The Best Of Modern Woman SHOCKED By Man’s Honesty

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The Best Of Modern Woman SHOCKED By Man’s Honesty - Inspired by ARAKO TV, MGTOW, The Poor Mans Podcast Reacts, MxRPlays.. Be sure to watch the entire video ;)

These videos are not encouragement for viewers to go and harass these people. The videos are for entertainment purposes only and we do not condone any such harassment or hate. As mentioned in the video we soley make these for strictly comedic/artistic purposes. No offence is intented towards any individuals featured in this video.

Other great videos:
Modern Woman SHOCKED By Man’s Honesty #5
Modern Woman SHOCKED By Man’s Honesty #4
Modern Woman SHOCKED By Man’s Honesty #3
Modern Woman SHOCKED By Man’s Honesty #2
Modern Woman SHOCKED By Man’s Honesty #1

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I fell in love with a women I originally thought was average looking. She got progressively more beautiful because of her personality. Until she broke my heart, and I saw the dark part of her.Then she got real ugly. True story.


Any female who rates themselves as a 10 then there is no room for improvements on their part.


Been with my wife since we were 22 now in our 40's im glad our bond is strong seeing the disgrace the dating game is.


My friend and I were rough housing a little in class and a girl walked up to us and said, "Boys, stop fighting over me!" We just looked at each other like we were thinking the exact same thing and I said, "You, take her!"
"I don't want her. YOU take her!"


Millions of women fighting over a few six figure men is like millions of high school football, baseball and basketball players thinking they have a shot at the major leagues.


I once went on a date with a girl who I had met on the internet. We had been messaging each other for weeks beforehand and had really hit it off. Our first meet up face-face was at a pub for drinks. I didn't have a car at the time, so I walked to the pub to meet her, while she drove there. The date was going fine but the pub was a bit quiet and dull, so I asked her if she wanted to go somewhere a bit more fun. A friend of mine was in a band and they were playing a gig that same night in another pub, so I asked her if she fancied it. She seemed to like the idea, so she said yes. However, this pub was on the other side of town so we had to drive there. When I told her I didn't have a car and asked if she'd be ok driving there, she said Ok but I could see something change in her face. I ignored it at first, but then it came time to go. We were on the other side of town to where I lived now, and she was just going to walk out and leave, so I asked politely if I could get a lift home. You should have seen the look on her face this time though. It was as if I'd asked the most innapropriate question you could think of. She reluctantly agreed and drove me home, but she had completely turned to ice and didn't say a single word to me the whole way back (about 5-10 mins). I felt bad, so I just told her to drop me off near town and I'd walk the rest of the way. She ghosted me after that.
I swear I've been on a dozen or more dates where I've picked the girl up, taken her to 2 - 3 different places, anywhere she wanted to go, then dropped her off directly outside her home and made sure she was safe. Yet this one time, with this one particular girl, I respectfully asked for the same thing and I get smashed for it. Am I wrong to be a little bit peeved by that?


Calling yourself a 10 does not mean you are confident. Its out of touch with reality and no understanding of humility.


We live in an hypersexualized world were only fans is a common career path yet we have to edit people having normal conversation saying things like sexualized.


I once joined a dating site just to troll, instead of writing what i wanted in a Woman, I wrote a very long list of what I didn't want in a woman and told them they need not apply. Needless to say, I received thousands of comments from very upset women telling me I want to marry my mommy! I wrote a standard answer to I want to marry someone who will make a Great Mommy to our children!


Best line I’ve heard in a while “women are interested in a man’s future and men are interested in a woman’s past”.


9:04 lets be VERY CLEAR ABOUT SOMETHING: if a girl doesn’t like you, and still accepts dates from you, she’s using you. End of story


The woman that got mad at the guy that told her her purse was on top of the car she was purely evil I can see the devil in her


My husband explained it to me this way...
A solider fights in wars....he can only succeed if he is supported by the those that supply him with food, ammo, clothing, medical, and info, ( logistics) when he succeeds...everyone benefits!
A man in a relationship, with his woman is exactly the same way....I benefit when I back him and he succeeds...any Questions?


If a woman uses the word “like” more than 5 times in a single sentence, I’m walking.


I’m a woman & I have standards for myself as well as others SO when the girl at 39:30 had the actual audacity to ask if the guy would split with a girl he’s been with for years while on a nice vacation because he found something in her phone from 10 years ago, I wanted to slap the stupidity out of her.

How can she be surprised at the answer? I would question *WHY DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING FROM AN EX IN YOUR PHONE THAT WAS FROM 10 YEARS AGO?* & an EX is an EX for a reason!!! 🤨

I’m with dude on this one 100


No chick with a beer belly is gonna tell me I need to pay for dinner for 18 of her friends.


“Men don’t want to come home to a fight, just give them a hug or something” I died right there 😂🤣🤣🤣


Right On!!! I don’t have any social media except YouTube and life is so much more stress free than most of my friends that have social media.


A woman that is a 10 is exceedingly rare. We're talking perfection in nearly every way. How many of those have you actually known???


"If JESUS can't save these hoes, why the hell are you tryin'!?"
Truer words have never been spoken.
