Why NO ONE Plays: Amber | Genshin Impact

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Welcome to the first Genshin Impact episode of Why NO ONE Plays! A series where I talk about characters who rarely see much usage in the game by explaining what makes them so unpopular! If you guys watched my League of Legends version it's pretty much the same format :D

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#Genshin #WhyNoOnePlays #Amber
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Sorry about the reupload. One of the channels I used a clip from filed a copyright strike -.-


Honestly Amber’s c2 should have been a part of her kit from the beginning. It’s crazy how difficult it is to get her constellations even though they provide her with such a huge power spike


Soloing Amber is Genshin's hidden "hard mode."
I recommend people start an alt account using only Amber.
You have to pay a LOT more attention to the game mechanics.


Two of the issues I have with Amber is that 1) Enemies easily knock Baron Bunny around and 2) Baron Bunny has a tiny radius. When enemies aren't attacking they retreat to a certain distance and circle BB. This happens to be outside of BB's explosion radius. When they attack they can easily knock BB back a distance greater than the explosion radius again. It's really frustrating trying to utilize it.


But hey, she's still the 2nd best pyro bow dps
Edit: 3rd now


I was in coop playing physical Amber. All my teammates died and I was the only one left but cleared the domain. I felt like a legend.


I started playing her for the meme but I got in too deep and found out she's pretty fun


It seems legit. She is a tuto character as you know her beginning the adventure like Lisa to learn about ranged damage and reactions.


Pyro is such a abundant element with SO many good units (especially yoimiya which just outclasses amber in every way) that it's very hard for ambers lackluster kit to survive in the meta. The other 2 story characters have found success with certain teams but mostly kaeya and they've proved that story units CAN be very good in the meta (for example; Kaeya funds great success with C2 in many teams such as national, hutao, Childe, and even diluc. The problem with Amber is that she was designed to be used for puzzles and overworld shenanigans, not to be meta, which is ok, not every unit has to be viable.


One of the things that actually Limits Amber, is something that was meant to be a Strength for her: she was Designed to exaggerate the Greatest Strength of the Bow, Accuracy. Amber has things that boost her power when she headshots, Which compiles with the Bow's innate Ability to Just Crit when you headshot, so you don't Need to EVER Build crit rate on her or other Bow users. Her Barron Bunny Detonation requires that you be a Good enough shot to hit at it's Feet before it gets tossed around by enemy attacks, but if you can do it on 2 Barron Bunnies at the same time, it actually adds up to a Pair of VERY Mean Explosions on one enemy (Since each one adds 200% Atk Scaling to the Damage of the explosion). What Makes this a Problem though, is that Aiming for specific points like that Mid fight, Especially Tiny Heads like Fatui or Fast Moving Bosses like Childe, If actually Pretty Hard to do while you have to stay on the move and Wait for the shot to fully charge, But if you can pull it off, it CAN be Quite rewarding if inconsistent...

There is an other way to Build and use Amber though...
Her Burst Is actually designed to Set up reactions rather than Exploit them, which it actually does fairly well if you Pair her with a Hydro Character. And considering it's on a 12s Cooldown (That's as short as Burst Cooldowns go), Which also Happens to be the duration of the Noblesse Oblige 4-Piece Set Bonus. Combine this with her C6 (if you're one of the Lucky few that got it), and say the "Elegy of the End" 5* Bow You can stack all these effects up to allow her to give a 55-75% Atk Boost along with 100-200 Elemental Mastery and 15% Move speed to your Entire Party with the use of her burst, which if you're doing it right should be every 12s. Put her in a team with Bennet, so that their Atk Buffs can stack up with each other AND you get the Pyro resonance buff, and a Hydro Character to benefit from her Pyro Application (Like say Childe), Leaving you an open slot on your Team, Possibly for Sucrose to Exploit that EM Buff. All put together Amber can actually be a Decent Offensive Support Character, With her burst doing some OK non-reaction damage pretty Often and Sustaining a Decent amount of Buffs to your team.

Also, Amber is a GLORIOUS character for Just plain doing Funny stuff in the overworld... Pair her up with Raiden and All of a Sudden she's a 1 Shot Explosive Sniper, Headshot Damage+ Raiden support attack + Overload = No Hilichurl can survive the first shot from half the Map away, and even if they survive, by the time they stand up from the Knockup from Overload, you next shot is ready to fly.... Also YEETing Two Baron Bunnies into the Air ALONG with 3-4 Small Enemies at the same time with just the right timing with Jean is HILARIOUS, Functional Fireworks! (The timing is at about 8 seconds after you throw the bunny By the way...) Oh and a Sidenote for those of you that made it this far in my Wall of text: Baron Bunnies Detonate when they Get hit with Overloads you detonate with Amber, Which makes it Much easier to hit them and get that extra damage out from Detonating them Manually!


Mmm ok so for that all point of her being used so often by mihoyo i would say it's mostly because she is meant to be the secondary mascot together with Barbara to a certain extent, like seriously Amber's entire design oozes with mascot energy, her clothing choices, her personality, the fact she literally makes dolls of herself that do a little mascot dance, so honestly she is used so much by mihoyo just because she was designed to be used for marketing purposes 1st and foremost, her relevance as a playable character always felt to me as just "the one character u learn how to use bows with" Especially since the baron bunnies draw the enemy's attention away from u while u aim


Amber still has some niche uses as Burst support, and it's good enough that sometimes she's banned in speedruns. You mention Amber's burst hits 18 times as a bad thing (and to be fair, it is bad if your goal is to make Amber a DPS unit); BUT for some characters it becomes a huge benefit for support. Because it hits so many times in quick succession, it allows multi-hit hydro & cryo moves to vape or melt every hit. (Assuming a large enough solo target so that all of her burst shots hit, she applies Pyro 6 times in 2 seconds due to internal cooldown)

(e.g. 2 Sac Sword Xingqiu skills back to back; or Chongyun's burst. If you use Amber's burst right before either of these moves, all 4 of Xingqiu's hits will vape or all 5 of Chongyun's burst will melt. No other pyro support can do this)

Plus, Amber has the benefit of having the smallest energy cost and cooldown time on her burst, letting her spam it very quickly and have the best uptime on the Elegy bow buff and Noblesse buff. So Amber does have a really strong niche, but it's honestly kind of an accident. She's terrible outside of it still.


Amber carried me through abyss, dealing 35k per hit (melt) from a safe place, making decoys. I think I did get so familiar to her skills it makes me impossible to replace her


It's just so sad that she is doomed to stay "irrelevant" in terms of combat-power. If she were a random 4* character to just come out eventually who has proper skills/power scaling people would love her. I mean, her character-design is just so damn loveable.


Interestingly enough, amber is actually really good for speedruns because her birthday applies pyro so fast, so hydro and cryo characters can vaporize all of their hits, at least for those 2 seconds, hence the speedrun


I just want to mention that amber has found a niche, a good one at that, as a support for hu tao team. Ironically, her weakness (how her fiery rain only last 2 sec and comes with lots of small damage instances) is actually her claim to fame. Because her damage is so negligible and it's worthless to infest in her artifacts, she found herself to be a really good instructor holder. She, in conjunction with anemo character, unlock hu tao strongest hyper carry teamcomp with just instructor artifact. And her massive amount of fiery rain arrows actually worked so well with Elegy bow, which incidentally also in homa banner.

And taunt is a very underutilized skill in this game, except probably by solo ganyu. Admittedly, baron bunny is lacking in term of utility as a battery, and i kinda hope they buff it so it no longer move like ganyu's taunt and generate particle instantly instead of on detonation hit. Overall really good video, addressing what went wrong with her. Although recently, she got something going on for her so i just wanna mention it.


You should do a "Why NO ONE Plays: Aloy" next.

Why not comment the same thing


There are a couple of notes here i want to adress
"She is a free unit, she is not supposed to be good" while i can "somewhat" get where this is coming from, kaeya is among the best 4* we have currently, if only he wasn't gate by stupid standard banner rules he would be incredibly more popular, he can reach numbers up to xiangling and even more. and geo and electro mc are not that bad.
"noone uses her" well, amber is currently an amazing support for hu tao if you have elegy, so much so that hu tao xingqiu amber and kazuha are the current strongest team for hu tao. this is all ***thanks to*** fiery rain which attacks really fast and is able to proc the effect instantly, and generally among whales ambers is way more popular because at c6 she is pretty good
but generally i agree with this video.


I love this type of videos not just explaining why a character is underplayed, but just having all the details laid out for that specific character. I would to see a odd video on why so and so is used a lot or something. Love this a bunch so keep it up


personally I think they intentional messed her up to encourage (force) you to roll on the banners for characters that weren't messed up through she is one of my favourite characters in game such a lovely girl and baron bunny is adorable.
