My Fitness Journey #bodybuilding #injuryrecovery #fitnessjourney

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Your an inspiration man. Instead of giving up you did your best. Keep doing your best.


And still a extremely impressive physique. Well done done brother


If you’re not a PT or something similar, then you amaze me even more. I am actually a PT in Germany. There is a therapy which I found and learned it for 2, 5 years. So actually I had some some patients that had to deal with these problems and we could fix it together with precise exercises and this therapy. If you want to hear something about it hit me up.


I slipped my L5 at 22 back in September and this gives me a lot of hope for the future


Much respect for you brother. You kept pushing when others would have quit.


Man i have such imbalances too and i too work through them, it's tough, you've made a great physique bro


I use an inversion table every other day. While upside down I rest my hands on my jaw, so the weight of my arms presses and stretches on my neck and spine.

I'll relax for a minute or two. Then I'll do hip rotation repetitions. 50 rotations forward, 50 rotations backward.

Then I'll do ab crunches, 30-50

All while upside down.

I do this before every single workout. Takes me 10-15 minutes and feels amazing.

Helps my scoliosis tremendously.


Is there a way for me to message you and ask you some questions? I commented on one of your other videos but I am begging for just a few minutes of your time. I honestly cannot express how much I would love to talk to you for maybe a few messages back and forth if you're up for it.

I had a leg injury in 2021. I was in the hospital for 3 weeks. I was not able to walk for months after that using my left leg. I did not have any broken bones but I did lose an insane amount of my ankle mobility. I used to lift weights and squat and everything and never had the muscle imbalance that I do now. I saw your video and realized that you are going through exactly what I am except that I don't have a broken ankle or a bone that healed wrong.

I've been trying to go to different doctors and physical therapists and nobody will listen to what I'm saying which is kind of wild to me. One of your videos said something about when you go to squat or bend down that your knee will not go over your toe and will instead want to roll inward. That's what happens when I squat too. My shoulders are tilted and one of them is rolled forward while the other one is back. I have spent years trying to do research and figure out things to do other than just ankle mobility band movements. But I would love to find out how you have overcome this in your life and what exercises you would suggest in helping combat it. obviously I subscribe to your channel and obviously I watch your videos but I haven't seen one that goes into length about trying to compensate it. Most people just tell me to go to a chiropractor or to do dead hangs. I do dead hangs all the time and I use an inversion table but obviously that does not help if my ankle mobility is shot and non-existent on one side.


Hello Matt! I've seen several of your videos today. My body is twisted. I was born with radioulnar syntosis in my right arm (palm down, no rotation). I broke my left ankle at twelve which caused leg length discrepancy (off over an inch). So my knees and hips and back are all crazy. Talk about timing. I might learn something from you. I just started inline skating last year to help with mobility and started in the gym last month. I'm gonna follow along and see what I can learn from you. Thanks for sharing.


Do u have a longer video explaining the difficult diagnosis process


That's awesome matt, yah had muscle inbalance in my legs (it band, that messed me up for bit oo) like the content


I also have scoliosis. and my right shoulder is down. On my right foot, he looks to the right. Can you make a more detailed long video on this subject? You really know what is good for those with this type of problems.


I have the same problem bro 5 years ago I broke my ankle but never got it checked out


I have simillar issue and one of the result of it cervical disk herniation, how can I fix that posture imbalance and mobility


Congratulations my friend! Can you train shoulders though?


This might sound stupid but couldn’t they re brake your ankle and line it back up?


Hey Matt! I am a PT and I would like to get on a zoom call with you sometime


"Healed incorrectly"...what he means is he either didn't actually have it looked at by doctors, waited too long until it was already healing on it's own or just flat out didn't care because he was young. There is no way if you went to the ER as soon as it happened and stayed on top of everything, surgery, doctors appointments, physical therapy and such, that it would have "healed" so badly that it completely debilitated the rest of your body for years and years later.


Yeah how about...go to a doctor immediately after you break something?
