People on Trail Rides 🙄 | Funny Horse Videos

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The Animals ❤️
👉🏼KamaKazÍ 🐴 | 14.3hh bay Arabian
👉🏼Xëna 🐕 | 3 y.o. Belgian Malinois
👉🏼Zorro & Zazu 🐀🐀

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"What about that Stallion?"
Oh, she has the day off.
"I can come back tomorrow."
She has the week off.
"I can come back next we-"
*She's retired*


“Can I ride that stallion?” “She has the day off!” Priceless.


Girl: im like really experienced.
Also girl: *wears open toe shoes and wants to wear no helmet*


“This is what I do at home.”
“Yeah...well...not here!”


"Thᵢˢ ɪs wHᵃt I ᴰo aᴛ hOmE." Ok, cool, then go do that at home.


I joined a beach ride once. Had about 7 years of riding experience, but never a beach ride so I was super excited. Was warming up outside and there was this other lady who just kept letting her horse get on my horse's ass, which he wasn't thrilled about. So I asked her, please keep some distance, he's gonna kick at some point. And she just laughed it off saying "oh, don't worry, I've been doing this for a year I'm like so experienced, I know what I'm doing." So I rolled my eyes and just kept at it, trying to steer away here and there.

Then we started making our way to the beach and I chose to ride in the back to avoid this problem again, so far so good. We finally get there, and we trot a bit before galloping along the shore and it's amazing. The wind, the sea, I loved it.

Got a whole 2 minutes of galloping in and guess who starts screaming and falls off her horse? Yep, this 'super experienced' lady. She was in pain and we had to go back. Waste of time and money.


I done this but for kids. Had one Mom who thought her son would never be able to do anything like ride a horse because he was in leg braces. Helped that my horse was conditioned around screaming and flailing arms, and gun fire, so she didn't spook easy.
One time I was leading my horse with a kid holding onto the saddle and told her not to kick her, because we weren't going to canter. My horse suddenly started shaking her head, I looked back and caught the kid kicking. Proud of my horse as she was aware of the kid being on her and didn't want to run with her on her.
She had all sorts of disabled kids on her. She was perfect for kids. Adults though, she would give them a run for their money. She wouldn't slow down. Had to walk her in circles around the group just to pace her.


As a trail guide, the SECOND a guest says something along the lines of "Oh yeah I ride all the time! I grew up with horses!" I smile politely and nod while the voice in my head says "Yeah... I'm putting you on the easiest horse I have."


My barn is known for trail rides and this is true!! People are just so dumb when it comes to horses and they think they know everything!


don’t forget about asking for “the white one”


So true. I met one exactly like this at a resort once. When they asked for level she of course called herself advanced. And she really wasnt cause she held her reins exactly like that. When we were done I was just hanging around when someone called my name. It was a woman I had met in competitions a couple of times and knew because I often came along as help. They were having a competition at the stable next door and she asked if I could help her cool down her horse as she had others to compete with. I barely had gotten on when this «expert« started berating me for lying, stating that it was so obvious I was a beginner. And that she should ride that horse. Even tried to grab the reins. The horse was starting to get spooked so I jumped off and clipped off one rein to avoid a tug of war with that poor horses bit. Of course then «experts« mom got involved demanding me to let her daughter ride the horse. So there I was trying to calm an increasingly scared horse while explaining that I couldnt let her because the horse owner had not given permission. Luckily someone alerted the owner who had to come back to stop a stranger trying to ride her the entitlement of some people.


I love how after she says she’s experienced then they pan down to her Sandals


You didn't cover the part where people think an older horse is a 'tamer horse'!


The thing that always gets me, is people who think they have control over these animals. I haven't ridden in a hot minuet, but I remember learning at a very young age that you are privileged to ride these animals. And that you will respect them or they will remind you to do so.


I usually hide the fact that I used to ride cause I want the instructors to give me a beginner friendly horse on trial rides. I always get a difficult horse if people know I can ride.


me who casually goes on trail rides on occasion and can confidently canter and jump: Trail master: "wanna trot?" me and my social anxiety: "Oh it's ok, only if you want"


I was on holiday and going on a trail ride and my hubby's friend's wife asked if she could come along. I told her "Sure, have you ridden before?" "Oh yes!" She assured me. "Often". I rang to book and assured the lady we were both experienced. When we got there my companion suddenly was terrified to get on, even in a small pen and screamed in fear at any attempt to trot. I was very annoyed, feeling embarrassed that I had assured them this woman was experienced, when she obviously was not... Another time my son's friend's Dad wanted to come and ride one of my horses. He was formerly a race horse trainer, I was told. When he turned up I handed him a bridle and he didn't know what to do with it... I had to saddle and bridle the horse for him. It takes a horse about a minute to figure out how experienced you are and the horse gave him a hard time. She wouldn't move. He flapped the reins, trying to get her to go, but she laughed at him. I handed him a stick, to use as a crop, but he didn't use it, so I gave her a quick slap and she decided to behave and moved off. He was so terrified that I didn't go past a walk the whole time. You can lie your ass off about your level of experience, but your lies will be exposed in an instant, to both the horse and your trail ride leader.


went for a vacation trail ride, and they were asking what our riding experience was. The girl in front of me says " Oh, I'm an expert! I've been riding for 2 years!" They then ask me, and I say " Oh, I'm not that great, I mean, I've competed in the nationals, but never got higher than 5th, and totally failed to make the Olympic team." The look on the girl's face was priceless. (and yes, I have competed in nationals)


“Can I ride that stallion?”
“SHE has the day off.”


This is why I can't stand being around other horse people. It's like it becomes a competition of who knows more about horses.
