Seven Mysterious Beings REBUILT Civilization After the Great Flood

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What caused these prediluvian cities to disappear and who helped rebuild civilization on Earth after the great flood?

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We haven't forgotten...we have been lied too by those who figured out how to control people through telling a different story.


The seven sages (saptharishis) of India were enlightend beings. Their Guru, no other than the almighty Shiva himself, the very first yogi but he is much more than that.
My theory is the same story keeps cropping up because they're stories from different epochs, different times but time is cyclic, we are doing the same thing over and over again until we get it right. Om Namah Shiva 🙏


I feel like humanity keeps getting reset by natural disasters before we get too advanced.


It’s crazy just how much we really don’t know about our past.


In the north eastern part of india in the south of the manipur state we also have a story or say "folk" about "Pasaltha pasari hai" literally meaning (the Seven great men) who are actually known to have found the villages and civilization on the area, we also have a stone structure with seven dents which we call it (pasaltha pasari hai lung tât) meaning their whetstone which is believed to be used by them


Helle @Gaia
I am from North Eastern part of India, a state known Meghalaya boasting for having the heaviest rainfall in the world .
The tribe Khasi, the origin yet unknown but have practice of monolith and is said that they come from 7 people who didn't go back to heaven also known as "hynniew trep" .
Please look it up and the monolith being the oldest not knowing it's utility or uses but it is built during ritual in ancient times


Damn, that gives a whole new meaning to snow white and the SEVEN dwarfs


If I remember correctly the seven rishis referenced in india are not 7 specific individuals but more like I group of 7 where the new members replace older ones - constantly maintaining the 7 head count.
It's possible that this group are well traveled knowledgeable individuals imparting wisdom everywhere they ago all over the world.
The bigger question is how advanced was the knowledge they possessed.


In India we call them "Saptha Rishis", literally means "7 sages".


You are a privileged mind. I admire your courage to bring to light the topics that the establishment wants to hide from us. God bless you.❤❤❤


When the oceans rose at the end of the pleistocene, they took a lot of good coastal land where you would expect settlements to be. It more or less goes without saying that things had to be lost.


I often wonder what knowledge they have locked away in the Vatican archives


I personally believe that the human race has endured countless cataclysmic events over millenia that we only just survived from many times leaving us to start all over again with fragments of buildings left from the last great civilisations all over the world. India, South America, Turkey, Persia and Egypt to name a few. We're finding more and more all over the world. Like the ice age flood, I believe that's where we get the Noah story from. Very interesting and I love it.


Not forgotten, hidden from us. I have a theory that the same families are surviving over and over again by passing on this knowledge, but only through specific bloodlines. The only way to access the information that is hidden from the rest of us is to buy your way in, or to be born into a certain family. When I was growing up my mom used to say (about celebrities and famous people) they live on a different planet than you and I do. Their reality is completely different from ours. They have access to medical treatments and information that we little people can't even imagine. The older I get, the more I understand exactly what she meant.


Absolutely true regarding human amnesia. It is apparent that this syndrome is still going on. Humans hardly ever learn from our mistakes. It's just great that people are now learning about our real hystory.


We haven’t forgotten, it’s been buried by those with greedy eyes…


The 7 canoes that founded New Zealand from Hawaiki. There's also 7 canoes that came out of Rarotonga, Cook Islands.
Rata and Maui the Navigator voyages from Egypt to Hawaii, Western Coast America and South America, Easter Islands, Cook Islands, Australia Gympie and then NZ. In Maori legends Rata and Maui the Navigator discovered NZ when they sailed from the mother land Hawaiki. Maori word for Sun is the same as Egyptian Ra.


I thank all of those who devoted their lives to learn and teach what has been taught. However, long after your years have passed, this will of all been worth it. I'll die making it worth it for us all if I have too


I agree with this. Wars, serial mass killings, massacres made us lost track off past memories. Now slowly we gain back our memories and we can start to build better future for our generations.


Mr. Hancock, I could sit with you for hours and try to cure our human amnesia. It has been one of the biggest questions of my lifetime that I can't seem to let go of. Who are we and why are we here and what happened to us us? I feel a sense of deep sadness that something happened to us that made us who we are today which tragically made us forget our place in the circle of life. Because of this crime against our ancient ancestors, all other life on this planet has had to suffer our ignorance.
