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Today I want to discuss heaven and hell from an atheist perspective. And in the middle of my video we will be helped by an amazing clip from The Atheist Experience in which one of the hosts of the show gives a perfect metaphor that shows the ridiculousness of the concept of hell. Stay tuned!

As you all know, many or most Christians believe that heaven and hell exist.
What are heaven and hell? Well, according to the Christian belief system, heaven is a place where good Christians end up after they pass away. It's a place where they will find rest and peace and where they will be rewarded for being good Christians.

Hell, to the contrary, is the place where, according to Christians, sinners end up. You know, atheists, those who did not believe in god, and of course those who had the audacity to eat shellfish or refused to beat up slaves. So basically, people like myself.

You might think I am joking. But, this is kind of what the bible teaches us about hell. The bible says I have to go to hell for being an atheist. Such a nice belief system.

Now normally I wouldn't care much about bible quotes because they prove next to nothing. But sometimes, bible quotes are relevant because it is important to understand what some Christians believe. I do not say all Christians, I say some Christians because of course not all of them believe the exact same thing. Nonetheless, it is important to understand what they submit to, what they think is reasonable and what they are prepared to justify, possibly at your expense.

So let's have a look at heaven and hell from an atheist perspective!
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The idea you can be a total monster, but still go to heaven as long as you repent is absurde to me. Theists are always going on about morality but in what world is this a good moral system? In their world a Ted Bundy can reach heaven but someone that did nothing but good during his life can go to hell for eternity because he doesn't believe in some God proposition. This is pure madness imo.


“Every sensible man, every honorable man must hold the Christian religion in horror.”


Yep, hell is a hell of a concept. Most people would believe that evil people go to hell. Nope, good people go to hell because they don't believe the right thing. Nonsense!


I really Like Mats quote:
Why would Satan totur you when god IS His enemy
So He works for god"


Great analysis! I read the bible once years ago and found myself baffled at how anyone who read this piece of crap could possibly conclude that god is the good guy in these stories.


Not to mention the most juvenile form of morality. People are complex beings who you can't just simply put into a category for being a good or bad person.


Cannot think of a worse punishment then being made to eternally worship and evil and insane being without any escape.The ultimate torture from a being that gets off on blood, genocide and innocent young girls who happy to let most of his creation burn but already allegedly drowned everyone so whats some more bloodshed to him.Certainly not deserving of any worship .


I always thought that the concept of eternal punishment for not believing in a fictional being was total nonsense


Imagine burning in a place longer than the Universe was in existence for not believing in a savior who believed in Noah's flood.


Thank you once again for your excellent presentation! I was terrified into Christianity at a very young age. My family thought nothing about putting the fear of God into me. I am now sixty years of age and I still suffer from the effects of my early indoctrination. I have been an atheist for about five years now and although I feel wonderfully free from the bullshit I was taught, I still have anxiety and panic attacks from being scared into submission to a supposedly loving God, who is a right Bastard when he feels like it. Please keep producing your videos, they are essential for saving others from the poison of religion!


A wise man once said: that he would rather a question that cannot be answered than an answer that cannot be questioned. I personally learnt so much from this that profound statement. As a teacher if may students ask me any question beyond me, I simply tell them I don't know, but then I go work on myself, research and get back to them with some answers and my doubts as well. This approach is honest. Truth must never be coerced and should stand scrutiny. Life is a complex mystery and there are so much questions that cannot be answered. Run far away from anyone that claim to have answers for ALL questions.


Less than 30 seconds into the video you already made the most important point. “Christians believe that heaven and hell exist.” What an individual believes doesn’t mean anything to me. They need to provide good evidence for such places. Children believe there is a monster under their beds. It’s an equally irrelevant belief. Bring on the evidence!!!


To anyone who takes the bible *seriously* be prepared to be laughed at.


As a child, I was often told - by a loving mother and grandmother - that everything was in the bible and that if I was bad I would burn in Hell.
Didn't take a lot of growing up to realise that Christian morality was the same system of operant conditioning for naughty children.
This is why you have to become a child to enter the kingdom.
And yet certain Christians tell us to 'Grow up!'
Love the irony.


Here come the 'Near Death Experience' Stories. Bla...Bla...Blaaa


Imagine walking into an elevator. There are a dozen unlabelled buttons. One of the buttons will take you to the penthouse, where there's a cocktail party. Pressing any other button will take you to the basement, where the furnace is.

Now tell me about the intelligent design of the elevator.


My inability to conceive of heaven is what caused me to begin to lose My Faith. to quote Revelations which is a problematic book regardless, "and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor suffering, for the former things are passed away." and I thought to myself: sometimes I want to have tears in my eyes and have sorrow and you're saying that heaven is a place where I can't experience that? that's where it all began to fell apart. Philosophy and physics and biology just kept making it more clear that the universe seems to work without religion. I was put under to get my wisdom teeth out, and time did not pass. No consciousness, no dreaming. I stopped fearing death. I'm happy to say that my parents and my church we're always loving to me and we're always welcoming and loving to me and never chastised me for leaving the faith. and I feel sorry for those who experienced otherwise.


Hell made no sense to me even as a kid.


The “middle finger part” got me in tears 🤣🤣🤣, nice presentation 👌👌


You Nailed it and hard, but first, one needs to agree the name of that holy book is "The Lieble" for inside its covers one will find lies upon lies.
Next one has to have a means to be ones self after death, there has to be some method to maintain a persons "essence" memories, personality, and a means for that item to have a memory ( which most people call a soul). Without a soul, there is no way to keep a persons identity/self "alive". Until there is evidence that a soul exists, a person has no soul and if no soul exists then there is no need to have an enviroment ( heaven/hell) to send the souls to. If there is no place to send souls to and there are no souls, what is the reason for a gawd, its already done the work of creating everything. All that is required now is to sort the sinners and send them to hell... oh but wait there is no soul, no heaven or hell and now no reason for a gawd.
And besides, a soul wont have the ability to experience worldly things, no need for food, no need to work, no needs at all. The only thing to do would be to float around praising a gawd 24/7/365/eternity, there would be no time available to spend with loved ones and friends ( who are most likely in hell anyway). So, what benefits do people reap from following the teachings of the lieble just to die in the end and have nothing??
