For Those who Struggle

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Hope this helps a few of you. Truth is, there is no one answer - we just have to do the best we can and try, i know its super hard, but try to relax and enjoy this silly little thing called life. Its not that much of a big deal in the end :)

I hope you enjoyed this riding series and i know its a bit of a down note to end on but things are not always like the movies and this is reality for thousands of people.

Big Love.

Bike is a BMW R1200 GSA TE
Camera is a Drift Ghost S
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Автор saved my son's life by your words. I had him listen. Words can never say thank you enough.


I know you posted this nearly 4 years ago but its so relevant for me at the moment. A big thanks Chris


I used to struggle to go outside at all. Which pulled me to the initial solitude of motorcycling. Touring definitely taught me lots about what thoughts and worries are important. I don't know, still lots to work out. Good video and glad to see you are having a good crack at things.


Hi Baron. Good on you for having the confidence to publicly speak about mental health challenges. I had a nervous breakdown November 2014. Working 18 hours per day & no holiday for 15 years straight took its toll. I had a bike license but no bike. After I pulled my self off the couch with the help of medication & regathered stock I took myself over to a motorcycle dealership & bought a MT-07. Getting on bike again after 15 years was magic bullet as well as re-balancing my work/life balance. Now days I'm off the meds & I've got a 2016 TuonoRR which puts a grin on my face ear to ear. Before work I go to the gym to get the endorphin's flowing & take some 'me time'. We all have challenges be it financial issues, health issues, relationship issues, anything....we just need to slow down and take things easy. I fully agree. Simplify your life. If we can all find ways of making out respective lives more simple, lets do it and the advantages will add up. For the 22 people (as of 20/11/16) who gave this a thumbs must be the lucky ones who have no faults, challenges or difficulties in their day to day life.


I have to say Baron your life is exactly like mine. I have suffered with anxiety all of my life and I can totally relate to everything you were saying. Some of it we are born with and some of it is our upbringing. I had a very strict dad that made me worry about everything. I have found one incredible way of dealing with it . If you go out on a mountain bike for a couple of weeks just for one hour per day you would not believe how you end up feeling. A lot of what you suffer with is nervous tension that you would never believe you have but trust me we do. Cycling literally burns it off and also releases a chemical that makes us happy. Try it Baron and let me know how you get on. Its a credit to you for being so open mate.


Only solving the problems you can actually solve today is such sound advice. Keep getting after it big Chris lad.


I'd say your in the superhero category mate, you've helped a lot of people (including me) through your videos.


I feel your pain Baron. I just cannot relax, depression and anxiety beats my arse everyday for the last 13yrs now. Take care dude #muchlove


My wife asked me earlier what's the matter with me - I have no answer other than: "yeah, I'm OK." The reality is I'm pretty fucking far from OK but I have no idea how to snap out of it.

Your videos always touch home with me. Love the content as it always brings a smile.


Hahah, the "ahh, fuck you" under breath @1:24 was golden!


I think one of the reasons that people get into bikes is just this exact same struggle. You're not alone.


So recognizable. I'm constantly struggling with either going on a trip and worrying about everything or not going and not worrying (so much). Hearing you tearing up at the end was really, really recognizable.
You're not alone man, at least 1 person (me) understands what you mean.

Everybody wants to give advice on how to feel and how to act. "Try to worry about the problems happening now" "Don't worry about what's to come" ... But I really can't help it, worrying is part of the motorcycle-trip-routine for me.

Good luck to you and safe ride home to your boy!


Probably the single most helpful thing I've heard in years. Part of the reason I keep watching you is from one of your videos I remember you saying you struggle with depression, and anxiety, and are possibly on the autistic spectrum, and I am in exactly the same boat. It's just great to watch someone with the same struggles do all the things you do, your vlogs etc. but also seeing the company you've managed to build while struggling with this. To me you are a great deal more inspirational than someone like Gary Vee will ever be.


The fact that you are able to talk about this problem you're facing with such thought and insight shows that you're already well on your way, if not to recovery (I don't think such a thing exists in the case of depression or "struggle", nor should it necessarily), at least to an understanding and an acceptance of your own condition. Maturing isn't about solving every problem you see within yourself, real or imagined, but about learning to live the best life you can, complete with what you have to go through on a day to day. And by that measure, you're in an extremely good place.

We are who we are not just because of our strengths, but also because of our weaknesses. Take it a day at a time, and remember that there are a million people out here in the world, myself included, who also struggle alongside you, whether aloud or in silence. Really great content on your channel lately.


Thanks for posting about anxiety and depression. It's worst of all when you don't know what's afflicting you- you're just feel constantly oppressed. Knowing that others go through the exact same thing, and that you can get help was immense for me.


I've always had my ups and downs so I know exactly how you feel, takes a lot of guts to upload a video talking about it! respect man.
you're by far the best on here in my opinion.


You are spot-on Baron, when you say the best thing would be to get a network of people around you that feel the same way.They are, without a doubt in my mind, the only ones who can support us.


You've summed that up so well. I've been a habitual worrier all my life. I'm in my 50's now and have finally realized that there is no point worrying about things that you can't control. One day at a time and focus on how blessed we are with all the good things in our lives. Thank you so much for sharing this. There are lots of us out there. mountains will always heal you buddy.


I have depression and I had it for 2 years now, it fucked me pretty well... lately I started doing more stuff and trying to fix it but I realised that I just have to keep myself busy and do things. As soon as I stop doing productive things, I'm depressed AF.
At the end I'm still depressed but that's all I can do. Oh well dude, hopefully you'll be able to live better, and btw this month you uploaded great videos.


If you tell someone just to cheer up you will just make thing worse. You have to go with them into the darkness and stay with them, hear them, be with them. That is empathy. Dont try to fix them...just hear them. Your friends dont need you to fix them, they need you to just be with them and listen.
