Stop Neighbor's Terrible Dog Barking [Get an Ultrasonic Dog Barking Repellent]

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Is your neighbor's terrible dog barking driving you nuts? If someone owns a dog that barks constantly and disturbs the entire neighborhood, they aren't decent, sensible people. Talking to them (like is always suggested by people that don't have to deal with the same problem) won't be an option. You'll have to either contact the local authorities to try to end the terrible dog barking or invest in a high-end ultrasonic device. We did both - and have had better luck in stopping our neighbor's dog barking with the ultrasonic speaker.
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We have one. It works. Takes a little time and patience, but it’s eventually effective. Now my neighbor hates us because his dog stopped barking.


I’ve been struggling with my inconsiderate neighbors. No wonder people snap.


Years ago I lived bext to a dog owner who never quieted his dogs. His excuse was that he wanted them to protect his property, so if they barked, robbers would be less likely to approach. He quickly got a bad rep around the small outback town due to this. One evening I was at work and came home to police outside his house. Someone had broken in, the dogs had barked furiously but apparently didn't stop whoever it was. They had stolen over $40k of jewelry and electronic equipment. When police had confronted neighbours, their responses were all along the lines of "those dogs are always barking, non-stop, we didn't realise the barking was due to a robbery, we just turned our stereos up to drown out the noise because the $#@*&!% never does anything to stop them"

Ain't KARMA a biyatch! LOL!


I'm so happy for you! A friend of mine got a similar device then felt guilty for getting it. I was like "WHAT?!" Non-stop barking dogs get no mercy!


Thank you for this video.
Been dealing with this for 6 months. Animal control is absolutely no help, the dogs bark and scream from 5:30am-3pm LOUD. Waking me up, an infant and my husband who works 24-48 straight and comes home trying to sleep. Sheriffs office passed it off saying they can’t do a noise violation for dogs, only loud cars or music. It’s disgusting how no one cares with the amount of taxes we pay for these public safety services that are not taking care of civilians. I left a very nice note on the renter neighbors mailbox asking him to please crate the dogs inside while he goes to work as they scream and bark all day while he is gone… he obviously is a crappy person and doesn’t care. Besides what kind of sick person crates dog in the yard? Animal
Control needs to be able to give tickets for these types of things.. it’s neglect. Finally after doing research I have stumbled across this product. Ordering tonight and praying it helps my situation. Some people just suck and they shouldn’t haven’t pets. We take care of our dogs and would never allow that.. we are also considerate of others. It costs nothing to be a kind and decent human being. God bless.


You guys are patient! City of Riverside has additional laws to offset this. You can also sue the City for not upholding the ordinances. Thanks for the vid


I truly feel your pain. I have a neighbor that's got a Great Pyrenees and the dog barks day in and all night. You can even hear it barking from inside their house when they take it back in there. This dog has even broken fence boards trying to get at us. I have two boxers and they are my life, so I agree with you, if you want a dog you've got to be good parents. Not irresponsible jerks.


Thanks for sharing. The irritating noise pollution you had to endure for 4 years makes my situation look tame in comparison. If any device can reduce the barking by 90% .. then it's effective


One month after buying our dream home, our nice neighbor's 400 lb pregnant daughter moved in with her two huge non-stop EVER barking dogs. They promptly built a cage for them almost under our house, as far as they could from THEIR house. They never cleaned up after them in four years and we lived downwind. I basically had a nervous breakdown because the noise 24/7 was unbelievable. We moved out to save what sanity I had left, and it took us two years to sell that beautiful home - people would drive up and not even get out of the car because they could hear or smell, or both, those animals next door. They pretty much destroyed us financially, mentally and physically and there was nothing we could get any agency to do.


Thank you for the video and for being a responsible dog owner. I don’t know why people think that just because you don’t want to listen to dogs barking 24 seven that they think you don’t like dogs. I like dogs I just don’t like irresponsible dog owners. Thanks again for the video.


I just got mine a few days ago and it works like a charm! Thank you for making this video!


Can't get exterior work done due to Lack of Sleep! I have felt your pain no doubt! My neighbor had 6 or 7 mutts at one time. Before I discovered the ultrasonic bird house I would get up at night when they were raising hell about who knows what and drop a firecracker out of my master bath window and that would shut them up for a couple hours. Ever seen 7 gun shy dogs try to go through a doggie door at once? Pretty damn funny!


You seem like your a great person, I would love to live by a person that has respect to others.


You’re hilarious!!!! And we’re going to give this a try, since we have crappy neighbors with crappy dogs.


Thank you so much for your excellent review. I honestly don't know how you were able to cope with all that barking. I get maybe 5% of that and I'm ready to try this product out thanks to your review!


I’m going through that now. I didn’t want to be a latent by going over and asking them to train them dogs, so I’ll just order this. Thank you, those dogs bark all night and mornings. I work in the mornings, haven’t had good sleep is such a long time because of them. Wish me luck lol


I'm so close to kms due to a neighbor's dog. He's a single guy, works full time (me from home), and lets his springer spaniel bark incessantly. He leaves it home all day and early hours at weekends, he's barely there for it. I hear the barking within my house, he is nonstop. I walk on eggshells, scared to go outside or shut the door, or open the windows because it literally triggers his mutt to bark even louder and more aggressively. He denied it of course and ignored the complaint from the local council. I'm so done. I have zero quality of life and sadly his dog lives a better life than I. So what's the point. Glad this device worked for you.


I got really good so much more peaceful!


Its too often that the dogs reflect their owner...arrogant and inconsiderate of others. I've been there and before I knew about ultrasonic devices, I had to get the township noise bylaw dept involved. They gave me a form to fill out when the neighbors dogs (had 5 at one time above the limit of 3) barked excessively and gave them written notice of the consequences including a possible lawsuit for "loss of use of property" where I can't enjoy my property because of their dogs. That put an immediate stop to the problem...after 2/3 years of not being able to even walk in my back yard without their dogs going nuts. They kept them in the house after that. Must have stunk really bad in there just like the owner.


Necessary to heed the user manual but what a difference to our peace and quiet from dog barking. Great product. Thanks.
