Most Played MMORPGs 2025

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MMORPGs are games that players can sink thousands of hours into so understandably no one wants to play one of these games that are perceived to be dead, dying or in decline so in this video I’m gonna list the most played MMORPGs going into 2025 that all have healthy populations and shouldn’t die anytime soon.
This list has a few new additions as well as some changes in the rankings compared to the last time, interestingly there’s a few MMOs on here that have actually been growing in playerbase for quite some time.

What do you think about the most popular most played MMORPGs in 2025? are you surprised by any MMOs on this list? do you think any upcoming MMOs in 2025 will be popular next year? let me know in the comments below!

► Edited By: Myself
Most Played MMORPGs 2023 MMO list

Intro 0:00
Foxhole 2:02
Maplestory 2:52
SWTOR 3:27
Lost Ark 4:07
Runescape 3 4:45
Eve Online 5:22
New World 5:52
Guild Wars 2 (GW2) 6:40
Once Human 7:16
Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) 7:48
Black Desert Online (BDO) 8:20
Albion Online 9:01
Throne And Liberty 9:48
Final Fantasy XIV 10:41
Old School Runescape (OSRS)11:19
World Of Warcraft (WoW)12:20
Summary 13:05

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Most Played MMORPGs 2025
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Thanks for the fair take on Black Desert. Recently there's been a lot of great updates for gear progression, new content and quality of life changes. The game is beautiful and It is undoubtedly one of the top MMOs and if it continues to follow in the right direction it will stay among the top for long years to come as it did for the last 10 years.
I honestly doubt there is an MMO out there with a literal weekly updates and then a big live events twice a year, that's how active the developers are.
A good indication of how captivating BDO can be is that some people look for any chance they can to hate on it even though they haven't played it at all or stopped playing long ago :D


I'm surprised that maplestory is still so popular since they got caught selling a lootbox that contained something impossible to get.


everquest theme during the intro brought a tear to my eye... 🥲


OSRS will always be my go to - glad to see it’s recently been rising.


EVE Online is not F2P, it more like unlimited trial with a subscription.


Josh Strife Hayes now has to update his GigaChart


Guild Wars 2: 6:40
To all the comments saying "no gw2" clearly didn't watch the video and just looked at the time stamps.


If anyone wants to try new (old) MMO, give Warhammer: Return to Reckoning a go-Revived MMO by fans and approved by Games Workshop. We would appreciate new players in WvW.

Edit: I think WoW Classic andys would love it.


gamer, youtuber, gymbro, clairvoyant, peon is such a multi-talent! 🌚


I think Star Trek Online absolutely should be on the list. I havent played it in years but it feels like it always has a solid playerbase.


You missed a niche one : Dofus, 20 years old turn based MMO is realeasing a big visual update on the 3rd of December with new servers with approx 360k pre-registration.
(Free to play early game on some servers, else it's 5€ / month ) Worth the try, hope you enjoy, have a good day !💟


Foxhole is the kind of MMO where the big updates are expansion sized and fundamentally change the game. The latest announcement was air combat and paradrops.


Lord of the Rings Online was worth a mention as well, new Legendary/ classic servers with modern 64 bit servers really increased the population density of the server. Recommended for any fan of the books and movies.


surprised to see foxhole on the list. This game is not for everyone, but it is very fun and rewarding nonetheless. Very good community and you should find a group to tag along with if you intend to really see all aspects the game has to offer.


I used to love mmorpgs. But I've been finding it harder to get invested into such games again. Especially after playing incredible single-player games. I've started to value higher quality tailored experiences far more recently. Games like wow, destiny 2, and ff14 either feels like a waist of time or is too much of a time investment. Ff14, for example, has a 200-300 hour investment for the main story and its expansions.

Not to mention everything that's in a mmo is mediocre compared to single-player games. Combat is usually not as good or not as satisfying, needless grinding. poe hits differently in this aspect and is an exception. The feeling of accomplishment is also not there anymore in these games. Not that a really feel like I need admiration from others anyway anymore, which i feel like is the main appeal of mmorpgs.

Ah, maybe I'm just getting older.


I genuinely felt like I deserved a refund for the new world fiasco but since the relaunch I’ve actually been having a good time, almost max lvl feels like I got my moneys worth this time around.


Love to see OSRS continuing to grow. I think we hit over 200k concurrent just the other day with the Leagues V launch.


Silly title. You from the future or something bro 😂


Lost Ark lost many due to the limits it puts on players. Never limit your players for everything and don't FORCE them to do anything if possible.


Lost Ark did the exact same mistakes TERA did back in its days, TERA had the absolute best combat game style in any game ever, Bluehole/EnMasse got greedy with the cash shop and forgot that the game needs an actual player base and not a lottery RNG addicted crowd. I miss that game.
