Modern Woman SHOCKED By Man’s Honesty #6

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Modern Woman SHOCKED By Man’s Honesty #6 - Inspired by ARAKO TV, MGTOW, The Poor Mans Podcast Reacts, MxRPlays.. Be sure to watch the entire video ;)

These videos are not encouragement for viewers to go and harass these people. The videos are for entertainment purposes only and we do not condone any such harassment or hate. As mentioned in the video we soley make these for strictly comedic/artistic purposes. No offence is intented towards any individuals featured in this video.

Other great videos:
Modern Woman SHOCKED By Man’s Honesty #1
Modern Woman SHOCKED By Man’s Honesty #2
Modern Woman SHOCKED By Man’s Honesty #3
Modern Woman SHOCKED By Man’s Honesty #4

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Putting a dollar aside for every time you have sex and using just that money to buy a Christmas gift? This is a genius idea! It really puts the nonsense into perspective.


I like the way women say that we are suppose to be chivalrious but women killed it by yelling at men who did it.


If Women can't handle Men being Honest with them then they shouldn't have asked a Question.


"Are you a cat? Can you tell me what a cat is?" Hahahahhaha. Logic a-bomb!


The usual reactions from angry feminists is what the lady did when asked: If women are paid less, why don't companies hire all women? Her first response is deflect (that's a whole other story) which is what someone does when they can't answer a simple question, then she outright lies to his face (I understand that you are angry) he was not angry, then try to turn it around and make him seem like the bad person when she is the one doing the insulting ( now you have given me a condescending look), then after she dodges the question, lies, insults him, she then runs away ( I am done). In her mind she won the debate. In my mind she proved she doesn't have the intelligence to answer a simple question, she is rude, self righteous, and a coward (running from a simple question). In my mind she lost the debate when she used all these techniques. So basically feminists, if you can't win an debate fairly, just deflect, insult, don't let the other person talk, then run away. That makes you sound intelligent. Sorry, that makes you feel self righteous, and intelligent in your eyes. To an actual intelligent person, they can see through your tactics, and know that you are too stupid to actually answer a simple question.


Broken moms create broken daughters that create broken relationships


I quit dating in my late 40s because it was just an exercise in hurting women's feelings during that getting to know you phase. I figured out why I was suddenly more desirable to women my age, it was that I looked like I might be their retirement plan. I'm overweight, I'm not 6'+ so I know I'm no GQ cover model, but my life financially is pretty great.

Whenever I turned down a woman it seemed that my shortcomings were attacked, which made me ask, "Why did you pick me then?" They wouldn't answer but I knew why.

Women my age are getting very upset that we're not interested in marrying them, that what they bring to the table financially and career-wise today is very important since children are now off the table, and choosing poorly this late in the game for the man is the difference between retiring early or on time in comfort, or working, struggling financially until the day you die.


That woman he asked about companies hiring women instead of men because women "make less" tried to avoid answering his question by changing the subject and making it about his tone of voice. She had no answer.


I was dating a club girl and it was the worst of all mistakes.


The constant censoring of words in an adult conversation is annpying and childish.


"You've given me a condescending look and now I'm done with you ..."
She said, while dripping with condescension.


It is not that women need to lower their standards... they need realistic standards.


Dating a modern woman is like using toilet paper that has already been used.


Don’t tell women to take down their pictures of themselves in Dubai. They need to leave that shit up so we can tell who they really are.


The guy commenting at 3:20...Nailed it! When a man gets upset with his wife/girlfriend, her first instinct is never...How can I fix this?...Her first instinct is to get upset that he is upset with her, and she tries to turn the table on him.

Gentlemen, run fast and far if this happens to you. (Yes, kinda difficult if you're married)


Tattoos on women provide the same service to a young man as a lighthouse to a sailor. STAY AWAY DANGER!


I've gone five years and not been able to pay the tax on a Mcchicken but if I cheat I'm labeled a scumbag.


Hypocrisy doesn't like to be challenged, it prefers to be triggered and defends by gaslighting....😂😂😂😂🎉

At 14:44 the woman goes on and says: do not go on about the reasons why women get less pay, but, she also goes on about the percentages on why women get less and then can not figure out why she is wrong about her mathematics. You can not make this crap up, you really can not.


i will never understand this whole "denying your partner sex and intimacy" thing... thats a critically integral part of a relationship and something both should be WANTING with eachother especially if they love eachother. like, seriously why would you not want to have sex with your life partner that you love?? if youre having to fight for it like that then there's something very wrong with your relationship.
