Shocking Truths About the Godhead | GINO JENNINGS

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In this eye-opening video, Pastor Gino Jennings reveals the shocking truths about the Godhead in its purest form. Don't miss out on this enlightening discussion!
in this video, Pastor Gino Jennings will explain the Godhead in its purest form

When the Bible mentions Jesus standing at the right hand of God, it is often misconstrued as implying the existence of two separate entities. This misunderstanding can lead to confusion about the nature of Jesus and His relationship with God. In this video, Pastor Gino Jennings addresses these misconceptions by offering thorough biblical evidence and explanations. He delves into the scriptures to clarify what is meant by Jesus standing at the right hand of God, providing a detailed interpretation based on biblical texts. By watching this video, you will gain a deeper and more accurate understanding of this important passage of scripture, enhancing your comprehension of the mysteries within the Bible.

#ginojennings #god #viewzfromscriptures
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It's true according to John 10:17, 18
"Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life. No man taketh from me, but I lay it down myself. I HAVE POWER TO LAY IT DOWN, AND I HAVE POWER TO TAKE IT AGAIN. THIS COMMANDMENT HAVE I RECEIVED OF MY FATHER"


For them who has ears to listen let them hear what a spirit has to say always remember chapter 22 revelation just a voice crying in the


John 5:20 For the Father loveth the Son, and sheweth him all things that himself doeth: and he will shew him greater works than these, that ye may marvel.


1 Co. 15:28. When all things shall be subdued unto him, THEN SHALL THE SON BE (SUBJECT) UNTO HIM, THAT PUT ALL THINGS UNTO HIM


Common sense says if GOD sent Jesus that means he didn't go Jesus was sitting at the right hand of God. Praying for us.


Acts 33, 3
John 20, 28
Matthew 4, 7

God manifest in that body.
Why did not anyone recognize Jesus after the resurrection?

Hebrew 10, 20. The veil


I used to believe that and I have plenty of examples lieing examples


And John 2:20 Jesus Christ was just making a statement Jesus Christ did not raise them up God the Father did


Paul said that I suffer not a woman to preach Paul plainly said that and not God plainly Paul always separated what he said and what God didn't say. Many will be in hell because of this misinterpreted version
