What's Up With Zac Efron's Face | Expert Plastic Surgeon Weighs In

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The name of the week for celebrity plastic surgery speculation is Zac Efron. No less than 10 patient’s, colleagues, and family members have asked me what happened to Zac Efron’s face. At first, I was very concerned as I felt perhaps he was the victim of additional trauma, a car accident, or something disfiguring. Turns out, people are speculating he has had bad plastic surgery. My first instinct was to encourage people to “get a life”- until I realized that people adore the way Efron looks and that this speculation stems from genuine concern, and not ill intent.

Still, is neither our business nor our right to impinge on other’s privacy and to make speculations if there is potential harm to the subject at hand. Calling him botched and disfigured is an insult, plain and simple. So if you care to speculate, please do so with grace and empathy. For those of you who were watching this video, I had to do some homework on the young actor to determine what he looked like before, what he looks like now, and what may have changed. So, I will keep it brief: I think there is no question that Mr. Efron shows evidence of previous facial trauma because his left lower lip is higher than his right upper lip. Even looking at old photos, I can see this.

I also think his jaw is wider than it has been in the past, and I think his whole left face seems to be swollen. Whether or not the swelling and the width of the jaw are a result of augmentation with fillers or implants, or simply postprocedural swelling from something like an infected tooth, it is impossible to say. I do not want to speculate on this. Fact is, something has changed with the lower face of this young man, and I think we should let this young man heal and give him privacy and solitude until he feels comfortable making a statement.
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He looks like he aged 15 years in 2 years


That’s so sad. He didn’t need to do anything to himself. He was already beautiful.


I wish that celebrities were more honest with having plastic surgery. Plastic surgery doesn't make them less of a person; rather, it is the continuous denial of undergoing it that DOES make them less of a person.


It’s not that he looks bad but wow did it age him.


I would love to know the rationalization of the Hippocratic oath when Zac Efron walks into your office and says his face needs to be better in a way that requires anesthesia and invasive surgery knowing the risk.


You’re very empathetic when you address questions like this.


He’s talking growth hormone. A lot of body builders do and it make your face bigger.


To me the broken jaw thing just can't be true, he broke it in 2013. In 2014 and 2015 specifically he still looked like he always did, no noticeable differences from previous years. I've been wondering why his face seemed like it changed so much in recent time. If this was because of a broken jaw wouldn't something have started changing drastically after he was healed from the broken jaw, around 2014, 2015 or 2016. I'm not a doctor but it seems odd that a broken jaw injury from 2013 is going to just automatically change your face so drastically 8 years later. Convenient excuse or something more? Who cares really, we'll probably never really know. It's none of our business, it's his life.


I've never been happier to take a slight insult than your closing statement haha. I'm a straight male and I still think he looks great either way. But the most important thing about this is how we shouldn't care this much. The only care I feel is for his mental health.


Yes, sterioids, hormones were my idea too, but that should have taken years and with seriously heavy dosages. Also his skin looks tighter, all around his face, forehead etc. His cheeks are more pronounced as well. So it can be some kind of swelling or long term change after a certain treatment. Intersting. The pressure from hollywood society and its standards is a great point.


No comment on the lips? They look fake and over filled which is why I think people assume the jaw is also elective.


I appreciate this video for being very straightforward and objective on the subject! I’ve subscribed!
I think I’m your 4k subscriber!!


"I don't know and I'm terrified of his fanbase so im too scared to say anything negative"

saved you 4 minutes


my man predicted the real reason as an injury whilst everyone else including plastic surgeons put it down to work done. respect


Interesting that you say about an asymmetrical smile being sure to "trauma". I have been plagued by mouth ulcers since a child and I also have an asymmetrical smile due to scarring, but never realised it was due to (potential) nerve damage


'I don't know" there, saved everyone 4 minutes.


So Zac efron did actually break his jaw some years ago. He fell in his house and has to have his jaw wired for it to heal. Not like it matters, since it’s his business not mine, but that may play into things. Like you said, it’s whatever, and he’s still a very good looking guy.


Zac Efron has become the Enjoyer Gigachad


Its two years later and I'm still waiting for the swelling to go


Love this! I think you're right on. I appreciate that you stressed people not judge. There are may different factors of what could be the case here.
