FALL TRAIL RIDE ON HORSEBACK HELMET CAM • Groom, Tack & Ride with Me + Barn Chores on the Farm Vlog!

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Come along with me as I do early morning barn chores, feed horses, and then groom, tack up and go for a sunrise trail ride on Doppler!!
Riding Warehouse Discount Code: EMILYS
#vlog #equestrian #eventer
Hi I'm Emily, I manage a private eventing based horse farm in the US! Here's some of my day-to-day equestrian life, including barn vlogs, grooming tips, all about my horse Doppler, Area 1 events/competitions, GoPro cross country helmet cams, and more!
Check out my INSTAGRAM @rideandroamm !
#adayinthelife #groomtackride #eventing #grooming #equestrianlife #farmlife #barnlife #horsegirl #horsebackriding #barnroutines #barnchores #horsegroom
Riding Warehouse Discount Code: EMILYS
#vlog #equestrian #eventer
Hi I'm Emily, I manage a private eventing based horse farm in the US! Here's some of my day-to-day equestrian life, including barn vlogs, grooming tips, all about my horse Doppler, Area 1 events/competitions, GoPro cross country helmet cams, and more!
Check out my INSTAGRAM @rideandroamm !
#adayinthelife #groomtackride #eventing #grooming #equestrianlife #farmlife #barnlife #horsegirl #horsebackriding #barnroutines #barnchores #horsegroom
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