "being weak again", that I wasn't proud enough of my identity. But I realize now that being strong and loving/accepting myself doesn't mean being a concrete wall and never feeling insecure, unsafe or cornered ever again, but rather that I'm human and I'll always struggle, yet I'll always pick myself up and be able to laugh in public without a care once more. We're all different and dealing with different things, but I want you to know that you are a huge inspiration to me, and I want to remind you that you can feel whatever you feel and do whatever it is to make yourself more comfortable, that you are not betraying your story or not being strong enough, because you're as strong as they come, and all you create does a lot of good for the world <3


I really appreciate this video and, quite honestly, it made me cry (still crying). My sister has lost all her hair to alopecia. When she was young it came and went in patches and kids would make fun of her. Then when she got to adulthood, she would begin losing patches after a traumatic event (she's had more than her fair share) but would always return. In her thirties it went away completely. She's been so strong, but I know it has been difficult and I just hate that life requires so much more of some people than others. But it always does make me think twice before complaining about something petty.


I appreciate your up front honesty about requesting people not give you medical advice. I'm a Type One Diabetic and sometimes people think they can "cure" this auto immune disorder for me. It's very frustrating and while the kindness behind it is appreciated, I wish people would assume that the person living with the condition is doing what they can to manage it, including working with actual medical professionals.


Making sure you are comfortable is the most important thing, so kudos to you for taking care of yourself first! Wonderful video, as always xx


I love you Jen - you're amazing. You've inspired me so much through your passion of books. I hadn't read anything for years and have started reading again thanks to your fairy tale series. I wish you didn't have to go through all this. You are YouTube gold! So many fake people on here but you create incredible content and are so nice and genuine. I hope you continue to make all your dreams come true xx


Appreciate your honesty in talking about this Jen. Your sense of humour and ability to see a funny side is one of your strengths. Unfortunately we live in a world where people are still quick to judge on appearance first. You shouldn’t have to feel self conscious around others all the time or feel a need to explain how you look. I hope you find a suitable solution to make you comfortable out and about.


Dear Jen, I admire your eloquence so much. Whether you are talking about literature or more personal things, you are always so composed and well-spoken. I listen to you and learn and strive to be more like you.


I truly love your openness and honesty. I am certain you are helping others with your stories. Blessings to you!
