Did Jesus Have a Physical Resurrection? Jehovah's Witnesses and Jesus' Resurrection

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#Unwitnessing Jehovah's Witnesses tell me Jesus' body rotted in the tomb. Uhm, okay because that's what the Bible "really" teaches, right? Actually, these two gentlemen were quite nice and I appreciate them speaking with me. I hope these two men will see that the Watchtower Org does not teach the Bible. My heart is sad for them because they are lied to and spiritual abused. But just as Jesus Christ raised himself from the dead so he can raise these men from their spiritual slumber.

Instagram: @caligirl7525

John 2:19-22
The Jews then responded to him, “What sign can you show us to prove your authority to do all this?” Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.” They replied, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days?” But the temple he had spoken of was his body. After he was raised from the dead, his disciples recalled what he had said. Then they believed the scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken.

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Excellent job! What JWs fail to notice or refuse to accept is that Jesus had two natures - human nature and divine nature. He died as man and rose up from the dead as man but in His divine nature He was inseparable from God and was with the robber in paradise. It is in His divine nature that Jesus can be with those who gather in His name showing He is omnipresent (while No angel or archangel can be omnipresent). Resurrection from the dead means the resurrection of what has suffered and died and is not to be mixed up with recreation (as JWs claim God recreated Michael the Archangel. The Bible does not teach recreation of Jesus, it teaches the resurrection of the body of Jesus. If Jesus as man did not rise up from the dead, this man Jesus as man is still dead and no dead person can be a mediator between God and men - 1 Timothy 2:5 shows it is MAN Jesus Chris who is the mediator. If God recreated Michael the Archangel, then JWs should pray in the name of Michael, not Jesus. I noticed the man in white hair started thinking. May Lord Jesus Christ help these misled men to find the truth.


This video was fantastic. I can't help feeling a little sad for those men, I hope that the words you spoke will never leave them and that they will turn to Jesus.


They can't even see the truth directly out of the Bible, because they read it through watchtower goggles.


I've watched this video so many times...I just love it! I really admire you and your ministry. Thanks so much! ♡


Great witnessing girl! You left them speechless. Whenever JWs don’t know what to say they always ask “what religion are you?” This is their way to try and destroy what you’re saying but looking to tear you down.
I find it interesting that Jehovah’s Witnesses can go to people door to door and preach their theology but once someone who knows their bible speaks truth to the. They run away and “agree to disagree “ this is how you know you’ve done a good job giving them the word. The rest God will take care of. God bless you sister that energized me.


I really love how you posted those passages on the screen! Brilliant and very helpful to someone like me who is learning


I want to thank you for your videos, for if you recall; a previous position that I stood in, as JW, this just a few months ago. Due to coming across that video, at that time, I woke up from this cult. By viewing that video, I came across other videos, one of which was; Raymond Franz's, Crisis of Conscience, interview in Poland. I had not even known about this book before hand.
Thank you greatly! Truly. God bless.


Couldn't have done it better Hannah. May the Holy Spirit enlighten these two men.


This is one of the best videos I’ve seen yet! As a former member, it is clear as day now. I can say though, that I was once here. These are old men who will never change. If you weren’t brought up in the “truth” you won’t understand. The mind control is so powerful. This is a lifestyle choice ( sometimes a choice). You only leave if you want to change everything about your life( and never talk to friends or family ever again). It would be like picking up and moving to another country over night not knowing the language, not knowing anyone there or the culture. They just aren’t going to do that! It way too scary to admit the truth so they deny. I can see the moment they started to shut you down. At that point it’s like talking to a wall.


You just seriously embarrassed these guys. They despise a woman teaching.

A woman cannot teach in this Christian business known as watchtower.

They got owned!! 👊🏼👊🏼 Go cali girl go!!


The guy in the blue shirt was holding back his anger. But that is how the JW's get when you ask questions they cannot answer.


Fabulous job HEK!!!! I learned a lot! ❤️ Glad to see you continually pressing these men and having them crack open the Truth & not their own translation. Keep up the good work! 8 million people headed down the wide path!!!! 😢


Just came across page today and I've got to say this has been one of most beautiful conversations I've seen.


I'm African American so I'll say this..my brother man was totally brain dead. On the other hand my Caucasian brother got the point but at the end played dumb. He'll thinking about this conversation tonight when he goes home. Brother man will go home tonight and swear he told you a thing or two lol. Smh!!


Blessed are you who speak the Word of truth about Messiah.


I like your style. The way you speak to them, is respectful and that goes a long way. We certainly can catch more flies with honey! Nice work!


Wonderful witness :) You were very clear and straight to the point, and also very gentle and loving towards those men. I'm taking note!


they denied the bible and kept saying what they was told to believe.


After all the plain as day points you made FROM THE BIBLE, they still dismissed you as if they didnt learn something new. I certainly did! I was in the WT for years, but now I've finally starting waking up to truth! You keep on doing this sister!!! 💕💕💕


I like what you do Cali Girl. Keep it up.
